module AuditedViewsHelper def audited_controls(model) render "controls", model: model end #Retorna audits para o model ou para todos os models caso o parĂ¢metro for uma relation ou array #Retorna audits para todos os associados aos models def audits_for(models) models = [models] unless models.kind_of?(Array) || models.kind_of?(ActiveRecord::Relation) audits = [] models.each do |model| audits += model.audits#.reject {|a| a.action =~ /create/ } audits += model.associated_audits if model.respond_to?(:associated_audits) end audits.sort do |a,b| b.created_at <=> a.created_at end end def audit_link(model, text = nil) text ||= I18n.t("audits.link_text") unless params[:show_log] link_to "#{request.path}?show_log=true#audits", class: 'btn btn-default pull-right' do text end end end def audit_object_info(audit) classe = audit.auditable_type.constantize content_tag(:span, title: "Id #{audit.auditable_id}") do begin begin classe.find(audit.auditable_id).to_s rescue if classe.respond_to?(:with_deleted) classe.with_deleted.find(audit.auditable_id).to_s else raise end end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound => e I18n.t(:registro_excluido, scope: 'audits') end end end def created_by_info(model) html = [] html << t("audits.created_at") html << ltime(model.created_at) if (nome = get_model_creator(model)) html << t("audits.created_by") html << nome end raw html.join(" ") end def ldate(date) I18n.l(date, format: :data) if date end def ltime(time) I18n.l(time, format: :short) if time end def format_audited_value(value) case value when true, false t("audits.#{value}_word") when Date ldate value when NilClass "-" when String sanitize(value) else value end end def get_model_creator(model) model.audits.where(action: 'create').first.try(:user) end def created_by(model) raw [nome_usuario(get_model_creator(model)), ltime(model.created_at)] .compact .delete_if(&:empty?) .join(" - ") end def panel_class_for_audit_action(action) case action when "create" then "panel-success" when "update" then "panel-info" when "destroy" then "panel-danger" else "panel-default" end end def audit_record_human_field(audit_record, field) # The most of reference field locales are defined only with the association name (not field name) normalized_field = field.gsub(/_id$/, "") audit_record .auditable_type .constantize .human_attribute_name(normalized_field) end end