Feature: Show - Attributes Table Title Modifying the title of the panel wrapping the attributes table Background: Given a post with the title "Hello World" written by "Jane Doe" exists Scenario: Set a string as the title Given a show configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do show do attributes_table title: "Title From String" end end """ Then I should see the panel title "Title From String" And I should see the attributes table Scenario: Set a method to be called on the resource as the title Given a show configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do show do attributes_table title: :title end end """ Then I should see the panel title "Hello World" And I should see the attributes table Scenario: Set a proc as the title Given a show configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do show do attributes_table title: proc{ |post| "Title: #{post.title}" } end end """ Then I should see the panel title "Title: Hello World" And I should see the attributes table Scenario: Should not accept other keys Given a show configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do show do attributes_table foo: "Title From String" end end """ Then I should not see the panel title "Title From String" And I should see the attributes table