namespace :corpus do task :load_mail do $:.unshift File.expand_path('../', File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'lib/mail' end # Used to run parsing against an arbitrary corpus of email. # For example: desc "Provide a LOCATION=/some/dir to verify parsing in bulk, otherwise defaults" task :verify_all => :load_mail do root_of_corpus = ENV['LOCATION'] || 'corpus/spam' @save_failures_to = ENV['SAVE_TO'] || 'spec/fixtures/emails/failed_emails' @failed_emails = [] @checked_count = 0 if root_of_corpus root_of_corpus = File.expand_path(root_of_corpus) if not raise "\n\tPath '#{root_of_corpus}' is not a directory.\n\n" end else raise "\n\tSupply path to corpus: LOCATION=/path/to/corpus\n\n" end if @save_failures_to if not raise "\n\tPath '#{@save_failures_to}' is not a directory.\n\n" end @save_failures_to = File.expand_path(@save_failures_to) puts "Mail which fails to parse will be saved in '#{@save_failures_to}'" end puts "Checking '#{root_of_corpus}' directory (recursively)" # we're tracking all the errors separately, don't clutter terminal $stderr_backup = $stderr.dup $stderr.reopen("/dev/null", "w") STDERR = $stderr dir_node(root_of_corpus) # put our toys back now that we're done with them $stderr = $stderr_backup.dup STDERR = $stderr puts "\n\n" if @failed_emails.any? report_failures_to_stdout end puts "Out of Total: #{@checked_count}" if @save_failures_to puts "Add SAVE_TO=/some/dir to save failed emails to for review.," puts "May result in a lot of saved files. Do a dry run first!\n\n" else puts "There are no errors" end end def dir_node(path) puts "\n\n" puts "Checking emails in '#{path}':" entries = Dir.entries(path) entries.each do |entry| next if ['.', '..'].include?(entry) full_path = File.join(path, entry) if File.file?(full_path) file_node(full_path) elsif dir_node(full_path) end end end def file_node(path) verify(path) end def verify(path) result, message = parse_as_mail(path) if result print '.' $stdout.flush else save_failure(path, message) print 'x' end end def save_failure(path, message) @failed_emails << [path, message] if @save_failures_to email_basename = File.basename(path) failure_as_filename = message.gsub(/\W/, '_') new_email_name = [failure_as_filename, email_basename].join("_"), new_email_name), 'w+') do |fh| fh << end end end def parse_as_mail(path) @checked_count += 1 begin parsed_mail = [true, nil] rescue => e [false, e.message] end end def report_failures_to_stdout @failed_emails.each do |failed| puts "#{failed[0]} : #{failed[1]}" end puts "Failed: #{@failed_emails.size}" end end