Mongoid::Shell ============== [![Gem Version](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![Code Climate](]( Create mongo command-lines from Mongoid configuration. For example, connect to your production database without having to remember the entire command line using a `db:production:shell` Rake task. ``` ruby namespace :db namespace :production task :shell Mongoid.load! File.join(Rails.root, "config/mongoid.yml"), :production system end end end ``` Commands can be created for the current default session or you can pass a session as an argument to a new command. ``` ruby # will use Mongoid.default_session[ "" ])) ``` Commands accept parameters. ``` ruby out = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'db_backup') mongodump = 'another_database', out: out) system mongodump.to_s # mongodump --db another_database --out /tmp/db_backup ``` To specify parameters multiple times, set them to arrays. ``` ruby mongodump = %w(users products)) system mongodump.to_s # mongodump --collection users --collection products ``` Compatibility ------------- This gem supports Mongoid 3, 4 and 5. Supported Commands ------------------ ### Mongo The mongo shell is an interactive JavaScript shell for MongoDB. The `Mongoid::Shell::Commands::Mongo` class generates a command line to connect to MongoDB. A particularly useful feature is that it will always yield the address of the master node of a MongoDB replica set. ``` ruby ``` Supports `--username`, `--password`, `--eval`, `--nodb`, `--norc`, `--quiet` and `--ipv6`. ### Mongodump Mongodump is a utility for creating a binary export of the contents of a database. ``` ruby mongodump ={ collection: 'test' }) mongodump.to_s # mongodump --db test --collection test ``` The `Mongoid::Shell::Commands::Mongodump` class supports `--db`, `--host`, `--username`, `--password`, `--query`, `--out`, `--collection`, `--excludeCollection`, `--excludeCollectionsWithPrefix`, `--directoryperdb`, `--journal`, `--oplog`, `--repair`, `--forceTableScan`, `--dbpath` and `--ipv6`. ### Mongorestore The mongorestore tool imports content from binary database dump, created by mongodump into a specific database. ``` ruby mongorestore ={ collection: 'test', restore: '/tmp/db_backup' }) mongorestore.to_s # mongorestore --db test --collection test /tmp/db_backup ``` The `Mongoid::Shell::Commands::Mongorestore` class supports `--db`, `--host`, `--username`, `--password`, `--collection`, `--ipv6`, `--dbpath`, `--directoryperdb`, `--journal`, `--objcheck`, `--filter`, `--drop`, `--oplogReplay`, `--keepIndexVersion` and `--noIndexRestore`. ### Mongoexport The mongoexport tool produces a JSON or CSV export of data stored in a MongoDB instance. ``` ruby mongoexport ={ collection: 'traffic', out: 'traffic.json' }) mongoexport.to_s # mongoexport --db test --collection traffic --out traffic.json ``` The `Mongoid::Shell::Commands::Mongoexport` class supports '--verbose', '--quiet', '--version', '--port', '--ipv6', '--ssl', '--sslCAFile', '--sslPEMKeyFile', '--sslPEMKeyPassword', '--sslCRLFile', '--sslAllowInvalidCertificates', '--sslAllowInvalidHostnames', '--sslFIPSMode', '--authenticationDatabase', '--authenticationMechanism', '--gssapiServiceName', '--gssapiHostName', '--collection', '--fields', '--fieldFile', '--query', '--csv', '--type', '--out', '--jsonArray', '--pretty', '--slaveOk', '--forceTableScan', '--skip', '--limit', '--sort', '--directoryperdb', '--journal', '--dbpath'. ### Mongoimport The mongoimport tool imports content from an Extended JSON, CSV, or TSV export created by mongoexport, or potentially, another third-party export tool. ``` ruby mongoimport ={ collection: 'contacts', file: 'contacts.json' }) mongoimport.to_s # mongoimport --db test --collection contacts --file contacts.json ``` The `Mongoid::Shell::Commands::Mongoimport` class supports '--verbose', '--quiet', '--version', '--host', '--username', '--password', '--port', '--ipv6', '--ssl', '--sslCAFile', '--sslPEMKeyFile', '--sslPEMKeyPassword', '--sslCRLFile', '--sslAllowInvalidCertificates', '--sslAllowInvalidHostnames', '--sslFIPSMode', '--authenticationDatabase', '--authenticationMechanism', '--gssapiServiceName', '--gssapiHostName', '--db', '--collection', '--fields', '--directoryperdb', '--journal', '--dbpath', '--fieldFile', '--ignoreBlanks', '--type', '--file', '--drop', '--headerline', '--upsert', '--upsertFields', '--stopOnError', '--jsonArray', '--maintainInsertionOrder', '--numInsertionWorkers', '--writeConcern' ### Mongostat The mongostat utility provides a quick overview of the status of a currently running mongod or mongos instance. The `Mongoid::Shell::Commands::Mongostat` class supports `--host`, `--username`, `--password`, `--rowcount`, `--discover`, `--noheaders`, `--http` and `--all`. Contributing ------------ Fork the project. Make your feature addition or bug fix with tests. Send a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. Copyright and License --------------------- MIT License, see [LICENSE]( for details. (c) 2013-2015 [Daniel Doubrovkine](, [Artsy Inc.](