Luca.fields.SelectField = Luca.core.Field.extend
form_field: true
"change select" : "change_handler"
className: 'luca-ui-select-field luca-ui-field'
template: "fields/select_field"
includeBlank: true
blankValue: ''
blankText: 'Select One'
initialize: (@options={})->
_.extend @, @options
_.extend @, Luca.modules.Deferrable
_.bindAll @, "change_handler", "populateOptions", "beforeFetch"
Luca.core.Field::initialize.apply @, arguments
@input_id ||= _.uniqueId('field')
@input_name ||= @name
@label ||= @name
@retainValue = true if _.isUndefined @retainValue
afterInitialize: ()->
if @collection?.data
@valueField ||= "id"
@displayField ||= "name"
catch e
console.log "Error Configuring Collection", @, e.message
@collection.bind "before:fetch", @beforeFetch
@collection.bind "reset", @populateOptions
# if the select field is configured with a data property
# then parse that data into the proper format. either
# an array of objects with the valueField and displayField
# properties, or an array of arrays with [valueField, displayField]
parseData: ()-> = _( ).map (record)=>
return record if not _.isArray( record )
hash = {}
hash[ @valueField ] = record[0]
hash[ @displayField ] = record[1]
afterRender: ()->
@input = $('select', @el)
if @collection?.models?.length > 0
setValue: (value)->
@currentValue = value
Luca.core.Field::setValue.apply @, arguments
beforeFetch: ()->
change_handler: (e)->
@trigger "on:change", @, e
resetOptions: ()->
if @includeBlank
populateOptions: ()->
if @collection?.each?
@collection.each (model) =>
value = model.get( @valueField )
display = model.get( @displayField )
selected = "selected" if @selected and value is @selected
option = ""
@input.append( option )
@trigger "after:populate:options", @
@setValue( @currentValue )
Luca.register "select_field", "Luca.fields.SelectField"