require 'rack' module OmniAuth module Strategies class Crowd class Configuration DEFAULT_SESSION_URL = "%s/rest/usermanagement/latest/session" DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_URL = "%s/rest/usermanagement/latest/authentication" DEFAULT_USER_GROUP_URL = "%s/rest/usermanagement/latest/user/group/direct" attr_reader :crowd_application_name, :crowd_password, :disable_ssl_verification, :include_users_groups, :use_sessions, :session_url alias :"disable_ssl_verification?" :disable_ssl_verification alias :"include_users_groups?" :include_users_groups alias :"use_sessions?" :use_sessions # @param [Hash] params configuration options # @option params [String, nil] :crowd_server_url the Crowd server root URL; probably something like # `` or ``; optional. # @option params [String, nil] :crowd_authentication_url (:crowd_server_url + '/rest/usermanagement/latest/authentication') the URL to which to # use for authenication; optional if `:crowd_server_url` is specified, # required otherwise. # @option params [String, nil] :application_name the application name specified in Crowd for this application, required. # @option params [String, nil] :application_password the application password specified in Crowd for this application, required. # @option params [Boolean, nil] :disable_ssl_verification disable verification for SSL cert, # helpful when you developing with a fake cert. # @option params [Boolean, true] : include a list of user groups when getting information ont he user # @option params [String, nil] :crowd_user_group_url (:crowd_server_url + '/rest/usermanagement/latest/user/group/direct') the URL to which to # use for retrieving users groups optional if `:crowd_server_url` is specified, or if `:include_user_groups` is false # required otherwise. def initialize(params) parse_params params end # Build a Crowd authentication URL from +username+. # # @param [String] username the username to validate # # @return [String] a URL like `` def authentication_url(username) append_username @authentication_url, username end def user_group_url(username) @user_group_url.nil? ? nil : append_username( @user_group_url, username) end private def parse_params(options) options= {:include_user_groups => true}.merge(options || {}) %w(application_name application_password).each do |opt| raise":#{opt} MUST be provided") if options[opt.to_sym] == "" end @crowd_application_name = options[:application_name] @crowd_password = options[:application_password] @use_sessions = options[:use_sessions] unless options.include?(:crowd_server_url) || options.include?(:crowd_authentication_url) raise"Either :crowd_server_url or :crowd_authentication_url MUST be provided") end if @use_sessions @session_url = options[:crowd_session_url] || DEFAULT_SESSION_URL % options[:crowd_server_url] validate_is_url 'session URL', @session_url end @authentication_url = options[:crowd_authentication_url] || DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_URL % options[:crowd_server_url] validate_is_url 'authentication URL', @authentication_url @disable_ssl_verification = options[:disable_ssl_verification] @include_users_groups = options[:include_user_groups] if @include_users_groups @user_group_url = options[:crowd_user_group_url] || DEFAULT_USER_GROUP_URL % options[:crowd_server_url] validate_is_url 'user group URL', @user_group_url end end IS_NOT_URL_ERROR_MESSAGE = "%s is not a valid URL" def validate_is_url(name, possibly_a_url) url = URI.parse(possibly_a_url) rescue nil raise % name) unless url.kind_of?(URI::HTTP) end # Adds +service+ as an URL-escaped parameter to +base+. # # @param [String] base the base URL # @param [String] service the service (a.k.a. return-to) URL. # # @return [String] the new joined URL. def append_username(base, username) result = base.dup result << (result.include?('?') ? '&' : '?') result << 'username=' result << Rack::Utils.escape(username) end end end end end