module Eps class NaiveBayes < BaseEstimator attr_reader :probabilities def accuracy Eps::Metrics.accuracy(@train_set.label, predict(@train_set), weight: @train_set.weight) end private # TODO better summary def _summary(extended: false) str ="") probabilities[:prior].each do |k, v| str += "#{k}: #{v}\n" end str end def _train(smoothing: 1, **options) raise "Target must be strings" if @target_type != "categorical" check_missing_value(@train_set) check_missing_value(@validation_set) if @validation_set raise ArgumentError, "weight not supported" if @train_set.weight data = @train_set prep_text_features(data) # convert boolean to strings data.label = indexes = {} data.label.each_with_index do |yi, i| (indexes[yi] ||= []) << i end grouped = {} indexes.each do |k, v| grouped[k] = data[v] end prior = {} grouped.sort_by { |k, _| k }.each do |k, v| prior[k] = v.size end labels = prior.keys target_counts = {} labels.each do |k| target_counts[k] = 0 end conditional = {} @features.each do |k, type| prob = {} case type when "text" raise "Text features not supported yet for naive Bayes" when "categorical" groups = { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] } data.columns[k].each_with_index do |v, i| groups[v] << i end groups.each do |group, indexes| df = data[indexes] prob[group] = group_count(df.label, target_counts.dup) end # smooth if smoothing labels.each do |label| sum = { |k2, v2| v2[label] }.sum.to_f prob.each do |k2, v| v[label] = (v[label] + smoothing) * sum / (sum + (prob.size * smoothing)) end end end else labels.each do |group| xs = grouped[group] # TODO handle this case next unless xs values = xs.columns[k] prob[group] = {mean: mean(values), stdev: stdev(values)} end end conditional[k] = prob end @probabilities = { prior: prior, conditional: conditional } probabilities, features: @features) end def group_count(arr, start) arr.inject(start) { |h, e| h[e] += 1; h } end def mean(arr) arr.sum / arr.size.to_f end def stdev(arr) return nil if arr.size <= 1 m = mean(arr) sum = arr.inject(0) { |accum, i| accum + (i - m)**2 } Math.sqrt(sum / (arr.length - 1).to_f) end end end