- content_for :scripts do :javascript $(function() { $('.preview').click(function(e) { for ( instance in CKEDITOR.instances ) CKEDITOR.instances[instance].updateElement(); e.preventDefault(); // store the action var form = $(this).closest('form'); var action = $(form).attr("action"); // rewrite the target and action $(form).attr("target", "_blank"); $(form).attr("action", "/posts/preview"); $(form).submit(); // put things back the way they were $(form).removeAttr("target"); $(form).attr("action", action); }); $('#tabs').tabs(); clearUIClasses(); }); = form_for [:forge, @post], :builder => ForgeFormBuilder do |f| = error_messages_for :post #tabs %ul.tabbed %li= link_to "Post Details", "#details" %li= link_to "SEO Fields", "#seo" .spacer #details #form-header= f.title_field(:title, :explanation => "Give your post a title.") .inner-form.with-normal-sidebar .column.side = publish_box(f, @post) - unless @categories.blank? %h3 Categories .explanation Where would you like your post to appear? - @categories.each do |category| %label{:style => "font-weight: normal; font-size: 14px;"} .float-left= check_box_tag('post[post_category_ids][]', category.id, @post.post_category_ids.include?(category.id)) .float-right{:style => "width: 130px"}= category.title .spacer %hr = side_row("Comments", :explanation => "Allow site visitors to comment on this post?") { slider("Sure", f.radio_button(:allow_comments, true), "No", f.radio_button(:allow_comments, false)) } = f.datetime_widget :created_at, :label => "Publication Date", :explanation => "When should this post go live?" .column.main.last = f.cktext_area :excerpt, :ckeditor => { :width => '100%', :height => '100px;' }, :label => "Compose & Format Your Excerpt" = f.cktext_area :content, :label => "Compose & Format Your Post" .spacer #seo=render :partial => "forge/shared/seo_fields", :locals => {:f => f} #item-list-bottom .float-right Everything look good? = button_link "Preview", "javascript:;", :class => "preview button" = button_link "Save", "javascript:;", :class => "submit button"