require 'rubygems' require 'bitescript' require File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), 'compilable.rb') require 'fileutils' module Ruby2Java class JavaCompiler RubyObject = org.jruby.RubyObject RubyBasicObject = org.jruby.RubyBasicObject Ruby = org.jruby.Ruby RubyClass = org.jruby.RubyClass IRubyObject = org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject ThreadContext = org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext LoadService = org.jruby.runtime.load.LoadService JClass = java.lang.Class JavaUtil = org.jruby.javasupport.JavaUtil JObject = java.lang.Object def initialize(source_name) @file_builder = end def write_files @file_builder.generate do |name, builder| FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(name), 'w') do |f| f.write(builder.generate) end end end def process_class(ruby_class_path, ruby_class, java_name, *require_files) @file_builder.package = ruby_class.package_name if ruby_class.package_name cb = @file_builder.public_class(java_name, RubyObject, *ruby_class.interfaces); # field to hold the RubyClass reference cb.private_static_field "__ruby_class__", RubyClass # If a require file is specified, load it in static initializer cb.static_init do invokestatic Ruby, "getGlobalRuntime", [Ruby] require_files.each do |require_file| dup ldc ldc require_file invokevirtual Ruby, "executeScript", [IRubyObject, cb.string, cb.string] pop end ldc ruby_class_path invokevirtual Ruby, "getClass", [RubyClass, cb.string] dup putstatic this, "__ruby_class__", RubyClass ldc invokestatic JClass, "forName", [JClass, string] invokevirtual RubyClass, "setClassAllocator", [void, JClass] # load the script contents into the class file returnvoid end cb.public_constructor do aload 0 invokestatic Ruby, "getGlobalRuntime", [Ruby] getstatic this, "__ruby_class__", RubyClass invokespecial RubyObject, "", [cb.void, Ruby, RubyClass] returnvoid end for method_name in ruby_class.public_instance_methods(false) do method = ruby_class.instance_method(method_name) signatures = if ruby_class.respond_to? :signatures ruby_class.signatures[method_name] else nil end annotations = if ruby_class.respond_to? :annotations ruby_class.annotations[method_name] else nil end create_method(cb, method_name, method, signatures, annotations) end for method_name in ruby_class.public_methods(false) do method = ruby_class.method(method_name) signatures = if ruby_class.respond_to? :static_signatures ruby_class.static_signatures[method_name] else nil end annotations = if ruby_class.respond_to? :static_annotations ruby_class.static_annotations[method_name] else nil end create_method(cb, method_name, method, signatures, annotations, :static => true) end end def create_method(cb, method_name, method, signatures = nil, annotations = nil, options = {}) java_signature = true unless signatures signatures = Signature.undefined_for_arity(method.arity) java_signature = false end for s in signatures do if options[:static] mb = cb.public_static_method method_name, s.retval, *(s.params) else mb = cb.public_method method_name, s.retval, *(s.params) end mb.start if annotations && annotations.size > 0 # define annotations annotations.each do |anno_cls, anno_data| mb.annotate(anno_cls, true) do |anno| anno_data.each {|k,v| anno.send(k + "=", v)} if anno_data end end end # prepare receiver, context, and method name for callMethod later options[:static] ? mb.getstatic(mb.this, "__ruby_class__", RubyClass) : mb.aload(0) mb.dup mb.invokeinterface IRubyObject, "getRuntime", [Ruby] ruby_index = first_local(s.params, !options[:static]) mb.dup; mb.astore ruby_index mb.invokevirtual Ruby, "getCurrentContext", [ThreadContext] mb.ldc method_name # TODO: arity-specific calling if java_signature java_args(mb, method, s.params, ruby_index, options) else ruby_args(mb, method, ruby_index, options) end # invoke the method dynamically # TODO: this could have a simple inline cache mb.invokevirtual RubyBasicObject, "callMethod", [IRubyObject, ThreadContext, mb.string, IRubyObject[]] # return the result if java_signature java_return(mb, s.retval) else ruby_return(mb, s.retval) end mb.stop end end def first_local(params, instance = true) i = instance ? 1 : 0 params.each do |param| if param == Java::long || param == Java::double i += 2 else i += 1 end end i end def java_args(mb, method, params, ruby_index, options = {}) # We have a signature and need to use java integration logic mb.ldc params.size mb.anewarray IRubyObject base = options[:static] ? 0 : 1 index = base 0.upto(params.size - 1) do |i| mb.dup mb.ldc i mb.aload ruby_index param_type = params[i - 1] if [mb.boolean, mb.byte, mb.short, mb.char,].include? param_type mb.iload index + base mb.invokestatic JavaUtil, "convertJavaToRuby", [IRubyObject, Ruby,] elsif mb.long == param_type mb.lload index + base mb.invokestatic JavaUtil, "convertJavaToRuby", [IRubyObject, Ruby, mb.long] index += 1 elsif mb.float == param_type mb.fload index + base mb.invokestatic JavaUtil, "convertJavaToRuby", [IRubyObject, Ruby, mb.float] elsif mb.double == param_type mb.dload index + base mb.invokestatic JavaUtil, "convertJavaToRuby", [IRubyObject, Ruby, mb.double] index += 1 else mb.aload index + base mb.invokestatic JavaUtil, "convertJavaToUsableRubyObject", [IRubyObject, Ruby, mb.object] end mb.aastore index += 1 end end def ruby_args(mb, method, ruby_index, options = {}) if method.arity < 0 # restarg or optarg, just pass array through mb.aload options[:static] ? 0 : 1 else # all normal args, box them up mb.ldc method.arity mb.anewarray IRubyObject i = ruby_index; base = options[:static] ? 0 : 1 0.upto(method.arity - 1) do |i| mb.dup mb.ldc i mb.aload i + base mb.aastore end end end def ruby_return(mb, retval) mb.areturn end def java_return(mb, retval) if mb.boolean == retval mb.invokestatic JavaUtil, "convertRubyToJavaBoolean", [mb.boolean, IRubyObject] mb.ireturn elsif mb.byte == retval mb.invokestatic JavaUtil, "convertRubyToJavaByte", [mb.byte, IRubyObject] mb.ireturn elsif mb.short == retval mb.invokestatic JavaUtil, "convertRubyToJavaShort", [mb.short, IRubyObject] mb.ireturn elsif mb.char == retval mb.invokestatic JavaUtil, "convertRubyToJavaChar", [mb.char, IRubyObject] mb.ireturn elsif == retval mb.invokestatic JavaUtil, "convertRubyToJavaInt", [, IRubyObject] mb.ireturn elsif mb.long == retval mb.invokestatic JavaUtil, "convertRubyToJavaLong", [mb.long, IRubyObject] mb.lreturn elsif mb.float == retval mb.invokestatic JavaUtil, "convertRubyToJavaFloat", [mb.float, IRubyObject] mb.freturn elsif mb.double == retval mb.invokestatic JavaUtil, "convertRubyToJavaDouble", [mb.double, IRubyObject] mb.dreturn elsif retval == mb.void || retval == nil mb.pop mb.returnvoid else mb.ldc retval mb.invokestatic JavaUtil, "convertRubyToJava", [JObject, IRubyObject, JClass] mb.areturn end end end end