require 'omniauth/key_store' module OmniAuth class NoSessionError < StandardError; end # The Strategy is the base unit of OmniAuth's ability to # wrangle multiple providers. Each strategy provided by # OmniAuth includes this mixin to gain the default functionality # necessary to be compatible with the OmniAuth library. module Strategy # rubocop:disable ModuleLength def self.included(base) OmniAuth.strategies << base base.extend ClassMethods base.class_eval do option :setup, false option :skip_info, false option :origin_param, 'origin' end end module ClassMethods # Returns an inherited set of default options set at the class-level # for each strategy. def default_options # existing = superclass.default_options if superclass.respond_to?(:default_options) existing = superclass.respond_to?(:default_options) ? superclass.default_options : {} @default_options ||= end # This allows for more declarative subclassing of strategies by allowing # default options to be set using a simple configure call. # # @param options [Hash] If supplied, these will be the default options (deep-merged into the superclass's default options). # @yield [Options] The options Mash that allows you to set your defaults as you'd like. # # @example Using a yield to configure the default options. # # class MyStrategy # include OmniAuth::Strategy # # configure do |c| # = 'bar' # end # end # # @example Using a hash to configure the default options. # # class MyStrategy # include OmniAuth::Strategy # configure foo: 'bar' # end def configure(options = nil) if block_given? yield default_options else default_options.deep_merge!(options) end end # Directly declare a default option for your class. This is a useful from # a documentation perspective as it provides a simple line-by-line analysis # of the kinds of options your strategy provides by default. # # @param name [Symbol] The key of the default option in your configuration hash. # @param value [Object] The value your object defaults to. Nil if not provided. # # @example # # class MyStrategy # include OmniAuth::Strategy # # option :foo, 'bar' # option # end def option(name, value = nil) default_options[name] = value end # Sets (and retrieves) option key names for initializer arguments to be # recorded as. This takes care of 90% of the use cases for overriding # the initializer in OmniAuth Strategies. def args(args = nil) if args @args = Array(args) return end existing = superclass.respond_to?(:args) ? superclass.args : [] (instance_variable_defined?(:@args) && @args) || existing end %w[uid info extra credentials].each do |fetcher| class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 attr_reader :#{fetcher}_proc private :#{fetcher}_proc def #{fetcher}(&block) return #{fetcher}_proc unless block_given? @#{fetcher}_proc = block end def #{fetcher}_stack(context) compile_stack(self.ancestors, :#{fetcher}, context) end RUBY end def compile_stack(ancestors, method, context) stack = ancestors.inject([]) do |a, ancestor| a << context.instance_eval(&ancestor.send(method)) if ancestor.respond_to?(method) && ancestor.send(method) a end stack.reverse! end end attr_reader :app, :env, :options, :response # Initializes the strategy by passing in the Rack endpoint, # the unique URL segment name for this strategy, and any # additional arguments. An `options` hash is automatically # created from the last argument if it is a hash. # # @param app [Rack application] The application on which this middleware is applied. # # @overload new(app, options = {}) # If nothing but a hash is supplied, initialized with the supplied options # overriding the strategy's default options via a deep merge. # @overload new(app, *args, options = {}) # If the strategy has supplied custom arguments that it accepts, they may # will be passed through and set to the appropriate values. # # @yield [Options] Yields options to block for further configuration. def initialize(app, *args, &block) # rubocop:disable UnusedMethodArgument @app = app @env = nil @options = self.class.default_options.dup options.deep_merge!(args.pop) if args.last.is_a?(Hash) options[:name] ||= self.class.to_s.split('::').last.downcase self.class.args.each do |arg| break if args.empty? options[arg] = args.shift end # Make sure that all of the args have been dealt with, otherwise error out. raise("Received wrong number of arguments. #{args.inspect}")) unless args.empty? yield options if block_given? end def inspect "#<#{self.class}>" end # Direct access to the OmniAuth logger, automatically prefixed # with this strategy's name. # # @example # log :warn, "This is a warning." def log(level, message) OmniAuth.logger.send(level, "(#{name}) #{message}") end # Duplicates this instance and runs #call! on it. # @param [Hash] The Rack environment. def call(env)!(env) end # The logic for dispatching any additional actions that need # to be taken. For instance, calling the request phase if # the request path is recognized. # # @param env [Hash] The Rack environment. def call!(env) # rubocop:disable CyclomaticComplexity, PerceivedComplexity unless env['rack.session'] error ='You must provide a session to use OmniAuth.') raise(error) end warn_if_using_get @env = env @env['omniauth.strategy'] = self if on_auth_path? return mock_call!(env) if OmniAuth.config.test_mode begin return options_call if on_auth_path? && options_request? return request_call if on_request_path? && OmniAuth.config.allowed_request_methods.include?(request.request_method.downcase.to_sym) return callback_call if on_callback_path? return other_phase if respond_to?(:other_phase) rescue StandardError => e return fail!(e.message, e) end end def warn_if_using_get return unless OmniAuth.config.allowed_request_methods.include?(:get) return if OmniAuth.config.silence_get_warning log :warn, <<-WARN You are using GET as an allowed request method for OmniAuth. This may leave you open to CSRF attacks. As of v2.0.0, OmniAuth by default allows only POST to its own routes. You should review the following resources to guide your mitigation: You can ignore this warning by setting: OmniAuth.config.silence_get_warning = true WARN end # Responds to an OPTIONS request. def options_call if OmniAuth.config.before_options_phase verbs = OmniAuth.config.allowed_request_methods.collect(&:to_s).collect(&:upcase).join(', ') [200, {'Allow' => verbs}, []] end # Performs the steps necessary to run the request phase of a strategy. def request_call # rubocop:disable CyclomaticComplexity, MethodLength, PerceivedComplexity setup_phase log :debug, 'Request phase initiated.' # store query params from the request url, extracted in the callback_phase session['omniauth.params'] = request.GET if OmniAuth.config.request_validation_phase if OmniAuth.config.before_request_phase if options.form.respond_to?(:call) log :debug, 'Rendering form from supplied Rack endpoint.' elsif options.form log :debug, 'Rendering form from underlying application.' call_app! elsif !options.origin_param request_phase else if request.params[options.origin_param] env['rack.session']['omniauth.origin'] = request.params[options.origin_param] elsif env['HTTP_REFERER'] && !env['HTTP_REFERER'].match(/#{request_path}$/) env['rack.session']['omniauth.origin'] = env['HTTP_REFERER'] end request_phase end rescue OmniAuth::AuthenticityError => e fail!(:authenticity_error, e) end # Performs the steps necessary to run the callback phase of a strategy. def callback_call setup_phase log :debug, 'Callback phase initiated.' @env['omniauth.origin'] = session.delete('omniauth.origin') @env['omniauth.origin'] = nil if env['omniauth.origin'] == '' @env['omniauth.params'] = session.delete('omniauth.params') || {} if OmniAuth.config.before_callback_phase callback_phase end # Returns true if the environment recognizes either the # request or callback path. def on_auth_path? on_request_path? || on_callback_path? end def on_request_path? if options[:request_path].respond_to?(:call) options[:request_path].call(env) else on_path?(request_path) end end def on_callback_path? on_path?(callback_path) end def on_path?(path) current_path.casecmp(path).zero? end def options_request? request.request_method == 'OPTIONS' end # This is called in lieu of the normal request process # in the event that OmniAuth has been configured to be # in test mode. def mock_call!(*) begin return mock_request_call if on_request_path? && OmniAuth.config.allowed_request_methods.include?(request.request_method.downcase.to_sym) return mock_callback_call if on_callback_path? rescue StandardError => e return fail!(e.message, e) end call_app! end def mock_request_call setup_phase session['omniauth.params'] = request.GET if OmniAuth.config.request_validation_phase if OmniAuth.config.before_request_phase if options.origin_param if request.params[options.origin_param] session['omniauth.origin'] = request.params[options.origin_param] elsif env['HTTP_REFERER'] && !env['HTTP_REFERER'].match(/#{request_path}$/) session['omniauth.origin'] = env['HTTP_REFERER'] end end redirect(callback_url) end def mock_callback_call setup_phase @env['omniauth.origin'] = session.delete('omniauth.origin') @env['omniauth.origin'] = nil if env['omniauth.origin'] == '' @env['omniauth.params'] = session.delete('omniauth.params') || {} mocked_auth = OmniAuth.mock_auth_for(name.to_s) if mocked_auth.is_a?(Symbol) fail!(mocked_auth) else @env['omniauth.auth'] = mocked_auth if OmniAuth.config.before_callback_phase call_app! end end # The setup phase looks for the `:setup` option to exist and, # if it is, will call either the Rack endpoint supplied to the # `:setup` option or it will call out to the setup path of the # underlying application. This will default to `/auth/:provider/setup`. def setup_phase if options[:setup].respond_to?(:call) log :debug, 'Setup endpoint detected, running now.' options[:setup].call(env) elsif options[:setup] log :debug, 'Calling through to underlying application for setup.' setup_env = env.merge('PATH_INFO' => setup_path, 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET') call_app!(setup_env) end end # @abstract This method is called when the user is on the request path. You should # perform any information gathering you need to be able to authenticate # the user in this phase. def request_phase raise(NotImplementedError) end def uid self.class.uid_stack(self).last end def info merge_stack(self.class.info_stack(self)) end def credentials merge_stack(self.class.credentials_stack(self)) end def extra merge_stack(self.class.extra_stack(self)) end def auth_hash credentials_data = credentials extra_data = extra => name, :uid => uid).tap do |auth| = info unless skip_info? auth.credentials = credentials_data if credentials_data auth.extra = extra_data if extra_data end end # Determines whether or not user info should be retrieved. This # allows some strategies to save a call to an external API service # for existing users. You can use it either by setting the `:skip_info` # to true or by setting `:skip_info` to a Proc that takes a uid and # evaluates to true when you would like to skip info. # # @example # # use MyStrategy, :skip_info => lambda{|uid| User.find_by_uid(uid)} def skip_info? return false unless options.skip_info? return true unless options.skip_info.respond_to?(:call) end def callback_phase env['omniauth.auth'] = auth_hash call_app! end def path_prefix options[:path_prefix] || OmniAuth.config.path_prefix end def custom_path(kind) if options[kind].respond_to?(:call) result = options[kind].call(env) return nil unless result.is_a?(String) result else options[kind] end end def request_path @request_path ||= if options[:request_path].is_a?(String) options[:request_path] else "#{script_name}#{path_prefix}/#{name}" end end def callback_path @callback_path ||= begin path = options[:callback_path] if options[:callback_path].is_a?(String) path ||= current_path if options[:callback_path].respond_to?(:call) && options[:callback_path].call(env) path ||= custom_path(:request_path) path ||= "#{script_name}#{path_prefix}/#{name}/callback" path end end def setup_path options[:setup_path] || "#{path_prefix}/#{name}/setup" end CURRENT_PATH_REGEX = %r{/$}.freeze EMPTY_STRING = ''.freeze def current_path @current_path ||= request.path.downcase.sub(CURRENT_PATH_REGEX, EMPTY_STRING) end def query_string request.query_string.empty? ? '' : "?#{request.query_string}" end def call_app!(env = @env) end def full_host case OmniAuth.config.full_host when String OmniAuth.config.full_host when Proc else # in Rack 1.3.x, request.url explodes if scheme is nil if request.scheme && request.url.match(URI::ABS_URI) uri = URI.parse(request.url.gsub(/\?.*$/, '')) uri.path = '' # sometimes the url is actually showing http inside rails because the # other layers (like nginx) have handled the ssl termination. uri.scheme = 'https' if ssl? # rubocop:disable BlockNesting uri.to_s else '' end end end def callback_url full_host + callback_path + query_string end def script_name @env['SCRIPT_NAME'] || '' end def session @env['rack.session'] end def request @request ||= end def name options[:name] end def redirect(uri) r = if options[:iframe] r.write("") else r.write("Redirecting to #{uri}...") r.redirect(uri) end r.finish end def user_info {} end def fail!(message_key, exception = nil) env['omniauth.error'] = exception env['omniauth.error.type'] = message_key.to_sym env['omniauth.error.strategy'] = self if exception log :error, "Authentication failure! #{message_key}: #{exception.class}, #{exception.message}" else log :error, "Authentication failure! #{message_key} encountered." end end class Options < OmniAuth::KeyStore; end protected def initialize_copy(*args) super @options = @options.dup end def merge_stack(stack) stack.inject({}) do |a, e| a.merge!(e) a end end def ssl? request.env['HTTPS'] == 'on' || request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SSL'] == 'on' || request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SCHEME'] == 'https' || (request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] && request.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'].split(',')[0] == 'https') || request.env['rack.url_scheme'] == 'https' end end end