require 'spec_helper' describe PhonyRails do it "should not pollute the global namespace with a Country class" do should_not be_const_defined "Country" end describe 'phony_format String extension' do describe 'the phony_formatted method' do describe 'with the bang!' do it "should change the String using the bang method" do s = "0101234123" s.phony_formatted!(:normalize => :NL, :format => :international).should eql('+31 10 123 4123') s.should eql("+31 10 123 4123") end end describe 'with strict option' do it "should return nil with non plausible number" do number = '+319090' # not valid Phony.plausible?(number).should be_false number.phony_formatted(:strict => true).should eql(nil) end it "should not return nil with plausible number" do number = '+31101234123' # valid Phony.plausible?(number).should be_true number.phony_formatted(:strict => true).should_not eql(nil) end end describe 'with normalize option' do it "should phony_format" do "101234123".phony_formatted(:normalize => :NL).should eql('010 123 4123') "101234123".phony_formatted(:normalize => :NL, :format => :international).should eql('+31 10 123 4123') end it "should not change original String" do s = "0101234123" s.phony_formatted(:normalize => :NL).should eql('010 123 4123') s.should eql("0101234123") end it "should phony_format String with country code" do "31101234123".phony_formatted(:normalize => :NL).should eql('010 123 4123') end it "should phony_format String with country code" do "31101234123".phony_formatted(:normalize => :NL).should eql('010 123 4123') end it "should accept strings with non-digits in it" do "+31-10-1234123".phony_formatted(:normalize => :NL, :format => :international, :spaces => '-').should eql('+31-10-123-4123') end it "should phony_format String with country code different than normalized value" do "+4790909090".phony_formatted(:normalize => :SE, :format => :international).should eql('+47 909 09 090') end end describe 'with raise option' do # context 'when raise is true' do it "should raise the error" do lambda { "8887716095".phony_formatted(format: :international, raise: true) }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end end context 'when raise is false (default)' do it "should return original String on exception" do "8887716095".phony_formatted(format: :international).should eq('8887716095') end end end describe "specific tests from issues" do # it "should pass Github issue #42" do "8887716095".phony_formatted(format: :international, normalize: 'US', raise: true).should eq('+1 888 771 6095') end # it "should pass Github issue #42" do PhonyRails.normalize_number("0606060606", default_country_code: 'FR').should eq('+33606060606') end it "should pass Github issue #85" do PhonyRails.normalize_number("47386160", default_country_code: 'NO').should eq('+4747386160') PhonyRails.normalize_number("47386160", country_number: '47').should eq('+4747386160') end it "should pass Github issue #87" do PhonyRails.normalize_number('2318725305', country_code: 'US').should eq('+12318725305') PhonyRails.normalize_number('2318725305', default_country_code: 'US').should eq('+12318725305') end end it "should not change original String" do s = '0101234123' s.phony_formatted(:normalize => :NL).should eql('010 123 4123') s.should eql('0101234123') end it "should phony_format a digits string with spaces String" do "31 10 1234123".phony_formatted(:format => :international, :spaces => '-').should eql('+31-10-123-4123') end it "should phony_format a digits String" do "31101234123".phony_formatted(:format => :international, :spaces => '-').should eql('+31-10-123-4123') end it "returns nil if implausible phone" do "this is not a phone".phony_formatted.should be_nil end it "returns nil on blank string" do "".phony_formatted.should be_nil end end describe 'the phony_normalized method' do it "returns blank on blank string" do "".phony_normalized.should be_nil end context "when String misses a country_code" do it "should normalize with :country_code option" do "010 1231234".phony_normalized(:country_code => :NL).should eql("+31101231234") end it "should normalize without :country_code option" do "010 1231234".phony_normalized.should eql("101231234") end end it "should normalize a String" do "+31 (0)10 1231234".phony_normalized.should eql("+31101231234") end end end describe 'PhonyRails#normalize_number' do context 'number with a country code' do it "should not add default_country_code" do PhonyRails.normalize_number('+4790909090', :default_country_code => 'SE').should eql('+4790909090') # SE = +46 PhonyRails.normalize_number('004790909090', :default_country_code => 'SE').should eql('+4790909090') PhonyRails.normalize_number('4790909090', :default_country_code => 'NO').should eql('+4790909090') # NO = +47 end it "should force add country_code" do PhonyRails.normalize_number('+4790909090', :country_code => 'SE').should eql('+464790909090') PhonyRails.normalize_number('004790909090', :country_code => 'SE').should eql('+4604790909090') # FIXME: differs due to Phony.normalize in v2.7.1?! PhonyRails.normalize_number('4790909090', :country_code => 'SE').should eql('+464790909090') end it "should recognize lowercase country codes" do PhonyRails.normalize_number('4790909090', :country_code => 'se').should eql('+464790909090') end end context 'number without a country code' do it "should normalize with a default_country_code" do PhonyRails.normalize_number('010-1234123', :default_country_code => 'NL').should eql('+31101234123') end it "should normalize with a country_code" do PhonyRails.normalize_number('010-1234123', :country_code => 'NL', :default_country_code => 'DE').should eql('+31101234123') PhonyRails.normalize_number('010-1234123', :country_code => 'NL').should eql('+31101234123') end it "should handle different countries" do PhonyRails.normalize_number('(030) 8 61 29 06', :country_code => 'DE').should eql('+49308612906') PhonyRails.normalize_number('0203 330 8897', :country_code => 'GB').should eql('+442033308897') end it "should prefer country_code over default_country_code" do PhonyRails.normalize_number('(030) 8 61 29 06', :country_code => 'DE', :default_country_code => 'NL').should eql('+49308612906') end it "should recognize lowercase country codes" do PhonyRails.normalize_number('010-1234123', :country_code => 'nl').should eql('+31101234123') end end it "should handle some edge cases (with country_code)" do PhonyRails.normalize_number('some nasty stuff in this +31 number 10-1234123 string', :country_code => 'NL').should eql('+31101234123') PhonyRails.normalize_number('070-4157134', :country_code => 'NL').should eql('+31704157134') PhonyRails.normalize_number('0031-70-4157134', :country_code => 'NL').should eql('+31704157134') PhonyRails.normalize_number('+31-70-4157134', :country_code => 'NL').should eql('+31704157134') PhonyRails.normalize_number('0322-69497', :country_code => 'BE').should eql('+3232269497') PhonyRails.normalize_number('+32 3 226 94 97', :country_code => 'BE').should eql('+3232269497') PhonyRails.normalize_number('0450 764 000', :country_code => 'AU').should eql('+61450764000') end it "should handle some edge cases (with default_country_code)" do PhonyRails.normalize_number('some nasty stuff in this +31 number 10-1234123 string', :country_code => 'NL').should eql('+31101234123') PhonyRails.normalize_number('070-4157134', :default_country_code => 'NL').should eql('+31704157134') PhonyRails.normalize_number('0031-70-4157134', :default_country_code => 'NL').should eql('+31704157134') PhonyRails.normalize_number('+31-70-4157134', :default_country_code => 'NL').should eql('+31704157134') PhonyRails.normalize_number('0322-69497', :default_country_code => 'BE').should eql('+3232269497') PhonyRails.normalize_number('+32 3 226 94 97', :default_country_code => 'BE').should eql('+3232269497') PhonyRails.normalize_number('0450 764 000', :default_country_code => 'AU').should eql('+61450764000') end it "should normalize even an implausible number" do PhonyRails.normalize_number('01').should eql('1') end end describe 'PhonyRails#plausible_number?' do let(:valid_number) { '1 555 555 5555' } let(:invalid_number) { '123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789' } let(:normalizable_number) { '555 555 5555' } let(:formatted_french_number_with_country_code) { '+33 627899541' } let(:empty_number) { '' } let(:nil_number) { nil } it "should return true for a valid number" do PhonyRails.plausible_number?(valid_number, country_code: 'US').should be_true end it "should return false for an invalid number" do PhonyRails.plausible_number?(invalid_number, country_code: 'US').should be_false end it "should return true for a normalizable number" do PhonyRails.plausible_number?(normalizable_number, country_code: 'US').should be_true end it "should return false for a valid number with the wrong country code" do PhonyRails.plausible_number?(valid_number, country_code: 'FR').should be_false end it "should return true for a well formatted valid number" do PhonyRails.plausible_number?(formatted_french_number_with_country_code, country_code: 'FR').should be_true end it "should return false for an empty number" do PhonyRails.plausible_number?(empty_number, country_code: 'US').should be_false end it "should return false for a nil number" do PhonyRails.plausible_number?(nil_number, country_code: 'US').should be_false end it "should return false when no country code is supplied" do PhonyRails.plausible_number?(normalizable_number).should be_false end end shared_examples_for 'model with PhonyRails' do describe 'defining model#phony_normalized_method' do it "should add a normalized_phone_attribute method" do respond_to(:normalized_phone_attribute) end it "should add a normalized_phone_method method" do respond_to(:normalized_phone_method) end it "should raise error on existing methods" do lambda { model_klass.phony_normalized_method(:phone_method) }.should raise_error(StandardError) end it "should raise error on not existing attribute" do model_klass.phony_normalized_method(:phone_non_existing_method) lambda { }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe 'defining model#phony_normalize' do it "should not accept :as option with multiple attribute names" do lambda { model_klass.phony_normalize(:phone_number, :phone1_method, :as => 'non_existing_attribute') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should accept :as option with non existing attribute name" do lambda { dummy_klass.phony_normalize(:non_existing_attribute, :as => 'non_existing_attribute') }.should_not raise_error end it "should accept :as option with single non existing attribute name" do lambda { dummy_klass.phony_normalize(:phone_number, :as => 'something_else') }.should_not raise_error end it "should accept :as option with single existing attribute name" do lambda { model_klass.phony_normalize(:phone_number, :as => 'phone_number_as_normalized') }.should_not raise_error end it "should accept a non existing attribute name" do lambda { dummy_klass.phony_normalize(:non_existing_attribute) }.should_not raise_error end it "should accept supported options" do options = [:country_number, :default_country_number, :country_code, :default_country_code, :add_plus, :as] options.each do |option_sym| lambda { dummy_klass.phony_normalize(:phone_number, option_sym => false) }.should_not raise_error end end it "should not accept unsupported options" do lambda { dummy_klass.phony_normalize(:phone_number, unsupported_option: false) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe 'using model#phony_normalized_method' do # Following examples have complete number (with country code!) it "should return a normalized version of an attribute" do model = => "+31-(0)10-1234123") model.normalized_phone_attribute.should eql('+31101234123') end it "should return a normalized version of a method" do model = => "+31-(0)10-1234123") model.normalized_phone_method.should eql('+31101234123') end # Following examples have incomplete number it "should normalize even a unplausible number (no country code)" do model = => "(0)10-1234123") model.normalized_phone_attribute.should eql('101234123') end it "should use country_code option" do model = => "(0)10-1234123") model.normalized_phone_attribute(:country_code => 'NL').should eql('+31101234123') end it "should use country_code object method" do model = => "(0)10-1234123", :country_code => 'NL') model.normalized_phone_attribute.should eql('+31101234123') end it "should fallback to default_country_code option" do model = => "(030) 8 61 29 06") model.normalized_phone1_method.should eql('+49308612906') end it "should overwrite default_country_code option with object method" do model = => "(030) 8 61 29 06", :country_code => 'NL') model.normalized_phone1_method.should eql('+31308612906') end it "should overwrite default_country_code option with option" do model = => "(030) 8 61 29 06") model.normalized_phone1_method(:country_code => 'NL').should eql('+31308612906') end it "should use last passed options" do model = => "(030) 8 61 29 06") model.normalized_phone1_method(:country_code => 'NL').should eql('+31308612906') model.normalized_phone1_method(:country_code => 'DE').should eql('+49308612906') model.normalized_phone1_method(:country_code => nil).should eql('+49308612906') end it "should use last object method" do model = => "(030) 8 61 29 06") model.country_code = 'NL' model.normalized_phone1_method.should eql('+31308612906') model.country_code = 'DE' model.normalized_phone1_method.should eql('+49308612906') model.country_code = nil model.normalized_phone1_method(:country_code => nil).should eql('+49308612906') end end describe 'using model#phony_normalize' do it "should not change normalized numbers (see #76)" do model = => "+31-(0)10-1234123") model.valid?.should be_true model.phone_number.should eql('+31101234123') end it "should set a normalized version of an attribute using :as option" do model_klass.phony_normalize :phone_number, :as => :phone_number_as_normalized model = => "+31-(0)10-1234123") model.valid?.should be_true model.phone_number_as_normalized.should eql('+31101234123') end it "should not add a + using :add_plus option" do model_klass.phony_normalize :phone_number, :add_plus => false model = => "+31-(0)10-1234123") model.valid?.should be_true model.phone_number.should eql('31101234123') end it "should raise a RuntimeError at validation if the attribute doesn't exist" do dummy_klass.phony_normalize :non_existing_attribute dummy = lambda { dummy.valid? }.should raise_error(RuntimeError) end it "should raise a RuntimeError at validation if the :as option attribute doesn't exist" do dummy_klass.phony_normalize :phone_number, :as => :non_existing_attribute dummy = lambda { dummy.valid? }.should raise_error(RuntimeError) end end end describe 'ActiveRecord' do let(:model_klass){ ActiveRecordModel } let(:dummy_klass){ ActiveRecordDummy } it_behaves_like 'model with PhonyRails' it "should correctly keep a hard set country_code" do model = => '+1 978 555 0000') model.valid?.should be_true model.fax_number.should eql('+19785550000') be_true be_true # revalidate model.reload model.fax_number.should eql('+19785550000') model.fax_number = '(030) 8 61 29 06' be_true # revalidate model.reload model.fax_number.should eql('+61308612906') end end describe 'Mongoid' do let(:model_klass){ MongoidModel } let(:dummy_klass){ MongoidDummy } it_behaves_like 'model with PhonyRails' end end