/* --- script: List.js description: Menu widget to be used as a list of item license: Public domain (http://unlicense.org). authors: Yaroslaff Fedin requires: - LSD.Widget.Menu - LSD/LSD.Mixin.List - LSD/LSD.Mixin.Focusable provides: - LSD.Widget.Menu.List - LSD.Widget.Menu.List.Item ... */ LSD.Widget.Menu.List = new Class({ Extends: LSD.Widget.Menu, options: { pseudos: Array.fast('list', 'value'), attributes: { type: 'list' }, has: { many: { items: { source: 'menu-list-option', mutation: '> button, > li, > command, > option', pseudos: Array.fast('clickable') } } } } }); LSD.Widget.Menu.List.Option = new Class({ options: { tag: 'option', pseudos: Array.fast('item') } });