b0VIM 7.4 =   s 3 Z I - Contains data from cli-spinners: MIT License, Copyright (c) Sindre Sorhus (sindresorhus.com)- Copyright (C) 2016 Jan Lelis . Released under the MIT license.## MIT License- Don't set very short intervals (or it might affect performance substantly)- Colors not working? Be sure to include the [paint](https://github.com/janlelis/paint/) gem- Will not do anything if stream is not a real console- Interval is milliseconds, but don't rely on exact timing## Remarks, Troubleshooting, Caveats- Extra fun spinners :random_character, :random_emoticon (SOON)- Spinners are either an Array of frames or an enumerator [...]- See `data/cursors.json`## Included Spinners & Custom Spinners```end sleep 5Whirly.start spinner: "clock", interval: 1000, hide_cursor: false do```ruby### Slower Interval, Don't Hide Cursor```end sleep 10Whirly.start spinner: "pong", use_color: false, status: "The Game of Pong" do```ruby### No Colors, Pong Spinner, Initial Status```Whirly.stopWhirly.status = "Almoste done…"sleep 3Whirly.status = "Working on it…"Whirly.start spinner: "world"```ruby### Non-Block Syntax, World Spinner```end sleep 2 Whirly.status = "Almoste done… sleep 3 Whirly.status = "Working on it…"Whirly.start do```ruby### Basic Usage## Usage```gem 'paint' # makes whirly colorful (recommended)gem 'whirly'```rubyAdd to your `Gemfile`:## SetupALPHA RELEASE FOR EURUKOWhirly terminal spinner for Ruby, influenced by [ora](https://github.com/sindresorhus/ora), includes [cli-spinners](https://github.com/sindresorhus/cli-spinners).# Whirly [![[version]](https://badge.fury.io/rb/whirly.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/whirly) [![[travis]](https://travis-ci.org/janlelis/whirly.png)](https://travis-ci.org/janlelis/whirly)