require 'faraday' ## # HTTP client methods for making requests to an LDP resource and getting a response back. module Ldp::Client::Methods attr_reader :http def initialize_http_client *http_client if http_client.length == 1 and http_client.first.is_a? Faraday::Connection @http = http_client.first else @http = *http_client end end def head url logger.debug "LDP: HEAD [#{url}]" resp = http.head do |req| req.url munge_to_relative_url(url) yield req if block_given? end check_for_errors(resp) end # Get a LDP Resource by URI def get url, options = {} logger.debug "LDP: GET [#{url}]" resp = http.get do |req| req.url munge_to_relative_url(url) prefer_headers = if options[:minimal] prefer_headers.return = "minimal" else prefer_headers.return = "representation" includes = Array(options[:include]).map { |x| Ldp.send("prefer_#{x}") if Ldp.respond_to? "prefer_#{x}" } omits = Array(options[:omit]).map { |x| Ldp.send("prefer_#{x}") if Ldp.respond_to? "prefer_#{x}" } prefer_headers.include = includes prefer_headers.omit = omits end req.headers["Prefer"] = prefer_headers.to_s yield req if block_given? end if Ldp::Response.resource? resp Ldp::Response.wrap self, resp else resp end check_for_errors(resp) end # Delete a LDP Resource by URI def delete url logger.debug "LDP: DELETE [#{url}]" resp = http.delete do |req| req.url munge_to_relative_url(url) yield req if block_given? end check_for_errors(resp) end # Post TTL to an LDP Resource def post url, body = nil, headers = {} logger.debug "LDP: POST [#{url}]" resp = do |req| req.url munge_to_relative_url(url) req.headers.merge!(default_headers).merge!(headers) req.body = body yield req if block_given? end check_for_errors(resp) end # Update an LDP resource with TTL by URI def put url, body, headers = {} logger.debug "LDP: PUT [#{url}]" resp = http.put do |req| req.url munge_to_relative_url(url) req.headers.merge!(default_headers).merge!(headers) req.body = body yield req if block_given? end check_for_errors(resp) end # Update an LDP resource with TTL by URI def patch url, body, headers = {} logger.debug "LDP: PATCH [#{url}]" resp = http.patch do |req| req.url munge_to_relative_url(url) req.headers.merge!(default_patch_headers).merge!(headers) req.body = body yield req if block_given? end check_for_errors(resp) end private def check_for_errors resp resp.tap do |resp| unless resp.success? raise case resp.status when 400 if resp.env.method == :head # If the request was a HEAD request (which only retrieves HTTP headers), # re-run it as a GET in order to retrieve a message body (which is passed on as the error message) get(resp.env.url.path) else end when 404 when 410 when 412 else"STATUS: #{resp.status} #{resp.body[0, 1000]}...") end end end end def default_headers {"Content-Type"=>"text/turtle"} end def default_patch_headers {"Content-Type"=>"application/sparql-update"} end ## # Some valid query paths can be mistaken for absolute URIs # with an alternative scheme. If the scheme isn't HTTP(S), assume # they meant a relative URI instead. def munge_to_relative_url url purl = URI.parse(url) if purl.absolute? and !((purl.scheme rescue nil) =~ /^http/) "./" + url else url end end end