module Avro module Builder # TODO: eventually this should be refactored into something standalone # instead of a module that is included to provide the file handling methods. module FileHandler module ClassMethods # Load paths are used to search for imports and extends. def load_paths @load_paths ||= end end def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end def read_file(name) end private def find_file(name) file_name = "#{name.to_s.sub(/\.rb$/, '')}.rb" matches = self.class.load_paths.flat_map do |load_path| Dir["#{load_path}/**/*.rb"].select do |file_path| file_path.end_with?(file_name) end end raise "Multiple matches: #{matches}" if matches.size > 1 raise "File not found #{name}" if matches.empty? matches.first end end end end