A drop-n replacement for Capistrano so you can run tasks in Webistrano from your command line just using the cap command. Installation ============ gem install mattmatt-cap-ext-webistrano Usage ===== You can still use the capify command to generate the initial files required by Capistrano. In your Capfile, insert the following lines at the end. gem 'mattmatt-cap-ext-webistrano' require 'cap_ext_webistrano' The Webistrano extensions require a couple of configuration options that you can specify in your deploy.rb. They're pretty much the standard options you'd configure for your application with Capistrano. set :application, "My project" # The project as named in Webistrano set :user, "admin" set :password, "admin" set :stage, "test" # specify the stage you want to deploy set :webistrano_home, "http://webistrano.mydomain.com/" If you only have one stage in your project this should do, however with several stages it'd be better to ask for the stage to be deployed: set :stage do Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask "Specify the stage to deploy: " end (c) 2009 Mathias Meyer Released under the MIT license.