# frozen_string_literal: true module Faker class Internet < Base class << self def email(legacy_name = NOT_GIVEN, legacy_separators = NOT_GIVEN, name: nil, separators: nil) if legacy_name != NOT_GIVEN warn_with_uplevel 'Passing `name` with the 1st argument of `Internet.email` is deprecated. Use keyword argument like `Internet.email(name: ...)` instead.', uplevel: 1 name = legacy_name end if legacy_separators != NOT_GIVEN warn_with_uplevel 'Passing `separators` with the 2nd argument of `Internet.email` is deprecated. Use keyword argument like `Internet.email(separators: ...)` instead.', uplevel: 1 separators = legacy_separators end if separators [username(specifier: name, separators: separators), domain_name].join('@') else [username(specifier: name), domain_name].join('@') end end def free_email(legacy_name = NOT_GIVEN, name: nil) if legacy_name != NOT_GIVEN warn_with_uplevel 'Passing `name` with the 1st argument of `Internet.free_email` is deprecated. Use keyword argument like `Internet.free_email(name: ...)` instead.', uplevel: 1 name = legacy_name end [username(specifier: name), fetch('internet.free_email')].join('@') end def safe_email(legacy_name = NOT_GIVEN, name: nil) if legacy_name != NOT_GIVEN warn_with_uplevel 'Passing `name` with the 1st argument of `Internet.safe_email` is deprecated. Use keyword argument like `Internet.safe_email(name: ...)` instead.', uplevel: 1 name = legacy_name end [username(specifier: name), 'example.' + sample(%w[org com net])].join('@') end def username(legacy_specifier = NOT_GIVEN, legacy_separators = NOT_GIVEN, specifier: nil, separators: %w[. _]) if legacy_specifier != NOT_GIVEN warn_with_uplevel 'Passing `specifier` with the 1st argument of `Internet.username` is deprecated. Use keyword argument like `Internet.username(specifier: ...)` instead.', uplevel: 1 specifier = legacy_specifier end if legacy_separators != NOT_GIVEN warn_with_uplevel 'Passing `separators` with the 2nd argument of `Internet.username` is deprecated. Use keyword argument like `Internet.username(separators: ...)` instead.', uplevel: 1 separators = legacy_separators end with_locale(:en) do return shuffle(specifier.scan(/[[:word:]]+/)).join(sample(separators)).downcase if specifier.respond_to?(:scan) if specifier.is_a?(Integer) # If specifier is Integer and has large value, Argument error exception is raised to overcome memory full error raise ArgumentError, 'Given argument is too large' if specifier > 10**6 tries = 0 # Don't try forever in case we get something like 1_000_000. result = nil loop do result = username(specifier: nil, separators: separators) tries += 1 break unless result.length < specifier && tries < 7 end return result * (specifier / result.length + 1) if specifier.positive? elsif specifier.is_a?(Range) tries = 0 result = nil loop do result = username(specifier: specifier.min, separators: separators) tries += 1 break unless !specifier.include?(result.length) && tries < 7 end return result[0...specifier.max] end sample([ Char.prepare(Name.first_name), [Name.first_name, Name.last_name].map do |name| Char.prepare(name) end.join(sample(separators)) ]) end end ## # Produces a randomized string of characters # # @param [Integer] min_length # @param [Integer] max_length # @param [Boolean] mix_case # @param [Boolean] special_characters # # @return [String] # # @example Faker::Internet.password #=> "Vg5mSvY1UeRg7" # @example Faker::Internet.password(min_length: 8) #=> "YfGjIk0hGzDqS0" # @example Faker::Internet.password(min_length: 10, max_length: 20) #=> "EoC9ShWd1hWq4vBgFw" # @example Faker::Internet.password(min_length: 10, max_length: 20, mix_case: true) #=> "3k5qS15aNmG" # @example Faker::Internet.password(min_length: 10, max_length: 20, mix_case: true, special_characters: true) #=> "*%NkOnJsH4" # # @faker.version 2.1.3 # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists def password(legacy_min_length = NOT_GIVEN, legacy_max_length = NOT_GIVEN, legacy_mix_case = NOT_GIVEN, legacy_special_characters = NOT_GIVEN, min_length: 8, max_length: 16, mix_case: true, special_characters: false) if legacy_min_length != NOT_GIVEN warn_with_uplevel 'Passing `min_length` with the 1st argument of `Internet.password` is deprecated. Use keyword argument like `Internet.password(min_length: ...)` instead.', uplevel: 1 min_length = legacy_min_length end if legacy_max_length != NOT_GIVEN warn_with_uplevel 'Passing `max_length` with the 2nd argument of `Internet.password` is deprecated. Use keyword argument like `Internet.password(max_length: ...)` instead.', uplevel: 1 max_length = legacy_max_length end if legacy_mix_case != NOT_GIVEN warn_with_uplevel 'Passing `mix_case` with the 3rd argument of `Internet.password` is deprecated. Use keyword argument like `Internet.password(mix_case: ...)` instead.', uplevel: 1 mix_case = legacy_mix_case end if legacy_special_characters != NOT_GIVEN warn_with_uplevel 'Passing `special_characters` with the 4th argument of `Internet.password` is deprecated. Use keyword argument like `Internet.password(special_characters: ...)` instead.', uplevel: 1 special_characters = legacy_special_characters end min_alpha = mix_case ? 2 : 0 temp = Lorem.characters(number: min_length, min_alpha: min_alpha) diff_length = max_length - min_length if diff_length.positive? diff_rand = rand(diff_length + 1) temp += Lorem.characters(number: diff_rand) end if mix_case alpha_count = 0 temp.chars.each_with_index do |char, index| if char =~ /[[:alpha:]]/ temp[index] = char.upcase if alpha_count.even? alpha_count += 1 end end end if special_characters chars = %w[! @ # $ % ^ & *] rand(1..min_length).times do |i| temp[i] = chars[rand(chars.length)] end end temp end def domain_name(legacy_subdomain = NOT_GIVEN, subdomain: false) if legacy_subdomain != NOT_GIVEN warn_with_uplevel 'Passing `subdomain` with the 1st argument of `Internet.domain_name` is deprecated. Use keyword argument like `Internet.domain_name(subdomain: ...)` instead.', uplevel: 1 subdomain = legacy_subdomain end with_locale(:en) do domain_elements = [Char.prepare(domain_word), domain_suffix] domain_elements.unshift(Char.prepare(domain_word)) if subdomain domain_elements.join('.') end end def fix_umlauts(legacy_string = NOT_GIVEN, string: '') if legacy_string != NOT_GIVEN warn_with_uplevel 'Passing `string` with the 1st argument of `Internet.fix_umlauts` is deprecated. Use keyword argument like `Internet.fix_umlauts(string: ...)` instead.', uplevel: 1 string = legacy_string end Char.fix_umlauts(string) end def domain_word with_locale(:en) { Char.prepare(Company.name.split(' ').first) } end def domain_suffix fetch('internet.domain_suffix') end def mac_address(legacy_prefix = NOT_GIVEN, prefix: '') if legacy_prefix != NOT_GIVEN warn_with_uplevel 'Passing `prefix` with the 1st argument of `Internet.mac_address` is deprecated. Use keyword argument like `Internet.mac_address(prefix: ...)` instead.', uplevel: 1 prefix = legacy_prefix end prefix_digits = prefix.split(':').map { |d| d.to_i(16) } address_digits = Array.new((6 - prefix_digits.size)) { rand(256) } (prefix_digits + address_digits).map { |d| format('%02x', d) }.join(':') end def ip_v4_address [rand_in_range(0, 255), rand_in_range(0, 255), rand_in_range(0, 255), rand_in_range(0, 255)].join('.') end def private_ip_v4_address addr = nil loop do addr = ip_v4_address break if private_net_checker[addr] end addr end def public_ip_v4_address addr = nil loop do addr = ip_v4_address break unless reserved_net_checker[addr] end addr end def private_nets_regex [ /^10\./, # - /^100\.(6[4-9]|[7-9]\d|1[0-1]\d|12[0-7])\./, # - /^127\./, # - /^169\.254\./, # - /^172\.(1[6-9]|2\d|3[0-1])\./, # - /^192\.0\.0\./, # - /^192\.168\./, # - /^198\.(1[8-9])\./ # - ] end def private_net_checker ->(addr) { private_nets_regex.any? { |net| net =~ addr } } end def reserved_nets_regex [ /^0\./, # - /^192\.0\.2\./, # - /^192\.88\.99\./, # - /^198\.51\.100\./, # - /^203\.0\.113\./, # - /^(22[4-9]|23\d)\./, # - /^(24\d|25[0-5])\./ # - and ] end def reserved_net_checker ->(addr) { (private_nets_regex + reserved_nets_regex).any? { |net| net =~ addr } } end def ip_v4_cidr "#{ip_v4_address}/#{rand(1..31)}" end def ip_v6_address (1..8).map { rand(65_536).to_s(16) }.join(':') end def ip_v6_cidr "#{ip_v6_address}/#{rand(1..127)}" end def url(legacy_host = NOT_GIVEN, legacy_path = NOT_GIVEN, legacy_scheme = NOT_GIVEN, host: domain_name, path: "/#{username}", scheme: 'http') # rubocop:enable Metrics/ParameterLists if legacy_host != NOT_GIVEN warn_with_uplevel 'Passing `host` with the 1st argument of `Internet.url` is deprecated. Use keyword argument like `Internet.url(host: ...)` instead.', uplevel: 1 host = legacy_host end if legacy_path != NOT_GIVEN warn_with_uplevel 'Passing `path` with the 2nd argument of `Internet.url` is deprecated. Use keyword argument like `Internet.url(path: ...)` instead.', uplevel: 1 path = legacy_path end if legacy_scheme != NOT_GIVEN warn_with_uplevel 'Passing `scheme` with the 3rd argument of `Internet.url` is deprecated. Use keyword argument like `Internet.url(scheme: ...)` instead.', uplevel: 1 scheme = legacy_scheme end "#{scheme}://#{host}#{path}" end def slug(legacy_words = NOT_GIVEN, legacy_glue = NOT_GIVEN, words: nil, glue: nil) if legacy_words != NOT_GIVEN warn_with_uplevel 'Passing `words` with the 1st argument of `Internet.slug` is deprecated. Use keyword argument like `Internet.slug(words: ...)` instead.', uplevel: 1 words = legacy_words end if legacy_glue != NOT_GIVEN warn_with_uplevel 'Passing `glue` with the 2nd argument of `Internet.slug` is deprecated. Use keyword argument like `Internet.slug(glue: ...)` instead.', uplevel: 1 glue = legacy_glue end glue ||= sample(%w[- _]) (words || Faker::Lorem.words(number: 2).join(' ')).delete(',.').gsub(' ', glue).downcase end def device_token shuffle(rand(16**64).to_s(16).rjust(64, '0').chars.to_a).join end def user_agent(legacy_vendor = NOT_GIVEN, vendor: nil) if legacy_vendor != NOT_GIVEN warn_with_uplevel 'Passing `vendor` with the 1st argument of `Internet.user_agent` is deprecated. Use keyword argument like `Internet.user_agent(vendor: ...)` instead.', uplevel: 1 vendor = legacy_vendor end agent_hash = translate('faker.internet.user_agent') agents = vendor.respond_to?(:to_sym) && agent_hash[vendor.to_sym] || agent_hash[sample(agent_hash.keys)] sample(agents) end def uuid # borrowed from: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/d48783bb0236db505fe1205d1d9822309de53a36/lib/securerandom.rb#L250 ary = Faker::Config.random.bytes(16).unpack('NnnnnN') ary[2] = (ary[2] & 0x0fff) | 0x4000 ary[3] = (ary[3] & 0x3fff) | 0x8000 '%08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%08x' % ary # rubocop:disable Style/FormatString end alias user_name username end end end