@import 'facades/config'; @import 'facades/mixins'; // // Global typography styles for headings, paragraphs etc. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Headings ------------------------------------ 1. Fixes spacing and optimizes appearance 2. Sexier rendering in webkit and ios/android */ body{ font-family: $font-family; } @include establish-baseline($font-size); // links a { color: $link-color; } a:visited { color: $link-visited-color; } a:hover { color: $link-hover-color; } a:focus { outline: thin dotted; } h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { margin:0; font-weight: bold; text-rendering: optimizelegibility; // 1 -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased; &.headline{ @include box-sizing(border-box); } // this fixes rhythm breakage introduced by the added tag small{ @include inline-block(baseline); margin:-.2em 0; font-size:.75em; } } @function _heading_size($num){ $sizes: $heading-font-sizes; $orig: 30px 24px 18px 14px; @if $num > length($sizes){ @return nth($orig, $num); } @return nth($sizes, $num); } h1 { @include font-size(_heading_size(1), 2); @if $include-headline-styles == true{ &.headline{ @include leading(1, _heading_size(1)); @include margins(1, _heading_size(1)); } } } h2 { @include font-size(_heading_size(2)); @include margins(.5, _heading_size(2)); @if $include-headline-styles == true{ &.headline{ @include margins(1, _heading_size(2)); } } } h3 { @include font-size(_heading_size(3)); @include margins(.5, _heading_size(3)); @if $include-headline-styles == true{ &.headline{ @include margins(.5, _heading_size(3)); } } } h4 { @include font-size(_heading_size(4)); @include margins(.5, _heading_size(4)); } h5 { @include font-size(12px); } h6 { @include font-size(11px); text-transform:uppercase; } /* Headings ------------------------------------ */ p { font-size:$font-size; line-height:$line-height; @include margins(0 1, $font-size); } /* Lists ------------------------------------ */ ul, ol { @include font-size($font-size, 1); @include margins(0 1, $font-size); line-height:1; margin-left: 1.6em; padding:0; &.block{ margin-left:0; list-style:none; } ul, ol{ @include margins(.5, $font-size); } } ul { list-style: disc; } ol { list-style: decimal; } li { @include leading(1); } // for some reason older ie makes list items slightly smaller? .lt-ie9 li{ @include leading(1.01); } dl{ dt{ font-weight:bold; } dd{ margin:rhythm(.5) 0 rhythm(.5) rhythm(.5); } }