require 'chef/knife' require 'knife/server/ec2_security_group' require 'knife/server/ssh' require 'knife/server/credentials' class Chef class Knife class ServerBootstrapEc2 < Knife deps do require 'chef/knife/ec2_server_create' require 'fog' require 'net/ssh' Chef::Knife::Ec2ServerCreate.load_deps end banner "knife server bootstrap ec2 (options)" option :chef_node_name, :short => "-N NAME", :long => "--node-name NAME", :description => "The name of your new Chef Server" option :platform, :short => "-P PLATFORM", :long => "--platform PLATFORM", :description => "The platform type that will be bootstrapped (debian)", :default => "debian" option :ssh_user, :short => "-x USERNAME", :long => "--ssh-user USERNAME", :description => "The ssh username", :default => "root" option :ssh_port, :short => "-p PORT", :long => "--ssh-port PORT", :description => "The ssh port", :default => "22", :proc => { |key| Chef::Config[:knife][:ssh_port] = key } option :identity_file, :short => "-i IDENTITY_FILE", :long => "--identity-file IDENTITY_FILE", :description => "The SSH identity file used for authentication" option :prerelease, :long => "--prerelease", :description => "Install the pre-release chef gem" option :bootstrap_version, :long => "--bootstrap-version VERSION", :description => "The version of Chef to install", :proc => { |v| Chef::Config[:knife][:bootstrap_version] = v } option :template_file, :long => "--template-file TEMPLATE", :description => "Full path to location of template to use", :proc => { |t| Chef::Config[:knife][:template_file] = t }, :default => false option :distro, :short => "-d DISTRO", :long => "--distro DISTRO", :description => "Bootstrap a distro using a template; default is 'chef-server-'" option :webui_password, :long => "--webui-password SECRET", :description => "Initial password for WebUI admin account, default is 'chefchef'", :default => "chefchef" option :amqp_password, :long => "--amqp-password SECRET", :description => "Initial password for AMQP, default is 'chefchef'", :default => "chefchef" # aws/ec2 options option :aws_access_key_id, :short => "-A ID", :long => "--aws-access-key-id KEY", :description => "Your AWS Access Key ID", :proc => { |key| Chef::Config[:knife][:aws_access_key_id] = key } option :aws_secret_access_key, :short => "-K SECRET", :long => "--aws-secret-access-key SECRET", :description => "Your AWS API Secret Access Key", :proc => { |key| Chef::Config[:knife][:aws_secret_access_key] = key } option :region, :long => "--region REGION", :description => "Your AWS region", :default => "us-east-1", :proc => { |key| Chef::Config[:knife][:region] = key } option :ssh_key_name, :short => "-S KEY", :long => "--ssh-key KEY", :description => "The AWS SSH key id", :proc => { |key| Chef::Config[:knife][:aws_ssh_key_id] = key } option :flavor, :short => "-f FLAVOR", :long => "--flavor FLAVOR", :description => "The flavor of server (m1.small, m1.medium, etc)", :proc => { |f| Chef::Config[:knife][:flavor] = f }, :default => "m1.small" option :image, :short => "-I IMAGE", :long => "--image IMAGE", :description => "The AMI for the server", :proc => { |i| Chef::Config[:knife][:image] = i } option :availability_zone, :short => "-Z ZONE", :long => "--availability-zone ZONE", :description => "The Availability Zone", :default => "us-east-1b", :proc => { |key| Chef::Config[:knife][:availability_zone] = key } option :security_groups, :short => "-G X,Y,Z", :long => "--groups X,Y,Z", :description => "The security groups for this server", :default => ["infrastructure"], :proc => { |groups| groups.split(',') } option :tags, :short => "-T T=V[,T=V,...]", :long => "--tags Tag=Value[,Tag=Value...]", :description => "The tags for this server", :proc => { |tags| tags.split(',') } option :ebs_size, :long => "--ebs-size SIZE", :description => "The size of the EBS volume in GB, for EBS-backed instances" option :ebs_no_delete_on_term, :long => "--ebs-no-delete-on-term", :description => "Do not delete EBS volumn on instance termination" def run validate! config_security_group fetch_validation_key create_root_client install_client_key end def ec2_bootstrap ENV['WEBUI_PASSWORD'] = config[:webui_password] ENV['AMQP_PASSWORD'] = config[:amqp_password] bootstrap = [ :chef_node_name, :ssh_user, :ssh_port, :identity_file, :security_groups, :ebs_size, :webui_password, :amqp_password ].each { |attr| bootstrap.config[attr] = config[attr] } bootstrap.config[:tags] = bootstrap_tags bootstrap.config[:distro] = bootstrap_distro bootstrap end def ec2_connection @ec2_connection ||= :provider => 'AWS', :aws_access_key_id => Chef::Config[:knife][:aws_access_key_id], :aws_secret_access_key => Chef::Config[:knife][:aws_secret_access_key], :region => Chef::Config[:knife][:region] ) end def server_dns_name server = ec2_connection.servers.find do |s| s.state == "running" && s.tags['Name'] == config[:chef_node_name] && s.tags['Role'] == 'chef_server' end server && server.dns_name end private def validate! if config[:chef_node_name].nil? ui.error "You did not provide a valid --node-name value." exit 1 end end def config_security_group(name = config[:security_groups].first), ui). configure_chef_server_group(name, :description => "#{name} group") end def bootstrap_tags Hash[Array(config[:tags]).map { |t| t.split('=') }]. merge({"Role" => "chef_server"}).map { |k,v| "#{k}=#{v}" } end def bootstrap_distro config[:distro] || "chef-server-#{config[:platform]}" end def credentials_client @credentials_client ||= ssh_connection, Chef::Config[:validation_key]) end def fetch_validation_key credentials_client.install_validation_key end def install_client_key credentials_client.install_client_key( Chef::Config[:node_name], Chef::Config[:client_key]) end def create_root_client ui.msg(credentials_client.create_root_client) end def ssh_connection :host => server_dns_name, :user => config[:ssh_user], :port => config[:ssh_port] ) end end end end