module SinatraMore module AssetTagHelpers # Creates a div to display the flash of given type if it exists # flash_tag(:notice, :class => 'flash', :id => 'flash-notice') def flash_tag(kind, options={}) flash_text = flash[kind] return '' if flash_text.blank? options.reverse_merge!(:class => 'flash') content_tag(:div, flash_text, options) end # Creates a link element with given name, url and options # link_to 'click me', '/dashboard', :class => 'linky' # link_to('/dashboard', :class => 'blocky') do ... end # parameters: name, url='javascript:void(0)', options={}, &block def link_to(*args, &block) if block_given? url, options = (args[0] || 'javascript:void(0);'), (args[1] || {}) options.reverse_merge!(:href => url) link_content = capture_html(&block) result_link = content_tag(:a, link_content, options) block_is_template?(block) ? concat_content(result_link) : result_link else name, url, options = args.first, (args[1] || 'javascript:void(0);'), (args[2] || {}) options.reverse_merge!(:href => url) content_tag(:a, name, options) end end # Creates a mail link element with given name and caption # mail_to "" => # mail_to "", "My Email" => My Email def mail_to(email, caption=nil, mail_options={}) html_options = mail_options.slice!(:cc, :bcc, :subject, :body) mail_query = Rack::Utils.build_query(mail_options).gsub(/\+/, '%20').gsub('%40', '@') mail_href = "mailto:#{email}"; mail_href << "?#{mail_query}" if mail_query.present? link_to (caption || email), mail_href, html_options end # Creates an image element with given url and options # image_tag('icons/avatar.png') def image_tag(url, options={}) options.reverse_merge!(:src => image_path(url)) tag(:img, options) end # Returns a stylesheet link tag for the sources specified as arguments # stylesheet_link_tag 'style', 'application', 'layout' def stylesheet_link_tag(*sources) options = sources.extract_options!.symbolize_keys sources.collect { |sheet| stylesheet_tag(sheet, options) }.join("\n") end # javascript_include_tag 'application', 'special' def javascript_include_tag(*sources) options = sources.extract_options!.symbolize_keys sources.collect { |script| javascript_tag(script, options) }.join("\n") end # Returns the path to the image, either relative or absolute def image_path(src) src.gsub!(/\s/, '') src =~ %r{^\s*(/|http)} ? src : File.join('/images', src) end protected # stylesheet_tag('style', :media => 'screen') def stylesheet_tag(source, options={}) options = options.dup.reverse_merge!(:href => stylesheet_path(source), :media => 'screen', :rel => 'stylesheet', :type => 'text/css') tag(:link, options) end # javascript_tag 'application', :src => '/javascripts/base/application.js' def javascript_tag(source, options={}) options = options.dup.reverse_merge!(:src => javascript_path(source), :type => 'text/javascript', :content => "") tag(:script, options) end def javascript_path(source) return source if source =~ /^http/ result_path = "/javascripts/#{File.basename(source, '.js')}.js" stamp = File.exist?(result_path) ? File.mtime(result_path) : "#{result_path}?#{stamp}" end def stylesheet_path(source) return source if source =~ /^http/ result_path = "/stylesheets/#{File.basename(source, '.css')}.css" stamp = File.exist?(result_path) ? File.mtime(result_path) : "#{result_path}?#{stamp}" end end end