U: FXMap[f0.80000000000000004FC:FXMapperSettings{"Grid BoxesT"Grid Straight ConnectionsT"Arrow Color" black"Paths as CurvesT"Box Number Color" grey"Edit on CreationF"Location TasksT"Font Objects" Times"Create on ConnectionT" Language"en"Box Border Color" black"Use Room CursorF"Location DescriptionF"Grid Diagonal ConnectionsF"Automatic ConnectionT"Box BG Color" white"Box Darkness Color" grey"Location NumbersT" BG Color"dark grey"Font Text" Times" Mite"0i[U:FXSection[[U: FXRoom["At a Fork in the Path""[ U:FXConnection[ Fii[@,U;["By the Rose Thicket""[ U; [ Fii[@5U;["By the Lilac Bush""[ 0000@;00U; [ Fii[@>U;["In the Small Clearing""[ 000@D0000Fii"OYou immediately feel claustrophobic in this tiny glade. It doesn't help that you are sharing the space with a giant spider. Just as Hespa described, the fearsome arachnid is busy at work, wrapping the still-struggling Bugg in a silky cocoon. Suddenly aware of your presence, the spider fixes its bulbous black eyes on you and hisses.F[iiFii"Here the path culminates at a stout lilac bush bursting with its distinctive amethyst flowers. While the flowers are lovely indeed, your attention is drawn to a striking maiden who sits sobbing on a low branch. Her face is partially obscured by her long, lavender locks.F[ii000@2000Fii"You continue up the path to the north and find yourself standing in front of an unruly thicket of damask roses. Their scent permeates the air, reminding you of Linnea, the girl you almost worked up the courage to ask to the carnival for the Spring Equinox. She always smells like flowers. You wonder what she's doing right now and end up getting lost in daydreams for a moment. The heft of the jewel you're carrying brings you back to reality soon enough. And the faint sound of crying in the distance.F[ii0U; [ Fii[@,U;["By a Cluster of Tulips""[ 0U; [ Fii[@VU;["At the Base of a Dandelion""[ 0U; [ Fii[@_U;["On the Shore of the Pond""[ U; [ Fii[@hU;["At the End of the Path""[ 00U; [ Fii[@qU;["On the Beach""[ U; [ Fii[@zU;["By the Giant Gnome Statue""[ @{000U; [ Fii[@~U;["A Bend in the Path""[ @0U; [ Fii[@U;["Outside the Palace""[ U; [ Fii[@U;["Inside the Palace""[ 0000@000Fi i"You find yourself in the throne room of the palace. The giant translucent dome casts rainbows across every surface. The throne sits empty. The Fairy Prince has instead opted to sit on a bench near the glass, where he can look out over the garden. He smiles up at you as you approach.T[ii00000@0Fi i"The palace-- at long last! Though your parents had described it to you, you still were not prepared for this. The famed Gazing Ball Palace sits atop a tall marble tower, countless stories high. The opalescent sphere shimmers in the sunlight, beckoning you forward.F[ii00000Fi i"nA tall, crimson-capped mushroom stands at a curve in the grass-lined path, providing the surrounding greenery with a bit of shade. On top of it, two chubby caterpillars are taking a nap, apparently sated after an afternoon fungi feast. Next to the lofty shroom, its shorter, squatter twin sits tipped over. Chomp-marks on the base indicate exactly how it was felled.F[ii0U; [ Fii[@z@~[ii0Fi i"It's all almost too much to take in. The wide clearing that you have stumbled into is dominated by a giant statue of a gnome. It's the most peculiar thing you've ever seen and you can only guess what its purpose is. But you are unable to dwell on that for long, because perched on the shoulder of the gnome, high overhead, an ugly hobgoblin is crouched, one bony gray arm wrapped around the gem.F[ii0@000@w0Fi i"The bridge has deposited you on a sandy little beach surrounded by cattails. You look back and see your pollen trail hanging suspended over the water.F[ii0@n000Fi i"You appear to have come to a dead end. The cobblestone walk runs right up to the side of a giant pipe. The steep slope leading down to the water continues to the east.F[ii0U; [ Fii[@h0[ii00@e00Fi i"eHere the dirt path that you've grown accustomed to is replaced by a cobblestone walk. To the east, a steep, rocky slope leads down to the moss-green water. A thick layer of mist has settled over the pond making it difficult to see to the opposite side... your supposed destination. Your mother used to tell you stories about the palace across the pond. It was not so long ago that the Fairy Prince's home was a popular journey destination for adventurous pixies, but now that the fervor has died down over the prince's ascendancy, the once-hazardous hedges seem to hold more of an attraction for young explorers.F[iiU; [ Fii[@_U;["On Top of the Dandelion""[ 00000U; [ Fii[@U;["In the Tulip Turret""[ 0@0000U; [ Fii[@@V[ii0Fi i "hYou find yourself coughing uncontrollably. Your abrupt landing must've knocked all of the pollen loose in the flower-- you're practically swimming in it. You're still hacking when you realize that the black swallowtail is peering in at you, its antennae twitching. It huffs indignantly, apparently unhappy to find an uninvited guest at its favorite snack spot.F[ii@0Fi i" You are standing on the sole bare spot of the dandelion cap, amongst its countless downy white seeds. Up here, you are afforded a better view of the captivating orange tulip to the southwest. A black swallowtail butterfly dips into the fiery goblet for a sip of nectar.F[ii00@\00Fi i"Your stroll to the northeast finds you at the base of the largest dandelion you've ever seen. Tall, lance-like leaves surround its massive stem, which rises up to support a snowy globe of seeds. Beyond the dandelion, to the east, the ground grows marshier and thick with palm sedge.F[ii@000@S0Fii "\A short trip to the east brings you to a lovely cluster of tulips. The giant, cup-shaped flowers sit atop tall, dark green stalks that stretch to about five times your height. Most of the flowers are a deep pink, but one in particular catches your eye. It stands slightly apart from the rest, with bright orange petals that call to mind the pumpkin that the eccentric apothecary from your village had hollowed out for a home. It has apparently caught the interest of a butterfly as well. The black swallowtail is circling back and forth around the flower, occasionally dipping inside for a sip of nectar.F[ii000U; [ Fii[@,0[ii0Fii "hTall grasses line the path that forks off to the north and east. The road back home is to the west.F@V@_@h@q@5@>@G@@@z@~@@@[@2@@S@@\@e@@@n@w@;@D@@@@@@{"ii