require 'itamae-mitsurin' require 'itamae-mitsurin/mitsurin' module ItamaeMitsurin module Resource class AwsEc2Instance < Base define_attribute :region, type: String, required: true define_attribute :action, default: :create define_attribute :dry_run, type: [TrueClass, FalseClass], default_name: false define_attribute :name, type: String, default_name: true define_attribute :image_id, type: String, required: true define_attribute :key_name, type: String define_attribute :security_group_ids, type: Array define_attribute :user_data, type: String define_attribute :instance_type, type: String, required: true define_attribute :kernel_id, type: String define_attribute :ramdisk_id, type: String define_attribute :device_name, type: String define_attribute :snapshot_id, type: String define_attribute :volume_size, type: Integer, required: true define_attribute :delete_on_termination, type: [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: true define_attribute :volume_type, type: String, default: "gp2" define_attribute :iops, type: Integer define_attribute :encrypted, type: TrueClass define_attribute :monitoring, type: [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: false define_attribute :subnet_id, type: String define_attribute :disable_api_termination, type: [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: false define_attribute :instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior, type: String, default: "stop" define_attribute :private_ip_address, type: String define_attribute :client_token, type: String define_attribute :additional_info, type: String define_attribute :network_interface_id, type: String define_attribute :device_index, type: String define_attribute :subnet_id, type: String, required: true define_attribute :private_ip_address, type: String define_attribute :groups, type: Array define_attribute :private_ip_address, type: String define_attribute :primary, type: [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: true define_attribute :secondary_private_ip_address_count, type: Integer define_attribute :associate_public_ip_address, type: [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: true define_attribute :iam_instance_profile, type: String define_attribute :ebs_optimized, type: [TrueClass, FalseClass], default: false define_attribute :tags, type: Array def pre_action logger = ItamaeMitsurin.logger @ec2 = attributes.region) instance = @ec2.describe_instances({ filters: [ { name: 'tag:Name', values: [ ], }, ], }).reservations @flag = nil unless instance.empty? logger.color(:white) {logger.debug "instance describe status =>\n #{instance.to_s.gsub(/,/, "\n")}"} instance[0][:instances][0][:tags].each do |tag| st = tag.values.include? end @flag = instance[0][:instances][0][:state].code @instance_id = {instance[0][:instances][0][:instance_id]} end @instance_hash = { dry_run: attributes.dry_run, image_id: attributes.image_id, min_count: 1, max_count: 1, key_name: attributes.key_name, security_group_ids: attributes.security_group_ids, user_data: attributes.user_data, instance_type: attributes.instance_type, kernel_id: attributes.kernel_id, ramdisk_id: attributes.ramdisk_id, block_device_mappings: [ { device_name: attributes.device_name, ebs: { snapshot_id: attributes.snapshot_id, volume_size: attributes.volume_size, delete_on_termination: attributes.delete_on_termination, volume_type: attributes.volume_type, iops: attributes.iops, encrypted: attributes.encrypted, }, }, ], monitoring: { enabled: attributes.monitoring, }, subnet_id: attributes.subnet_id, disable_api_termination: attributes.disable_api_termination, instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior: attributes.instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior, private_ip_address: attributes.private_ip_address, client_token: attributes.client_token, additional_info: attributes.additional_info, iam_instance_profile: { name: attributes.iam_instance_profile, }, ebs_optimized: attributes.ebs_optimized, } logger.debug "created hash =>\n #{@instance_hash.inspect}" end def action_create(options) logger = ItamaeMitsurin.logger if @flag == nil or @flag == 48 resp = @ec2.run_instances(@instance_hash) instance_id = {resp[:instances][0][:instance_id]} logger.color(:green) { "created instance #{instance_id}"} @ec2.create_tags({ resources: instance_id, tags: [ { key: "Name", value:, }, ], }) attributes.tags.each do |tag_h| @ec2.create_tags({ resources: instance_id, tags: [ { key: tag_h.keys.join, value: tag_h.values.join, }, ], }) end logger.color(:green) { "start up to instance #{instance_id}"} @ec2.start_instances(instance_ids: instance_id) resp = @ec2.wait_until(:instance_running, instance_ids: instance_id) do |w| w.interval = 15 w.max_attempts = 60 w.before_wait do |attempts, response| "wait Initializing..." end end sleep 60 logger.color(:green) { "started running instance #{instance_id}"} updated! end end def action_start(options) logger = ItamaeMitsurin.logger unless @flag == nil or @flag == 48 or @flag == 16 @ec2.start_instances(instance_ids: @instance_id) "start up to instance #{@instance_id}" resp = @ec2.wait_until(:instance_running, instance_ids: @instance_id) do |w| w.interval = 15 w.max_attempts = 60 w.before_wait do |attempts, response| "wait Initializing..." end end sleep 60 logger.color(:green) { "started running instance #{@instance_id}"} updated! end end end end end