#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'em-hiredis' require 'em-synchrony' require 'em-synchrony/em-http' require 'flapjack/data/entity_check' require 'flapjack/data/alert' require 'flapjack/redis_pool' require 'flapjack/utility' module Flapjack module Gateways class Pagerduty PAGERDUTY_EVENTS_API_URL = 'https://events.pagerduty.com/generic/2010-04-15/create_event.json' SEM_PAGERDUTY_ACKS_RUNNING = 'sem_pagerduty_acks_running' include Flapjack::Utility def initialize(opts = {}) @config = opts[:config] @logger = opts[:logger] @redis_config = opts[:redis_config] || {} @redis = Flapjack::RedisPool.new(:config => @redis_config, :size => 2) @logger.debug("New Pagerduty pikelet with the following options: #{@config.inspect}") @pagerduty_acks_started = nil super() end def stop @logger.info("stopping") @should_quit = true redis_uri = @redis_config[:path] || "redis://#{@redis_config[:host] || ''}:#{@redis_config[:port] || '6379'}/#{@redis_config[:db] || '0'}" shutdown_redis = EM::Hiredis.connect(redis_uri) shutdown_redis.rpush(@config['queue'], Flapjack.dump_json('notification_type' => 'shutdown')) end def start @logger.info("starting") while not test_pagerduty_connection and not @should_quit do @logger.error("Can't connect to the pagerduty API, retrying after 10 seconds") EM::Synchrony.sleep(10) end # TODO: only clear this if there isn't another pagerduty gateway instance running # or better, include an instance ID in the semaphore key name @redis.del(SEM_PAGERDUTY_ACKS_RUNNING) acknowledgement_timer = EM::Synchrony.add_periodic_timer(10) do find_pagerduty_acknowledgements_if_safe end queue = @config['queue'] events = {} until @should_quit @logger.debug("pagerduty gateway is going into blpop mode on #{queue}") events[queue] = @redis.blpop(queue, 0) event_json = events[queue][1] begin event = Flapjack.load_json(event_json) @logger.debug("pagerduty notification event received: " + event.inspect) if 'shutdown'.eql?(event['notification_type']) @logger.debug("@should_quit: #{@should_quit}") next end alert = Flapjack::Data::Alert.new(event, :logger => @logger) @logger.debug("processing pagerduty notification service_key: #{alert.address}, entity: #{alert.entity}, " + "check: '#{alert.check}', state: #{alert.state}, summary: #{alert.summary}") mydir = File.dirname(__FILE__) message_template_path = case when @config.has_key?('templates') && @config['templates']['alert.text'] @config['templates']['alert.text'] else mydir + "/pagerduty/alert.text.erb" end message_template = ERB.new(File.read(message_template_path), nil, '-') @alert = alert bnd = binding begin message = message_template.result(bnd).chomp rescue => e @logger.error "Error while excuting the ERB for a pagerduty message, " + "ERB being executed: #{message_template_path}" raise end pagerduty_type = case alert.type when 'acknowledgement' 'acknowledge' when 'problem' 'trigger' when 'recovery' 'resolve' when 'test' 'trigger' end # Setting the HOSTNAME and the SERVICE makes them visible in the Pagerduty UI pagerduty_event = { 'service_key' => alert.address, 'incident_key' => alert.event_id, 'event_type' => pagerduty_type, 'description' => message, 'details' => {'HOSTNAME' => alert.entity, 'SERVICE' => alert.check}} send_pagerduty_event(pagerduty_event) alert.record_send_success! rescue => e @logger.error "Error generating or dispatching pagerduty message: #{e.class}: #{e.message}\n" + e.backtrace.join("\n") @logger.debug "Message that could not be processed: \n" + event_json end end acknowledgement_timer.cancel end # considering this as part of the public API -- exposes it for testing. def find_pagerduty_acknowledgements_if_safe # ensure we're the only instance of the pagerduty acknowledgement check running (with a naive # timeout of five minutes to guard against stale locks caused by crashing code) either in this # process or in other processes if (@pagerduty_acks_started and @pagerduty_acks_started > (Time.now.to_i - 300)) or @redis.get(SEM_PAGERDUTY_ACKS_RUNNING) == 'true' @logger.debug("skipping looking for acks in pagerduty as this is already happening") return end @pagerduty_acks_started = Time.now.to_i @redis.set(SEM_PAGERDUTY_ACKS_RUNNING, 'true') @redis.expire(SEM_PAGERDUTY_ACKS_RUNNING, 300) find_pagerduty_acknowledgements @redis.del(SEM_PAGERDUTY_ACKS_RUNNING) @pagerduty_acks_started = nil end private def test_pagerduty_connection noop = { "service_key" => "11111111111111111111111111111111", "incident_key" => "Flapjack is running a NOOP", "event_type" => "nop", "description" => "I love APIs with noops." } code, results = send_pagerduty_event(noop) return true if code == 200 && results['status'] =~ /success/i @logger.error "Error: test_pagerduty_connection: API returned #{code.to_s} #{results.inspect}" false end def send_pagerduty_event(event) options = { :body => Flapjack.dump_json(event) } http = EM::HttpRequest.new(PAGERDUTY_EVENTS_API_URL).post(options) response = Flapjack.load_json(http.response) status = http.response_header.status @logger.debug "send_pagerduty_event got a return code of #{status.to_s} - #{response.inspect}" unless status == 200 raise "Error sending event to pagerduty: status: #{status.to_s} - #{response.inspect}" + " posted data: #{options[:body]}" end [status, response] end def find_pagerduty_acknowledgements @logger.debug("looking for acks in pagerduty for unack'd problems") unacknowledged_failing_checks = Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.unacknowledged_failing(:redis => @redis) @logger.debug "found unacknowledged failing checks as follows: " + unacknowledged_failing_checks.join(', ') unacknowledged_failing_checks.each do |entity_check| # If more than one contact for this entity_check has pagerduty # credentials then there'll be one hash in the array for each set of # credentials. ec_credentials = entity_check.contacts.inject([]) {|ret, contact| cred = contact.pagerduty_credentials ret << cred if cred ret } check = entity_check.check if ec_credentials.empty? @logger.debug("No pagerduty credentials found for #{entity_check.entity_name}:#{check}, skipping") next end # FIXME: try each set of credentials until one works (may have stale contacts turning up) options = ec_credentials.first.merge('check' => "#{entity_check.entity_name}:#{check}") acknowledged = pagerduty_acknowledged?(options) if acknowledged.nil? @logger.debug "#{entity_check.entity_name}:#{check} is not acknowledged in pagerduty, skipping" next end pg_acknowledged_by = acknowledged[:pg_acknowledged_by] entity_name = entity_check.entity_name @logger.info "#{entity_name}:#{check} is acknowledged in pagerduty, creating flapjack acknowledgement... " who_text = "" if !pg_acknowledged_by.nil? && !pg_acknowledged_by['name'].nil? who_text = " by #{pg_acknowledged_by['name']}" end # FIXME: decide where the default acknowledgement period should reside and use it # everywhere ... a case for moving configuration into redis (from config file) perhaps? four_hours = 4 * 60 * 60 Flapjack::Data::Event.create_acknowledgement( entity_name, check, :summary => "Acknowledged on PagerDuty" + who_text, :duration => four_hours, :redis => @redis) end end def pagerduty_acknowledged?(opts) subdomain = opts['subdomain'] username = opts['username'] password = opts['password'] check = opts['check'] unless subdomain && username && password && check @logger.warn("pagerduty_acknowledged?: Unable to look for acknowledgements on pagerduty" + " as all of the following options are required:" + " subdomain (#{subdomain}), username (#{username}), password (#{password}), check (#{check})") return nil end t = Time.now.utc url = 'https://' + subdomain + '.pagerduty.com/api/v1/incidents' query = { 'fields' => 'incident_number,status,last_status_change_by', 'since' => (t - (60*60*24*7)).iso8601, # the last week 'until' => (t + (60*60*24)).iso8601, # 1 day in the future 'incident_key' => check, 'status' => 'acknowledged' } options = { :head => { 'authorization' => [username, password] }, :query => query } @logger.debug("pagerduty_acknowledged?: request to #{url}") @logger.debug("pagerduty_acknowledged?: query: #{query.inspect}") @logger.debug("pagerduty_acknowledged?: auth: #{options[:head].inspect}") http = EM::HttpRequest.new(url).get(options) begin response = Flapjack.load_json(http.response) rescue Oj::Error @logger.error("failed to parse json from a post to #{url} ... response headers and body follows...") return nil end status = http.response_header.status @logger.debug(http.response_header.inspect) @logger.debug(http.response) @logger.debug("pagerduty_acknowledged?: decoded response as: #{response.inspect}") if response.nil? @logger.error('no valid response received from pagerduty!') return nil end if response['incidents'].nil? @logger.error('no incidents found in response') return nil end return nil if response['incidents'].empty? {:pg_acknowledged_by => response['incidents'].first['last_status_change_by']} end end end end