import hashlib import json import pathlib import random import uuid import yaml import warnings from jsonref import JsonRef from urllib.parse import urlparse from yaml import CSafeLoader from . import formatter def load(filename): path = pathlib.Path(filename) with as fp: return JsonRef.replace_refs(yaml.load(fp, Loader=CSafeLoader)) def get_name(schema): name = None if hasattr(schema, "__reference__"): name = schema.__reference__["$ref"].split("/")[-1] return name def type_to_ruby(schema, alternative_name=None): """Return Ruby type name for the type.""" name = get_name(schema) if name: if "enum" in schema: return name if ( not (schema.get("additionalProperties") and not schema.get("properties")) and schema.get("type", "object") == "object" ): return name type_ = schema.get("type") if type_ is None: if "items" in schema: type_ = "array" elif "properties" in schema: type_ = "object" else: type_ = "object" warnings.warn(f"Unknown type for schema: {schema} ({name or alternative_name})") if type_ == "integer": return "Integer" elif type_ == "number": return "Float" elif type_ == "string": format_ = schema.get("format") if format_ in {"date", "date-time"}: return "Time" elif format_ == "binary": return "File" elif format_ == "uuid": return "UUID" return "String" elif type_ == "boolean": return "Boolean" elif type_ == "array": return "Array<{}>".format(type_to_ruby(schema["items"], name + "Item" if name else None)) elif type_ == "object": if "additionalProperties" in schema and not schema.get("properties"): return "Hash".format(type_to_ruby(schema["additionalProperties"])) return ( alternative_name if alternative_name and ("properties" in schema or "oneOf" in schema or "anyOf" in schema or "allOf" in schema) else "Object" ) elif type_ == "null": return "nil" else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown type {type_}") def get_type_for_attribute(schema, attribute, current_name=None): """Return Ruby type name for the attribute.""" child_schema = schema.get("properties", {}).get(attribute) alternative_name = current_name + formatter.camel_case(attribute) if current_name else None return type_to_ruby(child_schema, alternative_name=alternative_name) def get_type_for_parameter(parameter): """Return Ruby type name for the parameter.""" if "content" in parameter: assert "in" not in parameter for content in parameter["content"].values(): return type_to_ruby(content["schema"]) return type_to_ruby(parameter.get("schema")) def child_models(schema, alternative_name=None, seen=None): seen = seen or set() current_name = get_name(schema) name = current_name or alternative_name has_sub_models = False if "allOf" in schema: has_sub_models = True for child in schema["allOf"]: yield from child_models(child, seen=seen) if "oneOf" in schema: has_sub_models = True for child in schema["oneOf"]: yield from child_models(child, seen=seen) if "anyOf" in schema: has_sub_models = True for child in schema["anyOf"]: yield from child_models(child, seen=seen) if "items" in schema: yield from child_models( schema["items"], alternative_name=name + "Item" if name is not None else None, seen=seen, ) if (schema.get("type") == "object" or "properties" in schema or has_sub_models) and not ( "additionalProperties" in schema and "properties" not in schema ): if not has_sub_models and name is None: # this is a basic map object so we don't need a type return if name is None: raise ValueError(f"Schema {schema} has no name") if name in seen: return if "properties" in schema or has_sub_models: seen.add(name) yield name, schema for key, child in schema.get("properties", {}).items(): yield from child_models(child, alternative_name=name + formatter.camel_case(key), seen=seen) if "enum" in schema: if name is None: raise ValueError(f"Schema {schema} has no name") if name in seen: return seen.add(name) yield name, schema if "additionalProperties" in schema: nested_name = get_name(schema["additionalProperties"]) if nested_name: yield from child_models( schema["additionalProperties"], alternative_name=name, seen=seen, ) def models(spec): name_to_schema = {} for path in spec["paths"]: if path.startswith("x-"): continue for method in spec["paths"][path]: operation = spec["paths"][path][method] for content in operation.get("parameters", []): if "schema" in content: name_to_schema.update(dict(child_models(content["schema"]))) for content in operation.get("requestBody", {}).get("content", {}).values(): if "schema" in content: name_to_schema.update(dict(child_models(content["schema"]))) for response in operation.get("responses", {}).values(): for content in response.get("content", {}).values(): if "schema" in content: name_to_schema.update(dict(child_models(content["schema"]))) return name_to_schema def apis(spec): operations = {} for path in spec["paths"]: if path.startswith("x-"): continue for method in spec["paths"][path]: operation = spec["paths"][path][method] tag = operation.get("tags", [None])[0] operations.setdefault(tag, []).append((path, method, operation)) return operations def operation(spec, operation_id): for path in spec["paths"]: for method in spec["paths"][path]: operation = spec["paths"][path][method] if operation["operationId"] == operation_id: return operation return None def parameters(operation): for content in operation.get("parameters", []): if "schema" in content: yield content["name"], content if "requestBody" in operation: if "multipart/form-data" in operation["requestBody"]["content"]: parent = operation["requestBody"]["content"]["multipart/form-data"]["schema"] for name, schema in parent["properties"].items(): yield name, { "in": "form", "schema": schema, "name": name, "description": schema.get("description"), "required": name in parent.get("required", []), } else: name = operation.get("x-codegen-request-body-name", "body") yield name, operation["requestBody"] def parameter_schema(parameter): if "schema" in parameter: return parameter["schema"] if "content" in parameter: for content in parameter.get("content", {}).values(): if "schema" in content: return content["schema"] raise ValueError(f"Unknown schema for parameter {parameter}") def return_type(operation): for response in operation.get("responses", {}).values(): for content in response.get("content", {}).values(): if "schema" in content: return type_to_ruby(content["schema"]) return def accept_headers(operation): any_type = "*/*" seen = [] for response in operation.get("responses", {}).values(): if "content" in response: for media_type in response["content"].keys(): if media_type not in seen: seen.append(media_type) else: return [any_type] return seen def collection_format(parameter): in_to_style = { "query": "form", "path": "simple", "header": "simple", "cookie": "form", } schema = parameter_schema(parameter) matrix = { ("form", False): "csv", ("form", True): "multi", # TODO add more cases from } if schema.get("type") == "array" or "items" in schema: in_ = parameter.get("in", "query") style = parameter.get("style", in_to_style[in_]) explode = parameter.get("explode", True if style == "form" else False) return matrix.get((style, explode), "multi") def format_server(server, server_variables=None, path=""): url = server["url"] + path # replace potential path variables for variable, value in (server_variables or {}).items(): url = url.replace("{" + variable + "}", value) # replace server variables if they were not replace before for variable in server["variables"]: if server_variables and variable in server_variables: continue url = url.replace("{" + variable + "}", server["variables"][variable]["default"]) return urlparse(url) def server_url_and_method(spec, operation_id, server_index=0, server_variables=None): for path in spec["paths"]: for method in spec["paths"][path]: operation = spec["paths"][path][method] if operation["operationId"] == operation_id: if "servers" in operation: server = operation["servers"][server_index] else: server = spec["servers"][server_index] return ( format_server(server, server_variables=server_variables, path=path).geturl(), method, ) raise ValueError(f"Operation {operation_id} not found") def response_code_and_accept_type(operation, status_code=None): for response in operation["responses"]: if status_code is None: return int(response), next(iter(operation["responses"][response].get("content", {None: None}))) if response == str(status_code): return status_code, next(iter(operation["responses"][response].get("content", {None: None}))) return status_code, None def request_content_type(operation, status_code=None): return next(iter(operation.get("requestBody", {}).get("content", {None: None}))) def response(operation, status_code=None): for response in operation["responses"]: if status_code is None or response == str(status_code): return list(operation["responses"][response]["content"].values())[0]["schema"] return None def generate_value(schema, use_random=False, prefix=None): spec = schema.spec if not use_random: if "example" in spec: return spec["example"] if "default" in spec: return spec["default"] if spec["type"] == "string": if use_random: return str( uuid.UUID( bytes=hashlib.sha256( str(prefix or schema.keys).encode("utf-8"), ).digest()[:16] ) ) return "string" elif spec["type"] == "integer": return random.randint(0, 32000) if use_random else len(str(prefix or schema.keys)) elif spec["type"] == "number": return random.random() if use_random else 1.0 / len(str(prefix or schema.keys)) elif spec["type"] == "boolean": return True elif spec["type"] == "array": return [generate_value(schema[0], use_random=use_random)] elif spec["type"] == "object": return {key: generate_value(schema[key], use_random=use_random) for key in spec["properties"]} else: raise TypeError(f"Unknown type: {spec['type']}") class Schema: def __init__(self, spec, value=None, keys=None): self.spec = spec self.value = value if value is not None else generate_value self.keys = keys or tuple() def __getattr__(self, key): return self[key] def __getitem__(self, key): type_ = self.spec.get("type", "object") if type_ == "object": try: return self.__class__( self.spec["properties"][key], value=self.value, keys=self.keys + (key,), ) except KeyError: if "oneOf" in self.spec: for schema in self.spec["oneOf"]: if schema.get("type", "object") == "object": try: return self.__class__( schema["properties"][key], value=self.value, keys=self.keys + (key,), ) except KeyError: pass raise KeyError(f"{key} not found in {self.spec.get('properties', {}).keys()}: {self.spec}") if type_ == "array": return self.__class__(self.spec["items"], value=self.value, keys=self.keys + (key,)) raise KeyError(f"{key} not found in {self.spec}") def __repr__(self): value = self.value(self) if isinstance(value, (dict, list)): return json.dumps(value, indent=2) return str(value) class Operation: def __init__(self, name, spec, method, path): = name self.spec = spec self.method = method self.path = path def server_url_and_method(self, spec, server_index=0, server_variables=None): def format_server(server, path): url = server["url"] + path # replace potential path variables for variable, value in server_variables.items(): url = url.replace("{" + variable + "}", value) # replace server variables if they were not replace before for variable in server["variables"]: if variable in server_variables: continue url = url.replace("{" + variable + "}", server["variables"][variable]["default"]) return url server_variables = server_variables or {} if "servers" in self.spec: server = self.spec["servers"][server_index] else: server = spec["servers"][server_index] return format_server(server, self.path), self.method def response_code_and_accept_type(self): for response in self.spec["responses"]: return int(response), next(iter(self.spec["responses"][response].get("content", {None: None}))) return None, None def request_content_type(self): return next(iter(self.spec.get("requestBody", {}).get("content", {None: None}))) def response(self): for response in self.spec["responses"]: return Schema(next(iter((self.spec["responses"][response]["content"].values())))["schema"]) def request(self): return Schema(next(iter(self.spec["requestBody"]["content"].values()))["schema"]) def get_default(operation, attribute_path): attrs = attribute_path.split(".") for name, parameter in parameters(operation): if name == attrs[0]: break if name == attribute_path: # We found a top level attribute matching the full path, let's use the default return parameter["schema"]["default"] if name == "body": parameter = next(iter(parameter["content"].values()))["schema"] for attr in attrs[1:]: parameter = parameter["properties"][attr] return parameter["default"] def get_container(operation, attribute_path, with_type=False): def get_type(parameter, attribute=None): if with_type: if attribute: return ", {}".format(type_to_ruby(parameter_schema(parameter)["properties"][attribute])) return f", {get_type_for_parameter(parameter)}" return "" attribute_name = attribute_path.split(".")[0] for name, parameter in parameters(operation): if name == attribute_name: if parameter["required"]: return '{}, "{}"{}'.format( name, ".".join(formatter.attribute_name(a) for a in attribute_path.split(".")[1:]), get_type(parameter, attribute_path.split(".")[1]), ) return f'opts, "{formatter.attribute_path(attribute_path)}"{get_type(parameter)}' def get_type_at_path(operation, attribute_path): content = None for code, response in operation.get("responses", {}).items(): if int(code) >= 300: continue for content in response.get("content", {}).values(): if "schema" in content: break if content is None: raise RuntimeError("Default response not found") content = content["schema"] if not attribute_path: return get_name(content.get("items")) for attr in attribute_path.split("."): content = content["properties"][attr] return get_name(content.get("items"))