{%- assign english = page["eng"] -%} {%- assign localized_term = page[lang] -%} {%- assign term_status = english.entry_status -%} {%- assign classification = english.terms.first.normative_status -%} {%- assign english_authoritative_source = english.sources | get_authoritative -%} {%- assign localized_authoritative_source = localized_term.sources | get_authoritative -%}

{{ lang }}

{% for entry in localized_term.terms %} {%- assign terminological_data = entry | display_terminological_data -%} {%- assign is_preferred = entry | preferred? -%} {%- assign is_abbreviation = entry | abbreviation? -%} {%- assign is_deprecated = entry | deprecated? -%} {% if is_preferred %}

{{ entry.designation | escape }}{{ terminological_data }}

{% elsif is_abbreviation %}

{{ entry.designation | escape }}{{ terminological_data }}

{% elsif is_deprecated %}

DEPRECATED: {{ entry.designation | escape }}{{ terminological_data }}

{% else %}

{{ entry.designation | escape }}{{ terminological_data }}

{% endif %} {% else %}

Translated term missing in this language.

{% endfor %} {% if localized_term.definition %} {% for definition in localized_term.definition %}

{%- if localized_term.domain != blank -%} <{{ localized_term.domain | escape }}>  {%- endif -%} {{ definition.content | escape | resolve_reference_to_links }}

{% endfor %} {% else %}

Definition not provided in this language.

{% endif %} {% if english_authoritative_source.ref != localized_authoritative_source.ref %}

[SOURCE: {{ localized_authoritative_source | display_authoritative_source }}]

This translated term may not be from the same source as the normative term. {% endif %} {% if localized_term.notes %}
{% for note in localized_term.notes %} {% assign notenum = "" %} {% if localized_term.notes.size > 1 %} {% assign notenum = " " | append: forloop.index %} {% endif %}

{{ site.data.lang[lang].note_to_entry | replace: " DD", notenum }} {% if lang != "eng" and note == english.notes[forloop.index0] %} This note has not been translated. {% else %} {{ note.content | escape | resolve_reference_to_links }} {% endif %}

{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if localized_term.examples %}
{% for example in localized_term.examples %}

{{ site.data.lang[lang].example }} {% if localized_term.examples.size > 1 %} {{ forloop.index }} {% endif %} {% if lang != "eng" and example == english.examples[forloop.index0] %} This example has not been translated. {% else %} {{ example.content | escape | resolve_reference_to_links | add_images }} {% endif %}

{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

{% if lang == "eng" %} [SOURCE: {% for source in english.sources %} {{ source | display_authoritative_source }}{% unless forloop.last %};{% endunless %} {%- endfor -%} ] {% else %} ORIGIN: {{ site.data.info.languages[lang].register-name }} (last updated: {{ site.data.info.languages[lang].date-of-last-change }}) {% endif %}

{% if lang == "eng" %} {% endif %}