require 'set' require 'surrounded/context/role_map' require 'surrounded/access_control' require 'surrounded/shortcuts' require 'surrounded/east_oriented' # Some features are only available in versions of Ruby # where this method is true unless defined?(module_method_rebinding?) def module_method_rebinding? return @__module_method_rebinding__ if defined?(@__module_method_rebinding__) sample_method = Enumerable.instance_method(:to_a) @__module_method_rebinding__ = begin !!sample_method.bind( rescue TypeError false end end end # Extend your classes with Surrounded::Context to handle their # initialization and application of behaviors to the role players # passed into the constructor. # # The purpose of this module is to help you create context objects # which encapsulate the interaction and behavior of objects inside. module Surrounded module Context def self.extended(base) base.class_eval { @triggers = include InstanceMethods } end def new(*args, &block) instance = allocate instance.send(:preinitialize) instance.send(:initialize, *args, &block) instance.send(:postinitialize) instance end # Provides a Set of all available trigger methods where # behaviors will be applied to the roles before execution # and removed afterward. def triggers @triggers.dup end private # Set the default type of implementation for role methods for all contexts. def self.default_role_type @default_role_type ||= :module end class << self attr_writer :default_role_type end # Provide the ability to create access control methods for your triggers. def protect_triggers; self.extend(::Surrounded::AccessControl); end # Automatically create class methods for each trigger method. def shortcut_triggers; self.extend(::Surrounded::Shortcuts); end # Automatically return the context object from trigger methods. def east_oriented_triggers; self.extend(::Surrounded::EastOriented); end def default_role_type @default_role_type ||= Surrounded::Context.default_role_type end # Set the default type of implementation for role method for an individual context. def default_role_type=(type) @default_role_type = type end # Set the time to apply roles to objects. Either :trigger or :initialize. # Defaults to :trigger def apply_roles_on(which) @__apply_role_policy = which end def __apply_role_policy @__apply_role_policy ||= :trigger end # Shorthand for creating an instance level initialize method which # handles the mapping of the given arguments to their named role. def initialize(*setup_args) private_attr_reader(*setup_args) class_eval " def initialize(#{setup_args.join(',')}) preinitialize arguments = method(__method__){|arg| eval(arg[1].to_s) } @role_map = map_roles(#{setup_args}.zip(arguments)) postinitialize end ", __FILE__, __LINE__ end # Create a named behavior for a role using the standard library SimpleDelegator. def wrap(name, &block) require 'delegate' wrapper_name = name.to_s.gsub(/(?:^|_)([a-z])/){ $1.upcase } klass = private_const_set(wrapper_name,, &block)) klass.send(:include, Surrounded) end alias_method :wrapper, :wrap if module_method_rebinding? # Create an object which will bind methods to the role player def interface(name, &block) class_basename = name.to_s.gsub(/(?:^|_)([a-z])/){ $1.upcase } interface_name = class_basename + 'Interface' behavior = private_const_set(interface_name, require 'surrounded/context/negotiator' undef_method(name) define_method(name) do instance_variable_set("@#{name}",, behavior)) end end end # Define behaviors for your role players def role(name, type=nil, &block) role_type = type || default_role_type if role_type == :module mod_name = name.to_s.gsub(/(?:^|_)([a-z])/){ $1.upcase } private_const_set(mod_name, else meth = method(role_type), &block) end rescue NameError => e raise e.extend(InvalidRoleType) end alias_method :role_methods, :role # Creates a context instance method which will apply behaviors to role players # before execution and remove the behaviors after execution. # # Alternatively you may define your own methods then declare them as triggers # afterward. # # Example: # trigger :some_event do # # code here # end # # def some_event # # code here # end # trigger :some_event # def trigger(*names, &block) if block.nil? names.each do |name| define_trigger_method(name, &block) end else name = names.first define_method(:"__trigger_#{name}", &block) private :"__trigger_#{name}" store_trigger(name) redo_method(name) end end def store_trigger(*names) @triggers.merge(names) end def define_trigger_method(name, &block) unless triggers.include?(name) || name.nil? alias_method :"__trigger_#{name}", :"#{name}" private :"__trigger_#{name}" remove_method :"#{name}" redo_method(name) store_trigger(name) end end def redo_method(name) class_eval %{ def #{name} begin apply_roles if __apply_role_policy == :trigger #{trigger_return_content(name)} ensure remove_roles if __apply_role_policy == :trigger end end }, __FILE__, __LINE__ end def trigger_return_content(name) %{self.send("__trigger_#{name}")} end # === Utility shortcuts # Set a named constant and make it private def private_const_set(name, const) unless self.const_defined?(name, false) const = const_set(name, const) private_constant name.to_sym end const end # Create attr_reader for the named methods and make them private def private_attr_reader(*method_names) attr_reader(*method_names) private(*method_names) end # Conditional const_get for a named role behavior def role_const(name) if const_defined?(name) const_get(name) end end module InstanceMethods # Check whether a given name is a role inside the context. # The provided block is used to evaluate whether or not the caller # is allowed to inquire about the roles. def role?(name, &block) return false unless role_map.role?(name) accessor = block.binding.eval('self') role_map.role_player?(accessor) && role_map.assigned_player(name) end # Check if a given object is a role player in the context. def role_player?(obj) role_map.role_player?(obj) end def triggers self.class.triggers end private def preinitialize @__apply_role_policy = self.class.send(:__apply_role_policy) end def postinitialize apply_roles if __apply_role_policy == :initialize end def role_map @role_map ||= end def map_roles(role_object_array) role_object_array.each do |role, object| map_role(role, role_behavior_name(role), object) end end def map_role(role, mod_name, object) instance_variable_set("@#{role}", object) role_map.update(role, mod_name, object) end def __apply_role_policy @__apply_role_policy end def add_interface(role, behavior, object) applicator = behavior.is_a?(Class) ? method(:add_class_interface) : method(:add_module_interface) role_player =, behavior) map_role(role, role_module_basename(behavior), role_player) if behavior role_player.send(:store_context, self){} role_player end def add_module_interface(obj, mod) adder_name = module_extension_methods.find{|meth| obj.respond_to?(meth) } return obj if !adder_name obj.method(adder_name).call(mod) obj end def add_class_interface(obj, klass) wrapper_name = wrap_methods.find{|meth| klass.respond_to?(meth) } return obj if !wrapper_name klass.method(wrapper_name).call(obj) end def remove_interface(role, behavior, object) remover_name = (module_removal_methods + unwrap_methods).find{|meth| object.respond_to?(meth) } return object if !remover_name object.send(:remove_context) do; end role_player = object.method(remover_name).call map_role(role, role_module_basename(behavior), role_player) if behavior role_player end def apply_roles traverse_map method(:add_interface) end def remove_roles traverse_map method(:remove_interface) end def traverse_map(applicator) role_map.each do |role, mod_name, object| if role_const_defined?(mod_name), role_const(mod_name), object) end end end # List of possible methods to use to add behavior to an object from a module. def module_extension_methods [:cast_as, :extend] end # List of possible methods to use to add behavior to an object from a wrapper. def wrap_methods [:new] end # List of possible methods to use to remove behavior from an object with a module. def module_removal_methods [:uncast] end # List of possible methods to use to remove behavior from an object with a wrapper. def unwrap_methods [:__getobj__] end def role_behavior_name(role) role.to_s.gsub(/(?:^|_)([a-z])/) { $1.upcase }.sub(/_\d+/,'') end def role_module_basename(mod) mod.to_s.split('::').last end def role_const(name) self.class.send(:role_const, name) end def role_const_defined?(name) self.class.const_defined?(name) end end end end