# ruby-oembed [![Gem](https://img.shields.io/gem/v/ruby-oembed.svg)](https://rubygems.org/gems/ruby-oembed) [![Travis CI](https://img.shields.io/travis/com/ruby-oembed/ruby-oembed.svg)](https://app.travis-ci.com/github/ruby-oembed/ruby-oembed) [![Code Climate](https://img.shields.io/codeclimate/maintainability/ruby-oembed/ruby-oembed.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/ruby-oembed/ruby-oembed) [![Coveralls](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/ruby-oembed/ruby-oembed/badge.svg?branch=coveralls)](https://coveralls.io/github/ruby-oembed/ruby-oembed?branch=coveralls) ![Maintenance](https://img.shields.io/maintenance/yes/2022.svg) An oEmbed consumer library written in Ruby, letting you easily get embeddable HTML representations of supported web pages, based on their URLs. See [oembed.com](http://oembed.com) for more about the protocol. # Installation gem install ruby-oembed # Get Started ## Built-in Providers The easiest way to use this library is to make use of the built-in providers. ```ruby OEmbed::Providers.register_all resource = OEmbed::Providers.get('http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BYXBC8WQ5k') resource.video? #=> true resource.thumbnail_url #=> "http://i3.ytimg.com/vi/2BYXBC8WQ5k/hqdefault.jpg" resource.html #=> <<-HTML HTML ``` ### Providers requiring an access token Some built-in providers require authorization in order to work. These providers won't be registered unless an access token is provided. You can either pass access tokens to the `register_app` method. ```ruby OEmbed::Providers.register_all(access_tokens: { facebook: @my_facebook_token }) ``` Or you can provide access tokens via environment variable ```ruby ENV['OEMBED_FACEBOOK_TOKEN'] #=> 'my-access-token' OEmbed::Providers.register_all ``` #### Currently supported access tokens | access_token | environment variable | Associated Providers | |--------------|-------------------------|----------------------| | `:facebook` | `OEMBED_FACEBOOK_TOKEN` | `FacebookPost`, `FacebookVideo`, `Instagram` | ## Custom Providers If you'd like to use a provider that isn't included in the library, it's easy to create one. Just provide the oEmbed API endpoint and URL scheme(s). ```ruby my_provider = OEmbed::Provider.new("http://my.cool-service.com/api/oembed_endpoint.{format}") my_provider << "http://*.cool-service.com/image/*" my_provider << "http://*.cool-service.com/video/*" ``` You can then use your new custom provider *or* you can register it along with the rest of the built-in providers. ```ruby resource = my_provider.get("http://a.cool-service.com/video/1") #=> OEmbed::Response resource.provider.name #=> "My Cool Service" OEmbed::Providers.register(my_provider) resource = OEmbed::Providers.get("http://a.cool-service.com/video/2") #=> OEmbed::Response ``` ## Fallback Providers Last but not least, ruby-oembed supports [Noembed](https://noembed.com/), [Embedly](http://embed.ly), provider discovery. The first two are provider aggregators. Each supports a wide array of websites ranging from [Amazon.com](http://www.amazon.com) to [xkcd](http://www.xkcd.com). The later is part of the oEmbed specification that allows websites to advertise support for the oEmbed protocol. ```ruby OEmbed::Providers.register_fallback( OEmbed::ProviderDiscovery, OEmbed::Providers::Noembed ) OEmbed::Providers.get('https://www.xkcd.com/802/') #=> OEmbed::Response ``` ## Formatters This library works wonderfully on its own, but can get a speed boost by using 3rd party libraries to parse oEmbed data. To use a 3rd party Formatter, just be sure to require the library _before_ ruby-oembed (or include them in your Gemfile before ruby-oembed). ```ruby require 'json' require 'xmlsimple' require 'oembed' OEmbed::Formatter::JSON.backend #=> OEmbed::Formatter::JSON::Backends::JSONGem OEmbed::Formatter::XML.backend #=> OEmbed::Formatter::XML::Backends::XmlSimple ``` The following, optional, backends are currently supported: * The [JSON implementation for Ruby](http://flori.github.com/json/) * Rails' ActiveSupport::JSON (confirmed to work with Rails 3.0.x and should work with Rails 2.0+) * [XmlSimple](http://xml-simple.rubyforge.org/) # Lend a Hand Code for the ruby-oembed library is [hosted on GitHub](https://github.com/ruby-oembed/ruby-oembed). ```bash # Get the code. git clone git://github.com/ruby-oembed/ruby-oembed.git cd ruby-oembed # Install all development-related gems. gem install bundler bundle install # Run the tests. bundle exec rake # or run the test continually bundle exec guard ``` If you encounter any bug, feel free to [create an Issue](https://github.com/ruby-oembed/ruby-oembed/issues). We gladly accept pull requests! Just [fork](http://help.github.com/forking/) the library and commit your changes along with relevant tests. Once you're happy with the changes, [send a pull request](http://help.github.com/pull-requests/). We do our best to [keep our tests green](https://app.travis-ci.com/github/ruby-oembed/ruby-oembed) # Contributors Thanks to [all who have made contributions](https://github.com/ruby-oembed/ruby-oembed/contributors) to this gem, both large and small. # License This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.