require 'rails_helper' feature "Tabulatr" do names = ["lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet", "consectetur", "adipisicing", "elit", "sed", "eiusmod", "tempor", "incididunt", "labore", "dolore", "magna", "aliqua", "enim", "minim", "veniam,", "quis", "nostrud", "exercitation", "ullamco", "laboris", "nisi", "aliquip", "commodo", "consequat", "duis", "aute", "irure", "reprehenderit", "voluptate", "velit", "esse", "cillum", "fugiat", "nulla", "pariatur", "excepteur", "sint", "occaecat", "cupidatat", "non", "proident", "sunt", "culpa", "qui", "officia", "deserunt", "mollit", "anim", "est", "laborum"] before(:each) do @vendor1 = Vendor.create!(:name => "ven d'or", :active => true) @vendor2 = Vendor.create!(:name => 'producer', :active => true) @tag1 = Tag.create!(:title => 'foo') @tag2 = Tag.create!(:title => 'bar') @tag3 = Tag.create!(:title => 'fubar') end feature "General data" do scenario "contains buttons" do visit simple_index_products_path ['.tabulatr-filter-menu-wrapper', '.tabulatr-batch-actions-menu-wrapper', '.tabulatr-paginator-wrapper'].each do |n| expect(find(n).visible?) end end scenario "contains column headers" do visit simple_index_products_path ['Title','Price','Active','Updated at'].each do |n| expect(page).to have_css('.tabulatr_table thead', text: n) end end scenario "contains the actual data", js: true do product = Product.create!(:title => names[0], :active => true, :price => 10.0) product.vendor = @vendor1! visit simple_index_products_path expect(page).to have_content("true") expect(page).to have_content("10.0") expect( eq("ven d'or") expect(page).to have_css('.tabulatr_table tbody', text: names[0]) expect(page).to have_css('.tabulatr_table tbody', text: "ven d'or") end scenario "correctly contains the association data", js: true do product = Product.create!(:title => names[0], :active => true, :price => 10.0) [@tag1, @tag2, @tag3].each_with_index do |tag, i| product.tags << tag visit simple_index_products_path expect(page).to have_content(tag.title.upcase) end end scenario "contains the actual data multiple times", js: true do 9.times do |i| product = Product.create!(:title => names[i], :active => i.even?, :price => 11.0+i, :vendor => i.even? ? @vendor1 : @vendor2) visit simple_index_products_path expect(page).to have_content(names[i]) expect(page).to have_content((11.0+i).to_s) end end scenario "contains the further data on the further pages" do names[10..-1].each_with_index do |n,i| product = Product.create!(:title => n, :active => i.even?, :price => 20.0+i, :vendor => i.even? ? @vendor1 : @vendor2) visit simple_index_products_path expect(page).to have_no_content(/\s+#{n}\s+/) expect(page).to have_no_content((30.0+i).to_s) end end end feature 'has_many' do scenario 'displays the count when called with :count', js: true do product = Product.create!(:title => names[0], :active => true, :price => 10.0) [@tag1, @tag2, @tag3].each do |tag| product.tags << tag end visit count_tags_products_path expect(page).to have_css('tbody td[data-tabulatr-column-name="tags:count"]', text: '3') end end feature "Pagination" do context 'pagination setting is true' do scenario 'has pages', js: true do 5.times do |i| Product.create!(:title => "test #{i}") end visit one_item_per_page_with_pagination_products_path expect(page).to have_css('.pagination li a[data-page]', count: 5) end scenario 'shows some pages when there are 20', js: true do 20.times do |i| Product.create! end visit one_item_per_page_with_pagination_products_path pages = page.all('.pagination li a[data-page]').map{|a| a['data-page'].to_i} expect(pages).to match_array([1,2,3,10,20]) end end context 'pagination setting is false' do scenario 'has no pages', js: true do 5.times do |i| Product.create! end visit one_item_per_page_without_pagination_products_path expect(page).to have_no_css('.pagination li a') end end end feature "Filters" do scenario "filters with like", js: true do names.each do |n| Product.create!(:title => n, :active => true, :price => 10.0) end visit simple_index_products_path click_link 'Filter' fill_in("product_filter[products:title][like]", with: "ore") expect(page).to have_selector('td[data-tabulatr-column-name="products:title"]', text: 'lorem') expect(page).to have_selector('td[data-tabulatr-column-name="products:title"]', text: 'labore') expect(page).to have_selector('td[data-tabulatr-column-name="products:title"]', text: 'dolore') within(".tabulatr_filter_form") do fill_in("product_filter[products:title][like]", :with => "loreem") end expect(page).not_to have_selector('td[data-tabulatr-column-name="products:title"]', text: 'lorem') expect(page).not_to have_selector('td[data-tabulatr-column-name="products:title"]', text: 'labore') expect(page).not_to have_selector('td[data-tabulatr-column-name="products:title"]', text: 'dolore') end scenario "filters", js: true do Product.create!([{title: 'foo', vendor: @vendor1}, {title: 'bar', vendor: @vendor2}]) visit simple_index_products_path click_link 'Filter' find('form.tabulatr_filter_form').fill_in("product_filter[vendor:name]", with: "producer") expect(page).not_to have_selector('td[data-tabulatr-column-name="vendor:name"]', text: expect(page).to have_selector('td[data-tabulatr-column-name="vendor:name"]', text: end scenario "without filters", js: true do visit without_filters_products_path expect(page).to have_no_content('Filter') end scenario "filters with range", js: true do n = names.length Product.create!([{title: 'foo', price: 5}, {title: 'bar', price: 17}]) visit simple_index_products_path click_link 'Filter' within('.tabulatr_filter_form') do fill_in("product_filter[products:price][from]", :with => 4) wait_for_ajax fill_in("product_filter[products:price][to]", :with => 10) wait_for_ajax end expect(page).to have_no_css('.tabulatr-spinner-box') expect(page).to have_css(".tabulatr_table tbody tr", text: 'foo') expect(page).to have_no_css(".tabulatr_table tbody tr", text: 'bar') within('.tabulatr_filter_form') do fill_in("product_filter[products:price][from]", :with => 12) wait_for_ajax fill_in("product_filter[products:price][to]", :with => 19) wait_for_ajax end expect(page).to have_no_css('.tabulatr-spinner-box') expect(page).to have_css(".tabulatr_table tbody tr", text: 'bar') expect(page).to have_no_css(".tabulatr_table tbody tr", text: 'foo') end scenario "filters enums", js: true do skip unless Product.respond_to?(:enum) Product.create!([{title: 'foo', price: 5, status: 'in_stock'}, {title: 'bar', price: 10, status: 'out_of_stock'}]) visit simple_index_products_path expect(page).to have_css('.tabulatr_table tbody', text: 'foo') expect(page).to have_css('.tabulatr_table tbody', text: 'bar') click_link 'Filter' within('.tabulatr_filter_form') do select 'in_stock', from: 'product_filter[products:status]' end expect(page).to have_no_css('.tabulatr-spinner-box') expect(page).to have_css('.tabulatr_table tbody', text: 'foo') expect(page).to have_no_css('.tabulatr_table tbody', text: 'bar') within('.tabulatr_filter_form') do select 'out_of_stock', from: 'product_filter[products:status]' end expect(page).to have_no_css('.tabulatr-spinner-box') expect(page).to have_css('.tabulatr_table tbody', text: 'bar') expect(page).to have_no_css('.tabulatr_table tbody', text: 'foo') end scenario 'removes the filters', js: true do Product.create!([{title: 'foo', price: 5}, {title: 'bar', price: 5}]) visit simple_index_products_path click_link 'Filter' within(".tabulatr_filter_form") do fill_in("product_filter[products:title][like]", with: "foo") end expect(page).not_to have_selector('td[data-tabulatr-column-name="products:title"]', text: 'bar') expect(page).to have_selector('td[data-tabulatr-column-name="products:title"]', text: 'foo') find('.tabulatr-reset-table').click expect(page).to have_selector('td[data-tabulatr-column-name="products:title"]', text: 'bar') expect(page).to have_selector('td[data-tabulatr-column-name="products:title"]', text: 'foo') end scenario 'custom filters', js: true do Product.create!([{title: 'foo', price: 7.5, vendor: @vendor1}, {title: 'bar', price: 90, vendor: @vendor1}]) Product.create!([{title: 'baz', price: 125, vendor: @vendor2}, {title: 'fubar', price: 133.3, vendor: @vendor2}, {title: 'fiz', price: 97, vendor: @vendor2}]) visit vendors_path expect(page).to have_css(".tabulatr_table tbody tr", count: 2) click_link 'Filter' within(".tabulatr_filter_form") do select("Expensive", from: "vendor_filter[product_price_range]") end expect(page).to have_css(".tabulatr_table tbody tr", count: 1) expect(page).to have_css('.tabulatr_table tbody td', text: within(".tabulatr_filter_form") do select("Cheap", from: "vendor_filter[product_price_range]") end expect(page).to have_css(".tabulatr_table tbody tr", count: 1) expect(page).to have_css('.tabulatr_table tbody td', text: end scenario 'custom split filters', js: true do Product.create!([{title: 'foo', price: 7.5, vendor: @vendor1}, {title: 'bar', price: 90, vendor: @vendor1}]) Product.create!([{title: 'baz', price: 125, vendor: @vendor2}, {title: 'fubar', price: 133.3, vendor: @vendor2}, {title: 'fiz', price: 97, vendor: @vendor2}]) visit vendors_path + '?split=5' expect(page).to have_css(".tabulatr_table tbody tr", count: 2) click_link 'Filter' within(".tabulatr_filter_form") do select("Expensive", from: "vendor_filter[product_price_range]") end expect(page).to have_css(".tabulatr_table tbody tr", count: 2) expect(page).to have_css('.tabulatr_table tbody td', text: expect(page).to have_css('.tabulatr_table tbody td', text: within(".tabulatr_filter_form") do select("Cheap", from: "vendor_filter[product_price_range]") end # wait_for_ajax expect(page).to have_css(".tabulatr_table tbody tr", count: 0, wait: 10) end end feature "Sorting" do scenario "knows how to sort", js: true do names.each do |n| Product.create!(title: n, vendor: @vendor1, active: true, price: 10.0) end visit simple_index_products_path l = names.count (1..10).each do |i| expect(page).to have_content names[l-i] end within('.tabulatr_table thead') do find('th[data-tabulatr-column-name="products:title"]').click end snames = names.sort (1..10).each do |i| expect(page).to have_content snames[i-1] end within('.tabulatr_table thead') do find('th[data-tabulatr-column-name="products:title"]').click end (1..10).each do |i| expect(page).to have_content snames[-i] end end end feature "Show simple records" do scenario "contains the actual data", js: false do names.shuffle.each.with_index do |n,i| p = => n, :active => true, :price => 10.0 + i) p.vendor = [@vendor1, @vendor2].shuffle.first p.tags = [@tag1, @tag2, @tag3].shuffle[0..rand(3)]! end visit stupid_array_products_path Product.order('price asc').limit(11).each do |product| expect(page).to have_content(product.title) expect(page).to have_content(product.title.upcase) expect(page).to have_content(product.price) expect(page).to have_content( expect(page).to have_content(product.title) expect(page).to have_content("foo#{product.title}foo") expect(page).to have_content("bar#{product.title}bar") expect(page).to have_content("%08.4f" % product.price) expect(page).to have_content(product.tags.count) product.tags.each do |tag| expect(page).to have_content(tag.title) expect(page).to have_content("foo#{tag.title}foo") expect(page).to have_content("bar#{tag.title}bar") end end end end feature "Batch actions", js: true do scenario "hides the actions if there are none" do visit one_item_per_page_with_pagination_products_path expect(page).to have_no_selector('.tabulatr-batch-actions-menu-wrapper a') end scenario 'executes the action when clicked' do product1 = Product.create!(:title => names[0], :active => true, :price => 10.0) product2 = Product.create!(:title => names[1], :active => true, :price => 10.0) product3 = Product.create!(:title => names[2], :active => true, :price => 10.0) visit with_batch_actions_products_path expect(page).to have_css(".tabulatr_table tbody tr", count: 3) find(".tabulatr-checkbox[value='#{}']").trigger('click') find(".tabulatr-checkbox[value='#{}']").trigger('click') find('.tabulatr-batch-actions-menu-wrapper a').click within('') do click_link 'Delete' end expect(page).to have_css(".tabulatr_table tbody tr", count: 1) end scenario 'executes the action for all items if nothing selected' do product1 = Product.create!(:title => names[0], :active => true, :price => 10.0) product2 = Product.create!(:title => names[1], :active => true, :price => 10.0) product3 = Product.create!(:title => names[2], :active => false, :price => 10.0) visit with_batch_actions_products_path find('.tabulatr-batch-actions-menu-wrapper a').click within('') do click_link 'Delete' end expect(page).to have_css('.tabulatr_table tbody tr', count: 0) end end feature "Column options", js: true do scenario 'applys the given style' do p = Product.create!(:title => names[0], :active => true, :price => 10.0) visit with_styling_products_path cell = find(".tabulatr_table tbody td[data-tabulatr-column-name='products:title']") header = find(".tabulatr_table thead th[data-tabulatr-column-name='products:title']") cell_without_style = find(".tabulatr_table tbody td[data-tabulatr-column-name='products:price']") header_without_style = find(".tabulatr_table thead th[data-tabulatr-column-name='products:price']") expect(cell[:style]).to eql 'background-color: green;text-align: left;width: 60px;white-space: nowrap;' expect(header[:style]).to eql 'color: orange;text-align: left;width: 60px;white-space: nowrap;' expect(cell_without_style[:style]).to be_empty expect(header_without_style[:style]).to be_empty end end end