require 'optparse' require 'yaml' module S3backup class CLI DEFAULT_CONFIG='./backup.yml' def self.execute(stdout, arguments=[]) # NOTE: the option -p/--path= is given as an example, and should be replaced in your application. options = { :restore=> false, :config_file => DEFAULT_CONFIG, :verbose => false, :log => nil, :output_dir => '.' } begin parser = do |opt| opt.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($0)} [Option]" opt.on("-r","--restore","restore backup.") { options[:restore] = true } opt.on("-f","--file config",String,"location config file. default: #{DEFAULT_CONFIG}") {|o| options[:config_file] = o } opt.on("-o","--output directory",String,"restore location of directory. default: current directory.") {|o| options[:output_dir] = o } opt.on("-v","--verbose","verbose message to log file"){ options[:verbose] = true } opt.on("-l","--log path",String,"path to log file"){|o| options[:log] = o } opt.on("-h","--help","print this message and quit") { puts exit(0) } opt.parse!(arguments) end rescue OptionParser::ParseError => err S3log.error(err.message) exit(-1) end S3log.set_debug(options[:verbose]) if !File.file?(options[:config_file]) S3log.error("config #{options[:config_file]} is not exist.") exit(-1) end if options[:log] S3log.set_logfile([:log],"a")) end if options[:restore] FileUtils.mkdir_p(options[:output_dir]) if ![:output_dir]) S3log.error("output directory #{options[:output_dir]} is not exist.") exit(-1) end rt =[:output_dir],YAML.load_file(options[:config_file])) rt.start else bk =[:config_file])) bk.start end end end end