package com.rho.rhoelements.plugins; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.Arrays; import com.rho.rhoelements.Common; import com.rho.rhoelements.LogEntry; import; /** * Provides a set of functions to convert a 32 bit ARGB8888 bitmap into a single bit per pixel bitmap. * The original bitmap is passed into the contructor for this class. * @author Barry Piper * */ public class FormatBitmap { private static final int BITMAPINFOHEADER_SIZE = 40; private static final int BITMAPFILEHEADER_SIZE = 14; private static final int BITMAPCOLORINFO_SIZE = 8; private static final int RESERVED = 0x0; private static final int iPlanes = 1; private static final int iBitCount = 1; private static final int iCompression = 0; private static final int iFileOffsetIntoPixelArray = BITMAPFILEHEADER_SIZE + BITMAPINFOHEADER_SIZE + BITMAPCOLORINFO_SIZE; private static final int iXPelsPerMeter = 0x0; private static final int iYPelsPerMeter = 0x0; private static final int iClrUsed = 2; private static final int iClrImportant = 0; private static final byte bfType [] = {'B', 'M'}; /** * intToWord converts an int to a word, where the return * value is stored in a 2-byte array. * * @author Barry Piper * @param parValue * @return a two byte array of type byte [] */ private static byte [] intToWord (int parValue) { byte retValue [] = new byte [2]; retValue [0] = (byte) (parValue & 0x00FF); retValue [1] = (byte) ((parValue >> 8) & 0x00FF); return (retValue); } /** * intToDWord converts an int to a double word, where the return * value is stored in a 4-byte array. * * @author Barry Piper * @param parValue of type int * @return a four byte array of type byte [] */ private static byte [] intToDWord (int parValue) { byte retValue [] = new byte [4]; retValue [0] = (byte) (parValue & 0x00FF); retValue [1] = (byte) ((parValue >> 8) & 0x000000FF); retValue [2] = (byte) ((parValue >> 16) & 0x000000FF); retValue [3] = (byte) ((parValue >> 24) & 0x000000FF); return (retValue); } /* * writeBitmapFileHeader writes the bitmap file header to the file. * */ private static void writeBitmapFileHeader (FileOutputStream fOut, Bitmap bitmap, int iBitmapFileSize) throws IOException { fOut.write (bfType); fOut.write (intToDWord (iBitmapFileSize)); fOut.write (intToWord (RESERVED)); fOut.write (intToWord (RESERVED)); fOut.write (intToDWord (iFileOffsetIntoPixelArray)); } /* * * writeBitmapInfoHeader writes the bitmap information header * to the file. * */ private static void writeBitmapInfoHeader (FileOutputStream fOut, Bitmap bitmap, int iWidth, int iHeight, int iSizeImage, int iBackgroundColour, int iPenColour) throws IOException { fOut.write (intToDWord (BITMAPINFOHEADER_SIZE)); fOut.write (intToDWord (iWidth)); fOut.write (intToDWord (iHeight)); fOut.write (intToWord (iPlanes)); fOut.write (intToWord (iBitCount)); fOut.write (intToDWord (iCompression)); fOut.write (intToDWord (iSizeImage)); fOut.write (intToDWord (iXPelsPerMeter)); fOut.write (intToDWord (iYPelsPerMeter)); fOut.write (intToDWord (iClrUsed)); fOut.write (intToDWord (iClrImportant)); fOut.write (intToDWord (iBackgroundColour)); // colour 1 aarrggbb fOut.write (intToDWord (iPenColour)); // colour 2 aarrggbb } /** * Converts the bitmap into a bit array and then outputs it to a file output stream (via a byte array). * @param fOut * @param bitmap * @param canvasWidth * @param canvasHeight * @param iBackgroundColour * @throws IOException * @author Ben Kennedy */ private static void writeBitmapData (FileOutputStream fOut, Bitmap bitmap, int canvasWidth, int canvasHeight, int iBackgroundColour) throws IOException { int bitmapWidth = 0; if(canvasWidth % 32 != 0) bitmapWidth = 32 - (canvasWidth % 32); // if it is not divisible by 32 bitmapWidth += canvasWidth; boolean[] booleanArray = new boolean[bitmapWidth * canvasHeight]; Arrays.fill(booleanArray, false); // blank out the array to 0's byte[] byteArray = new byte[booleanArray.length / 8]; for(int y = 0; y < canvasHeight; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < canvasWidth; x++) { int pixel = bitmap.getPixel(x, y); if(pixel != iBackgroundColour ) { booleanArray[(((canvasHeight - 1) - y) * bitmapWidth) + x] = true; // For some reason, the file wants the image rows in reverse order. Thats why ((canvasHeight - 1) - y) is there } } } //Convert the bit array into a byte array int currentByte = 0; int currentBit = 0; byte modifyingByte = 0; for(boolean bit: booleanArray) { modifyingByte = (byte) (modifyingByte << 1); if(bit) modifyingByte += 1; if(++currentBit == 8) { currentBit = 0; byteArray[currentByte] = modifyingByte; currentByte++; modifyingByte = 0; } } fOut.write(byteArray); } //private static void writeBitmapData (FileOutputStream fOut, Bitmap bitmap, int canvasWidth, int canvasHeight/*, int iSizeImage*/, int iBackgroundColour/*, int iPenColour, int iBytesPerLine, int iBitmapFileSize*/) throws IOException //{ // find all pixel plot points /* int total_x = iWidth; int total_y = iHeight; int bitpos = 0; int new_y = 0; int row=0; int byteposition=0; int bitposition=0; int pixel=0; int x=0,y=0; byte[] bytesar = new byte[iSizeImage]; Arrays.fill(bytesar, (byte) 0); // for(int i=0;i> 3; int iSizeImage = iBytesPerLine * iHeight; int iBitmapFileSize = iSizeImage + BITMAPINFOHEADER_SIZE + BITMAPFILEHEADER_SIZE + BITMAPCOLORINFO_SIZE; writeBitmapFileHeader(fOut, bitmap, iBitmapFileSize); writeBitmapInfoHeader(fOut, bitmap, iWidth, iHeight, iSizeImage, iBackgroundColour, iPenColour); writeBitmapData(fOut, bitmap, iWidth, iHeight, iBackgroundColour); // writeBitmapData(fOut, bitmap, iWidth, iHeight, iSizeImage, iBackgroundColour, iPenColour, iBytesPerLine, iBitmapFileSize); } }