require 'helper' describe PryStackExplorer do describe "Pry.start" do before do Pry.config.hooks.add_hook(:when_started, :save_caller_bindings, WhenStartedHook) Pry.config.hooks.add_hook(:after_session, :delete_frame_manager, AfterSessionHook) @o = class << @o; attr_reader :frame; end def bong end def @o.bong() bang end def @o.bang() Pry.start(binding) end end after do Pry.config.hooks.delete_hook(:when_started, :save_caller_bindings) Pry.config.hooks.delete_hook(:after_session, :delete_frame_manager) end describe ":initial_frame option" do it 'should default to first frame when no option provided' do redirect_pry_io("@frame = __method__\nexit\n"), do end @o.frame.should == :bang end it 'should begin session at specified frame' do o = class << o; attr_reader :frame; end def bong end def o.bong() bang end def o.bang() Pry.start(binding, :initial_frame => 1) end redirect_pry_io("@frame = __method__\nexit\n"), do end o.frame.should == :bong end it 'should begin session at specified frame when using :call_stack' do o = class << o; attr_accessor :frame; end def o.alpha() binding end def o.beta() binding end def o.gamma() binding end redirect_pry_io("@frame = __method__\nexit\n"), do Pry.start(binding, :call_stack => [o.gamma, o.beta, o.alpha], :initial_frame => 1) end o.frame.should == :beta end end describe ":call_stack option" do it 'should invoke a session with the call stack set' do redirect_pry_io("show-stack\nexit\n"), do end out.string.should =~ /bang.*?bong.*?bing/m end it 'should set no call stack when :call_stack => false' do o = def bong end def o.bong() bang end def o.bang() Pry.start(binding, :call_stack => false) end redirect_pry_io("show-stack\nexit\n"), do end out.string.should =~ /No caller stack/ end it 'should set custom call stack when :call_stack => [b1, b2]' do o = def o.alpha() binding end def o.beta() binding end def o.gamma() binding end redirect_pry_io("show-stack\nexit\n"), do Pry.start(binding, :call_stack => [o.beta, o.gamma, o.alpha]) end out.string.should =~ /beta.*?gamma.*?alpha/m end it 'should raise if custom call stack does not contain bindings or is empty' do redirect_pry_io("show-stack\nexit\n"), do lambda { Pry.start(binding, :call_stack => [1, 2, 3]) }.should.raise ArgumentError end redirect_pry_io("show-stack\nexit\n"), do lambda { Pry.start(binding, :call_stack => []) }.should.raise ArgumentError end end end end describe "unit tests for PryStackExplorer class methods" do before do @pry_instance = @bindings = [binding, binding] end after do PE.clear_frame_managers(@pry_instance) end describe "PryStackExplorer.create_and_push_frame_manager" do it "should create and push one new FrameManager" do PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(@bindings, @pry_instance) PE.frame_manager(@pry_instance).is_a?(PE::FrameManager).should == true PE.frame_managers(@pry_instance).count.should == 1 end it 'should save prior binding in FrameManager instance' do _pry_ = _pry_.binding_stack.push(b=binding) PryStackExplorer.create_and_push_frame_manager(@bindings, _pry_) PryStackExplorer.frame_manager(_pry_).prior_binding.should == b end it 'should save prior backtrace in FrameManager instance' do _pry_ = _pry_.backtrace = ["my backtrace"] PryStackExplorer.create_and_push_frame_manager(@bindings, _pry_) PryStackExplorer.frame_manager(_pry_).prior_backtrace.should == _pry_.backtrace end it "should create and push multiple FrameManagers" do PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(@bindings, @pry_instance) PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(@bindings, @pry_instance) PE.frame_managers(@pry_instance).count.should == 2 end it 'should push FrameManagers to stacks based on Pry instance' do p2 = bindings = [binding, binding] PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(@bindings, @pry_instance) PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(bindings, p2) PE.frame_managers(@pry_instance).count.should == 1 PE.frame_managers(p2).count.should == 1 end end describe "PryStackExplorer.frame_manager" do it "should have the correct bindings" do PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(@bindings, @pry_instance) PE.frame_manager(@pry_instance).bindings.should == @bindings end it "should return the last pushed FrameManager" do bindings = [binding, binding] PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(@bindings, @pry_instance) PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(bindings, @pry_instance) PE.frame_manager(@pry_instance).bindings.should == bindings end it "should return the correct FrameManager for the given Pry instance" do bindings = [binding, binding] p2 = PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(@bindings, @pry_instance) PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(bindings, p2) PE.frame_manager(@pry_instance).bindings.should == @bindings PE.frame_manager(p2).bindings.should == bindings end end describe "PryStackExplorer.pop_frame_manager" do it "should remove FrameManager from stack" do PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(@bindings, @pry_instance) PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(@bindings, @pry_instance) PE.pop_frame_manager(@pry_instance) PE.frame_managers(@pry_instance).count.should == 1 end it "should return the most recently added FrameManager" do bindings = [binding, binding] PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(@bindings, @pry_instance) PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(bindings, @pry_instance) PE.pop_frame_manager(@pry_instance).bindings.should == bindings end it "should remove FrameManager from the appropriate stack based on Pry instance" do p2 = bindings = [binding, binding] PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(@bindings, @pry_instance) PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(bindings, p2) PE.pop_frame_manager(@pry_instance) PE.frame_managers(@pry_instance).count.should == 0 PE.frame_managers(p2).count.should == 1 end it "should remove key when no frames remaining for Pry instance" do PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(@bindings, @pry_instance) PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(@bindings, @pry_instance) PE.pop_frame_manager(@pry_instance) PE.pop_frame_manager(@pry_instance) PE.frame_hash.has_key?(@pry_instance).should == false end describe "_pry_.backtrace" do it "should restore backtrace when frame is popped" do p1 = bindings = [binding, binding] p1.backtrace = "my backtrace1" PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(bindings, p1) p1.backtrace = "my backtrace2" PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(bindings, p1) p1.backtrace = "my backtrace3" PE.pop_frame_manager(p1) p1.backtrace.should == "my backtrace2" PE.pop_frame_manager(p1) p1.backtrace.should == "my backtrace1" end end end describe "PryStackExplorer.clear_frame_managers" do it "should clear all FrameManagers for a Pry instance" do PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(@bindings, @pry_instance) PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(@bindings, @pry_instance) PE.clear_frame_managers(@pry_instance) PE.frame_hash.has_key?(@pry_instance).should == false end it "should clear all FrameManagers for a Pry instance but leave others untouched" do p2 = bindings = [binding, binding] PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(@bindings, @pry_instance) PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(bindings, p2) PE.clear_frame_managers(@pry_instance) PE.frame_managers(p2).count.should == 1 PE.frame_hash.has_key?(@pry_instance).should == false end it "should remove key" do PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(@bindings, @pry_instance) PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(@bindings, @pry_instance) PE.clear_frame_managers(@pry_instance) PE.frame_hash.has_key?(@pry_instance).should == false end describe "_pry_.backtrace" do it "should restore backtrace to initial one when frame managers are cleared" do p1 = bindings = [binding, binding] p1.backtrace = "my backtrace1" PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(bindings, p1) p1.backtrace = "my backtrace2" PE.create_and_push_frame_manager(bindings, p1) p1.backtrace = "my backtrace3" PE.clear_frame_managers(p1) p1.backtrace.should == "my backtrace1" end end end end end