module Bozo::Hooks
# Hook for creating files based upon configuration files and ERB-style
# templates before any compilation occurs.
# == Overview
# This hook is primarily intended for generating config files with shared
# values but it is capable of generating whatever files you want. Each
# instance of the hook is isolated from the anothers so you could specify
# multiple hooks to work with different configurations and templates if you
# wished.
# By default the hook will load default.rb followed by
# [environment].rb followed by [machine_name].rb from the
# configured config_path if the file exists. It will then load any files
# explicitly required through the config_file method.
# == Hook configuration
# pre_compile :file_templating do |t|
# t.config_path 'somewhere' # defaults to 'config' if not specified
# t.config_file 'my/specific/file.rb' # must be a specific file
# t.source_files 'src/**/*.config.template' # can use glob format
# end
# Source files are expected to have an additional extension compared to the
# target file. For example, a source file of
# src/csharp/Project/Project.config.template will generate the file
# src/csharp/Project/Project.config.
# == Configuration files
# Configuration files specify a hash of hashes in a more readable format.
# For example:
# group :example do
# set :one, 'foo'
# set :two, 'bar'
# end
# Internally creates a hash like:
# {:example => {:one => 'foo', :two => 'bar'}}
# A configuration file can overwrite the values specified by a preceding one
# without error. Groups can be opened and closed as desired and nesting
# groups is possible.
# == Template files
# To use a value within an ERB template you specify the hash hierarchy as if
# they were method names rather than having to use the full hash syntax.
# Therefore, this is valid:
# Foo is <%= %>
# Whilst this is *not* valid:
# Foo is <%= self[:example][:one] %>
# If a template uses a value that is not specified within the configuration
# then the hook will raise an error and halt the build.
class FileTemplating
# Creates a new instance.
def initialize
@config_path = 'config'
@template_globs = []
@config_files = []
# Sets the path of the directory within which the hook should look for the
# default configuration files.
# @param [String] path
# The path to the directory containing the default configuration
# files.
def config_path(path)
@config_path = path
# Adds a specific file to load configuration from.
# @param [String] path
# The path to a configuration file.
def config_file(path)
@config_files << path
# Adds a set of templates files from which to generate files.
# @param [String] glob
# A glob that points to a set of files that should pass through the
# templating engine.
def template_files(glob)
@template_globs << glob
# Generate all the files matching the configuration.
def pre_compile
log_info '' # formatting
log_info 'Generating files'
get_coordinator.generate_files do |template, target|
log_debug "Generating #{target} from #{template}"
# Creates a new templating coordinator based upon the current
# configuration.
def get_coordinator
coordinator =
add_config coordinator
add_templates coordinator
# Adds the configuration to the templating coordinator.
def add_config(coordinator)
add_default_config_files coordinator
@config_files.each {|f| coordinator.required_config_file f}
# Adds the default configuration from the configuration directory to the
# templating coordinator.
# @param [ErubisTemplatingCoordinator] coordinator
# The template coordinator to add the configuration to.
def add_default_config_files(coordinator)
default_files = ['default.rb', "#{environment}.rb"]
default_files << "#{env['MACHINENAME']}.rb" if env['MACHINENAME']
default_files.each do |file|
coordinator.config_file File.join(@config_path, file)
# Adds the templates to the templating coordinator.
def add_templates(coordinator)
@template_globs.each do |glob|
coordinator.template_files glob