module JsTestDriver # The Runner class is used class Runner def initialize(attributes = {}) self.attributes = attributes end # configuration, by default it's parsed from config_path attr_writer :config def config @config ||= parse_config end attr_writer :generated_files_dir # this is where the generated files will be saved, by default this is `pwd`/.js_test_driver # # the generated files are the config yml file and the fixture files def generated_files_dir @generated_files_dir || default_generated_files_dir end # this is the path of the config file, by default its `pwd`/config/js_test_driver.rb attr_writer :config_path def config_path @config_path ||= default_config_path end # this is the path to the js test driver jar file, by default it's stored relatively to this file attr_writer :jar_path def jar_path @jar_path ||= default_jar_path end # this is where the config yml file will be saved, by default its saved in the generated files # directory under the name jsTestDriver.conf attr_writer :tmp_path def config_yml_path @tmp_path ||= default_config_yml_path end # starts the server on the default port specified in the config file def start_server command = execute_jar add_start_server(command) end # captures the browsers # # by default it will capture the browsers specified in the config, # but you can pass an argument like 'opera,chrome,firefox' to capture opera, chrome and firefox def capture_browsers(browsers = nil) browsers ||= '' browsers = browsers.split(',') browsers = config.browsers if browsers.empty? url = config.server + "/capture" browsers.each do |browser| spawn("#{browser} \'#{url}\'") end end # runs the tests specified by the argument # # by default it will run all the tests, but you can pass a string like: # 'TestCase' or 'TestCase.test' # to run either a single test case or a single test def run_tests(tests = nil) command = execute_jar add_with_config(command) add_run_tests(command, tests) end def start_server_capture_and_run(tests = nil, browsers = nil, output_xml_path = nil, console = nil) command = execute_jar add_start_server(command) add_runner_mode(command) add_with_config(command) add_capture_browsers(command, browsers) add_run_tests(command, tests) add_output_directory(command, output_xml_path) if output_xml_path add_capture_console(command) if console result = if config.measure_coverage? && output_xml_path generate_html_coverage_report(output_xml_path) end return result end def add_start_server(command) command.option('--port', config.port) end def add_runner_mode(command) command.option('--runnerMode', ENV['RUNNER_MODE']) unless ENV['RUNNER_MODE'].nil? || ENV['RUNNER_MODE'].empty? end def add_run_tests(command, tests) command.option('--tests', tests || "all") end def add_capture_browsers(command, browsers) browsers ||= config.browsers.join(',') raise"No browsers defined!") if browsers == "" command.option('--browser', browsers) end def add_output_directory(command, path) path = File.expand_path(path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) unless File.exists?(path) command.option('--testOutput', path) end def add_capture_console(command) command.option('--captureConsole') end def add_with_config(command) save_config_file(config_yml_path) command.option('--config', config_yml_path) end def execute_jar'java').option('-jar', jar_path) end def generate_html_coverage_report(output_path) unless genhtml_installed? puts "Could not find genhtml. You must install lcov (sudo apt-get install lcov)" return end output_path = File.expand_path(output_path) config_file_name = File.basename(config_yml_path) coverage_file_name = config_file_name + '-coverage.dat' coverage_file_path = File.join(output_path, coverage_file_name) coverage_out_dir = File.join(output_path, 'coverage') system("genhtml -o #{coverage_out_dir} #{coverage_file_path}") end protected def genhtml_installed? !%x[which genhtml].strip.empty? end def parse_config source = "" if File.exist?(config_path) source = else warn("Could not find JS Test Driver config: '#{config_path}', assuming empty config file!") end config = JsTestDriver::Config.parse(source) config.config_dir = generated_files_dir return config end def default_config_path root = defined?(::Rails) ? ::Rails.root.to_s : '.' return File.expand_path(File.join(root, 'config', 'js_test_driver.rb')) end def default_jar_path current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) path = File.join(current_dir, '..', '..', 'vendor', 'js_test_driver.jar') return File.expand_path(path) end def default_config_yml_path return File.expand_path("jsTestDriver.conf", generated_files_dir) end def default_generated_files_dir return File.expand_path(".js_test_driver") end private def save_config_file(path) Dir.mkdir(generated_files_dir) unless File.exists?(generated_files_dir), "w+") { |f| f.puts config.to_s } config.save_fixtures end def attributes=(values) values.each do |attr, value| self.send("#{attr}=", value) end end class Command def initialize(executable) @command = "#{executable}" end def option(name, value = nil) value = "'#{value}'" if value && value =~ /\s/ @command = [@command, name, value].compact.join(' ') self end def run puts "Running #{self.to_s} with DISPLAY=#{ENV['DISPLAY']}" system(self.to_s) end def to_s return @command end end end end