module Bones::Plugins::BonesPlugin include ::Bones::Helpers extend self module Syntax def enable_sudo use_sudo true end end def initialize_bones_plugin config = ::Bones.config { # ==== Project Defaults name nil, :desc => <<-__ The project name that will be used for packaging and distributing your Ruby code as a gem. __ summary nil, :desc => <<-__ A short summary of your project. This summary is required in the gemspec, and it is used by the rubygem framework when searching for gems. If a summary is not given, then the first sentence from the project's README description is used as the summary. __ description nil, :desc => <<-__ A longer description of your project. The description is used in the gemspec, but it is not required to build a gem. If a description is not given then the first paragraph from the project's README description is used as the description. __ changes nil, :desc => <<-__ The list of notable changes in your project since the last release. The changes are automatically filled in by reading the list of changes from the project's History file. Only the changes for the most current release are included. __ authors nil, :desc => <<-__ This can be a single author (as a string) or an array of authors if more than one person is working on the project. __ email nil, :desc => <<-__ An email address so others can contact you with questions, bug reports, compliments, large quantities of cash, etc. __ url "\000", :desc => <<-__ The canonical URL for your project. This should be a location where others can go to find out more information about the project such as links to source code, bug trackers, wikis, generated documentation, etc. A good recommendation would be to point to your gem on __ version nil, :desc => <<-__ Version number to use when creating the gem. This can be set either in the Rakefile or on the command line by setting the VERSION flag to the desired value. | | rake gem VERSION=0.4.2 | The VERSION flag must be explicitly set on the command line when releasing a gem. This is just a safety measure to prevent premature gem release. __ release_name ENV['RELEASE'], :desc => <<-__ And optional release name to be associated with your gem. This is used only when creating a release announcement. __ exclude %w(tmp$ bak$ ~$ CVS \.svn/ ^\.git/ ^pkg/), :desc => <<-__ A list of regular expression patterns that will be used to exclude certain files from the gem packaging process. Each pattern is given as a string, and they are all combined using the regular expression or "|" operator. __ # ==== System Defaults ruby_opts %w(-w), :desc => <<-__ Default options to pass to the Ruby interpreter when executing tests and specs. The default is to enable all warnings. Since this is an array, the current options can be cleared and new options can be added using the standard array operations | | ruby_opts.clear | ruby_opts << '-Ilib' << '-rubygems' | __ libs, :desc => <<-__ This is an array of directories to automatically include in the LOAD_PATH of your project. These directories are use for tests and specs, and the gem system sets the "require_paths" for the gem from these directories. If no libs are given, then the "lib" and "ext" directories are automatically added if they are present in your project. __ history_file nil, :desc => <<-__ The name of your project's History file. The default is 'History.txt' but you are free to change it to whatever you choose. __ readme_file nil, :desc => <<-__ The name of your project's README file. The default is '' but you are free to change it to whatever you choose. Since GitHub understand various markup languages, you can change the README file to support your markup language of choice. __ ignore_file nil, :desc => <<-__ Mr Bones does not use a manifest to determine which fiels should be included in your project. All files are included unless they appear in the ignore file or in the "exclude" configruation option. The ignore file defaults to '.bnsignore'; however, if you are using git as your version control system you can just as easily set the ignore file to your '.gitignore' file. __ colorize true, :desc => <<-__ When set to true, various output from Mr Bones will be colorized using terminal ANSI codes. Set to false if your terminal does not support colors. __ use_sudo false, :desc => <<-__ When set to true gem commands will be run using sudo. A convenience method is provided to enable sudo for gem commands | | enable_sudo | This is equivalent to 'use_sudo true', but it reads a little nicer. __ } config.history_file = { find_file(*%w[History.txt History HISTORY.txt HISTORY]) } config.ignore_file = { find_file(*%w[.gitignore .bnsignore]) } config.readme_file = { find_file(*%w[ README.txt README.rdoc README Readme.txt Readme.rdoc Readme ]) } end def post_load config = ::Bones.config config.exclude << "^#{Regexp.escape(config.ignore_file)}$" config.changes ||= paragraphs_of(config.history_file, 0..1).join("\n\n") config.description ||= paragraphs_of(config.readme_file, 'description').join("\n\n") if config.description.empty? config.description = paragraphs_of(config.readme_file, 1..1).first.to_s end config.summary ||= config.description[%r/^[^.]*\.?/] config.version ||= (ENV['VERSION'] ? ENV['VERSION'].dup : nil) if test(?f, 'version.txt') and !config.version config.version ='version.txt').strip end config.version ||= '0.0.0' if config.libs.empty? %w(lib ext).each { |dir| config.libs << dir if test ?d, dir } end ::Bones::Helpers::SUDO.replace('') unless config.use_sudo end def define_tasks config = ::Bones.config namespace :bones do desc 'Show the current Mr Bones configuration' task :debug do |t| atr = if t.application.top_level_tasks.length == 2 t.application.top_level_tasks.pop end, :descriptions => false, :values => true) end desc 'Show descriptions for the various Mr Bones configuration options' task :help do |t| atr = if t.application.top_level_tasks.length == 2 t.application.top_level_tasks.pop end, :descriptions => true, :values => true) end desc 'Show the available Mr Bones configuration options' task :options do |t| atr = if t.application.top_level_tasks.length == 2 t.application.top_level_tasks.pop end, :descriptions => false, :values => false) end end # namespace :bones end end # module Bones::Plugins::BonesPlugin