module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues ONE_SIGNAL_APP_ID = :ONE_SIGNAL_APP_ID ONE_SIGNAL_APP_AUTH_KEY = :ONE_SIGNAL_APP_AUTH_KEY end class OnesignalAction < Action def require 'net/http' require 'uri' require 'base64' UI.message("Parameter App name: #{params[:app_name]}") auth_token = params[:auth_token] app_name = params[:app_name] apns_p12_password = params[:apns_p12_password] android_token = params[:android_token] payload = {} payload['name'] = app_name unless params[:apns_p12].nil? data =[:apns_p12]) apns_p12 = Base64.encode64(data) payload["apns_env"] = params[:apns_env] payload["apns_p12"] = apns_p12 # we need to have something for the p12 password, even if it's an empty string payload["apns_p12_password"] = apns_p12_password || "" end payload["gcm_key"] = android_token unless android_token.nil? # here's the actual lifting - POST to OneSignal json_headers = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Authorization' => "Basic #{auth_token}" } uri = URI.parse('') http =, uri.port) http.use_ssl = true response =, payload.to_json, json_headers) response_body = JSON.parse(response.body) Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::ONE_SIGNAL_APP_ID] = response_body["id"] Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::ONE_SIGNAL_APP_AUTH_KEY] = response_body["basic_auth_key"] check_response_code(response) end def self.check_response_code(response) case response.code.to_i when 200, 204 puts "Successfully created new OneSignal app".green else UI.user_error!("Unexpected #{response.code} with response: #{response.body}") end end def self.description "Create a new OneSignal application" end def self.details "You can use this action to automatically create a OneSignal application. You can also upload a .p12 with password, a GCM key, or both" end def self.available_options [ :auth_token, env_name: "ONE_SIGNAL_AUTH_KEY", sensitive: true, description: "OneSignal Authorization Key", verify_block: proc do |value| unless value.to_s.length > 0 UI.error("Please add 'ENV[\"ONE_SIGNAL_AUTH_KEY\"] = \"your token\"' to your Fastfile's `before_all` section.") UI.user_error!("No ONE_SIGNAL_AUTH_KEY given.") end end), :app_name, env_name: "ONE_SIGNAL_APP_NAME", description: "OneSignal App Name", verify_block: proc do |value| unless value.to_s.length > 0 UI.error("Please add 'ENV[\"ONE_SIGNAL_APP_NAME\"] = \"Your app name\"' to your Fastfile's `before_all` section.") UI.user_error!("No ONE_SIGNAL_APP_NAME given.") end end), :android_token, env_name: "ANDROID_TOKEN", description: "ANDROID GCM KEY", sensitive: true, optional: true), :apns_p12, env_name: "APNS_P12", description: "APNS P12 File (in .p12 format)", optional: true), :apns_p12_password, env_name: "APNS_P12_PASSWORD", sensitive: true, description: "APNS P12 password", optional: true), :apns_env, env_name: "APNS_ENV", description: "APNS environment", optional: true, default_value: 'production') ] end def self.output [ ['ONE_SIGNAL_APP_ID', 'The OneSignal app ID of the newly created app'], ['ONE_SIGNAL_APP_AUTH_KEY', 'The auth token for the newly created OneSignal app'] ] end def self.authors ["timothybarraclough", "smartshowltd"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) platform == :ios end def self.example_code [ 'onesignal( auth_token: "Your OneSignal Auth Token", app_name: "Name for OneSignal App", android_token: "Your Android GCM key (optional)", apns_p12: "Path to Apple .p12 file (optional)", apns_p12_password: "Password for .p12 file (optional)", apns_env: "production/sandbox (defaults to production)" )' ] end def self.category :push end end end end