# 0.2.8 - Fixed bug on gradient calculation of Logistic Regression. - Fixed to change accessor of params of estimators to read only. - Added parameter validation. # 0.2.7 - Fixed to support multiclass classifiction into LinearSVC, LogisticRegression, KernelSVC, and FactorizationMachineClassifier # 0.2.6 - Added class for Decision Tree classifier. - Added class for Random Forest classifier. - Fixed to use frozen string literal. - Refactored marshal dump method on some classes. - Introduced Coveralls to confirm test coverage. # 0.2.5 - Added classes for Naive Bayes classifier. - Fixed decision function method on Logistic Regression class. - Fixed method visibility on RBF kernel approximation class. # 0.2.4 - Added class for Factorization Machine classifier. - Added classes for evaluation measures. - Fixed the method for prediction of class probability in Logistic Regression. # 0.2.3 - Added class for cross validation. - Added specs for base modules. - Fixed validation of the number of splits when a negative label is given. # 0.2.2 - Added data splitter classes for K-fold cross validation. # 0.2.1 - Added class for K-nearest neighbors classifier. # 0.2.0 - Migrated the linear algebra library to Numo::NArray. - Added module for loading and saving libsvm format file. # 0.1.3 - Added class for Kernel Support Vector Machine with Pegasos algorithm. - Added module for calculating pairwise kernel fuctions and euclidean distances. # 0.1.2 - Added the function learning a model with bias term to the PegasosSVC and LogisticRegression classes. - Rewrited the document with yard notation. # 0.1.1 - Added class for Logistic Regression with SGD optimization. - Fixed some mistakes on the document. # 0.1.0 - Added basic classes. - Added an utility module. - Added class for RBF kernel approximation. - Added class for Support Vector Machine with Pegasos alogrithm. - Added class that performs mutlclass classification with one-vs.-rest strategy. - Added classes for preprocessing such as min-max scaling, standardization, and L2 normalization.