# encoding: utf-8 $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.expand_path('../lib/', __FILE__)) require 'nanoc3' Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = 'nanoc3' s.version = Nanoc3::VERSION s.summary = 'a web publishing system written in Ruby for building small to medium-sized websites.' s.homepage = 'http://nanoc.stoneship.org/' s.authors = 'Denis Defreyne' s.email = 'denis.defreyne@stoneship.org' s.files = Dir['[A-Z]*'] + Dir['doc/yardoc_templates/**/*'] + Dir['{bin,lib,tasks,test}/**/*'] + [ 'nanoc3.gemspec', '.gemtest' ] s.executables = [ 'nanoc3' ] s.require_paths = [ 'lib' ] s.rdoc_options = [ '--main', 'README.md' ] s.extra_rdoc_files = [ 'ChangeLog', 'LICENSE', 'README.md', 'NEWS.md' ] s.add_runtime_dependency('cri', '~> 1.0') s.post_install_message = %q{------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for installing nanoc 3.1! Here are some resources to help you get started: * The tutorial at * The manual at * The discussion group at Because nanoc 3.1 has quite a few new features, be sure to check out the nanoc blog at for details about this release. Enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } end