using AIXM::Refinements module AIXM class Component # Frequencies used by a service. # # By default, {#reception_f} is set to the same value as {#transmission_f} # since most services rely on simplex (aka: non-duplex) two-way # communication. For services with one-way communication only such as ATIS, # the {#reception_f} has to be set to +nil+ explicitly! # # ===Cheat Sheet in Pseudo Code: # frequency = AIXM.frequency( # transmission_f: AIXM.f # callsigns: Hash # ) # frequency.reception_f = AIXM.f or nil # frequency.type = TYPES or nil # frequency.timetable = AIXM.timetable or nil # frequency.remarks = String or nil # # @see class Frequency TYPES = { STD: :standard, ALT: :alternative, EMRG: :emergency, GUARD: :guard, MIL: :military, CIV: :civilian, OTHER: :other # specify in remarks }.freeze # @return [AIXM::Feature::Service] service the frequency belongs to attr_reader :service # @return [AIXM::F] frequency for transmission (outgoing) attr_reader :transmission_f # @example # { en: "STRASBOURG CONTROL", fr: "STRASBOURG CONTROLE" } # # @return [Hash] map from languages (ISO 639-1) to callsigns attr_reader :callsigns # @note One-way services such as ATIS should set this to +nil+ and simplex # (aka: non-duplex) communication should set this to {#transmission_f}. # @return [AIXM::F, nil] frequency for reception (incoming) attr_reader :reception_f # @return [Symbol, nil] type of frequency (see {TYPES}) attr_reader :type # @return [AIXM::Component::Timetable, nil] operating hours attr_reader :timetable # @return [String, nil] free text remarks attr_reader :remarks def initialize(transmission_f:, callsigns:) self.transmission_f, self.callsigns = transmission_f, callsigns self.reception_f = transmission_f end # @return [String] def inspect %Q(#<#{self.class} transmission_f=#{transmission_f.inspect} callsigns=#{callsigns.inspect}>) end def service=(value) fail(ArgumentError, "invalid service") unless value.is_a? AIXM::Feature::Service @service = value end private :service= def transmission_f=(value) fail(ArgumentError, "invalid transmission_f") unless value.is_a? AIXM::F @transmission_f = value end def callsigns=(value) fail(ArgumentError, "invalid callsigns") unless value.is_a?(Hash) @callsigns = value.transform_keys { |k| k.to_sym.downcase }.transform_values { |v| v.to_s.uptrans } end def reception_f=(value) fail(ArgumentError, "invalid reception_f") unless value.nil? || value.is_a?(AIXM::F) @reception_f = value end def type=(value) @type = value.nil? ? nil : TYPES.lookup(value.to_s.to_sym, nil) || fail(ArgumentError, "invalid type") end def timetable=(value) fail(ArgumentError, "invalid timetable") unless value.nil? || value.is_a?(AIXM::Component::Timetable) @timetable = value end def remarks=(value) @remarks = value&.to_s end # @return [String] UID markup def to_uid builder = 2) builder.FqyUid do |fqy_uid| fqy_uid << service.to_uid.indent(2) fqy_uid.valFreqTrans(transmission_f.freq) end end # @return [String] AIXM or OFMX markup def to_xml builder = 2) builder.Fqy do |fqy| fqy << to_uid.indent(2) fqy.valFreqRec(reception_f.freq) if reception_f fqy.uomFreq(transmission_f.unit.upcase.to_s) fqy << timetable.to_xml(as: :Ftt).indent(2) if timetable fqy.txtRmk(remarks) if remarks callsigns.each do |language, callsign| fqy.Cdl do |cdl| cdl.txtCallSign(callsign) cdl.codeLang(language.upcase.to_s) end end! end end end end end