#ifndef __pg_h #define __pg_h #ifdef RUBY_EXTCONF_H # include RUBY_EXTCONF_H #endif /* System headers */ #include #include #include #if !defined(_WIN32) # include # include #endif #if defined(HAVE_UNISTD_H) && !defined(_WIN32) # include #endif /* HAVE_UNISTD_H */ /* Ruby headers */ #include "ruby.h" #include "ruby/st.h" #include "ruby/encoding.h" #define PG_ENCODING_SET_NOCHECK(obj,i) \ do { \ if ((i) < ENCODING_INLINE_MAX) \ ENCODING_SET_INLINED((obj), (i)); \ else \ rb_enc_set_index((obj), (i)); \ } while(0) #include "ruby/io.h" #ifndef timeradd #define timeradd(a, b, result) \ do { \ (result)->tv_sec = (a)->tv_sec + (b)->tv_sec; \ (result)->tv_usec = (a)->tv_usec + (b)->tv_usec; \ if ((result)->tv_usec >= 1000000L) { \ ++(result)->tv_sec; \ (result)->tv_usec -= 1000000L; \ } \ } while (0) #endif #ifndef timersub #define timersub(a, b, result) \ do { \ (result)->tv_sec = (a)->tv_sec - (b)->tv_sec; \ (result)->tv_usec = (a)->tv_usec - (b)->tv_usec; \ if ((result)->tv_usec < 0) { \ --(result)->tv_sec; \ (result)->tv_usec += 1000000L; \ } \ } while (0) #endif /* PostgreSQL headers */ #include "pg_config.h" #include "libpq-fe.h" #include "libpq/libpq-fs.h" /* large-object interface */ #include "pg_config_manual.h" #if defined(_WIN32) # include typedef long suseconds_t; #endif #if defined(HAVE_VARIABLE_LENGTH_ARRAYS) #define PG_VARIABLE_LENGTH_ARRAY(type, name, len, maxlen) type name[(len)]; #else #define PG_VARIABLE_LENGTH_ARRAY(type, name, len, maxlen) \ type name[(maxlen)] = {(len)>(maxlen) ? (rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Number of " #name " (%d) exceeds allowed maximum of " #maxlen, (len) ), (type)1) : (type)0}; #define PG_MAX_COLUMNS 4000 #endif #ifndef RARRAY_AREF #define RARRAY_AREF(a, i) (RARRAY_PTR(a)[i]) #endif #ifdef HAVE_RB_GC_MARK_MOVABLE #define pg_compact_callback(x) (x) #define pg_gc_location(x) x = rb_gc_location(x) #else #define rb_gc_mark_movable(x) rb_gc_mark(x) #define pg_compact_callback(x) {(x)} #define pg_gc_location(x) UNUSED(x) #endif #define PG_ENC_IDX_BITS 28 /* The data behind each PG::Connection object */ typedef struct { PGconn *pgconn; /* Cached IO object for the socket descriptor */ VALUE socket_io; /* Proc object that receives notices as PG::Result objects */ VALUE notice_receiver; /* Proc object that receives notices as String objects */ VALUE notice_processor; /* Kind of PG::TypeMap object for casting query params */ VALUE type_map_for_queries; /* Kind of PG::TypeMap object for casting result values */ VALUE type_map_for_results; /* IO object internally used for the trace stream */ VALUE trace_stream; /* Kind of PG::Coder object for casting ruby values to COPY rows */ VALUE encoder_for_put_copy_data; /* Kind of PG::Coder object for casting COPY rows to ruby values */ VALUE decoder_for_get_copy_data; /* Ruby encoding index of the client/internal encoding */ int enc_idx : PG_ENC_IDX_BITS; /* flags controlling Symbol/String field names */ unsigned int flags : 2; /* enable automatic flushing of send data at the end of send_query calls */ unsigned int flush_data : 1; #if defined(_WIN32) /* File descriptor to be used for rb_w32_unwrap_io_handle() */ int ruby_sd; #endif } t_pg_connection; typedef struct pg_coder t_pg_coder; typedef struct pg_typemap t_typemap; /* The data behind each PG::Result object */ typedef struct { PGresult *pgresult; /* The connection object used to build this result */ VALUE connection; /* The TypeMap used to type cast result values */ VALUE typemap; /* Pointer to the typemap object data. This is assumed to be * always valid. */ t_typemap *p_typemap; /* Ruby encoding index of the client/internal encoding */ int enc_idx : PG_ENC_IDX_BITS; /* 0 = PGresult is cleared by PG::Result#clear or by the GC * 1 = PGresult is cleared internally by libpq */ unsigned int autoclear : 1; /* flags controlling Symbol/String field names */ unsigned int flags : 2; /* Number of fields in fnames[] . * Set to -1 if fnames[] is not yet initialized. */ int nfields; /* Size of PGresult as published to ruby memory management. */ ssize_t result_size; /* Prefilled tuple Hash with fnames[] as keys. */ VALUE tuple_hash; /* Hash with fnames[] to field number mapping. */ VALUE field_map; /* List of field names as frozen String or Symbol objects. * Only valid if nfields != -1 */ VALUE fnames[0]; } t_pg_result; typedef int (* t_pg_coder_enc_func)(t_pg_coder *, VALUE, char *, VALUE *, int); typedef VALUE (* t_pg_coder_dec_func)(t_pg_coder *, const char *, int, int, int, int); typedef VALUE (* t_pg_fit_to_result)(VALUE, VALUE); typedef VALUE (* t_pg_fit_to_query)(VALUE, VALUE); typedef int (* t_pg_fit_to_copy_get)(VALUE); typedef VALUE (* t_pg_typecast_result)(t_typemap *, VALUE, int, int); typedef t_pg_coder *(* t_pg_typecast_query_param)(t_typemap *, VALUE, int); typedef VALUE (* t_pg_typecast_copy_get)( t_typemap *, VALUE, int, int, int ); #define PG_RESULT_FIELD_NAMES_MASK 0x03 #define PG_RESULT_FIELD_NAMES_SYMBOL 0x01 #define PG_RESULT_FIELD_NAMES_STATIC_SYMBOL 0x02 #define PG_CODER_TIMESTAMP_DB_UTC 0x0 #define PG_CODER_TIMESTAMP_DB_LOCAL 0x1 #define PG_CODER_TIMESTAMP_APP_UTC 0x0 #define PG_CODER_TIMESTAMP_APP_LOCAL 0x2 #define PG_CODER_FORMAT_ERROR_MASK 0xc #define PG_CODER_FORMAT_ERROR_TO_RAISE 0x4 #define PG_CODER_FORMAT_ERROR_TO_STRING 0x8 #define PG_CODER_FORMAT_ERROR_TO_PARTIAL 0xc struct pg_coder { t_pg_coder_enc_func enc_func; t_pg_coder_dec_func dec_func; VALUE coder_obj; Oid oid; int format; /* OR-ed values out of PG_CODER_* */ int flags; }; typedef struct { t_pg_coder comp; t_pg_coder *elem; int needs_quotation; char delimiter; } t_pg_composite_coder; struct pg_typemap { struct pg_typemap_funcs { t_pg_fit_to_result fit_to_result; t_pg_fit_to_query fit_to_query; t_pg_fit_to_copy_get fit_to_copy_get; t_pg_typecast_result typecast_result_value; t_pg_typecast_query_param typecast_query_param; t_pg_typecast_copy_get typecast_copy_get; } funcs; VALUE default_typemap; }; typedef struct { t_typemap typemap; int nfields; struct pg_tmbc_converter { t_pg_coder *cconv; } convs[0]; } t_tmbc; extern const rb_data_type_t pg_typemap_type; extern const rb_data_type_t pg_coder_type; #include "gvl_wrappers.h" /*************************************************************************** * Globals **************************************************************************/ extern int pg_skip_deprecation_warning; extern VALUE rb_mPG; extern VALUE rb_ePGerror; extern VALUE rb_eServerError; extern VALUE rb_eUnableToSend; extern VALUE rb_eConnectionBad; extern VALUE rb_eInvalidResultStatus; extern VALUE rb_eNoResultError; extern VALUE rb_eInvalidChangeOfResultFields; extern VALUE rb_mPGconstants; extern VALUE rb_cPGconn; extern VALUE rb_cPGresult; extern VALUE rb_hErrors; extern VALUE rb_cTypeMap; extern VALUE rb_cTypeMapAllStrings; extern VALUE rb_mDefaultTypeMappable; extern VALUE rb_cPG_Coder; extern VALUE rb_cPG_SimpleEncoder; extern VALUE rb_cPG_SimpleDecoder; extern VALUE rb_cPG_CompositeEncoder; extern VALUE rb_cPG_CompositeDecoder; extern VALUE rb_cPG_CopyCoder; extern VALUE rb_cPG_CopyEncoder; extern VALUE rb_cPG_CopyDecoder; extern VALUE rb_mPG_TextEncoder; extern VALUE rb_mPG_TextDecoder; extern VALUE rb_mPG_BinaryEncoder; extern VALUE rb_mPG_BinaryDecoder; extern VALUE rb_mPG_BinaryFormatting; extern const struct pg_typemap_funcs pg_tmbc_funcs; extern const struct pg_typemap_funcs pg_typemap_funcs; extern VALUE pg_typemap_all_strings; /*************************************************************************** * MACROS **************************************************************************/ #define UNUSED(x) ((void)(x)) #define SINGLETON_ALIAS(klass,new,old) rb_define_alias(rb_singleton_class((klass)),(new),(old)) /*************************************************************************** * PROTOTYPES **************************************************************************/ void Init_pg_ext _(( void )); void init_pg_connection _(( void )); void init_pg_result _(( void )); void init_pg_errors _(( void )); void init_pg_type_map _(( void )); void init_pg_type_map_all_strings _(( void )); void init_pg_type_map_by_class _(( void )); void init_pg_type_map_by_column _(( void )); void init_pg_type_map_by_mri_type _(( void )); void init_pg_type_map_by_oid _(( void )); void init_pg_type_map_in_ruby _(( void )); void init_pg_coder _(( void )); void init_pg_copycoder _(( void )); void init_pg_recordcoder _(( void )); void init_pg_text_encoder _(( void )); void init_pg_text_decoder _(( void )); void init_pg_binary_encoder _(( void )); void init_pg_binary_decoder _(( void )); void init_pg_tuple _(( void )); VALUE lookup_error_class _(( const char * )); VALUE pg_bin_dec_bytea _(( t_pg_coder*, const char *, int, int, int, int )); VALUE pg_text_dec_string _(( t_pg_coder*, const char *, int, int, int, int )); int pg_coder_enc_to_s _(( t_pg_coder*, VALUE, char *, VALUE *, int)); int pg_text_enc_identifier _(( t_pg_coder*, VALUE, char *, VALUE *, int)); t_pg_coder_enc_func pg_coder_enc_func _(( t_pg_coder* )); t_pg_coder_dec_func pg_coder_dec_func _(( t_pg_coder*, int )); void pg_define_coder _(( const char *, void *, VALUE, VALUE )); VALUE pg_obj_to_i _(( VALUE )); VALUE pg_tmbc_allocate _(( void )); void pg_coder_init_encoder _(( VALUE )); void pg_coder_init_decoder _(( VALUE )); void pg_coder_compact _(( void * )); char *pg_rb_str_ensure_capa _(( VALUE, long, char *, char ** )); #define PG_RB_STR_ENSURE_CAPA( str, expand_len, curr_ptr, end_ptr ) \ do { \ if( (curr_ptr) + (expand_len) >= (end_ptr) ) \ (curr_ptr) = pg_rb_str_ensure_capa( (str), (expand_len), (curr_ptr), &(end_ptr) ); \ } while(0); #define PG_RB_STR_NEW( str, curr_ptr, end_ptr ) ( \ (str) = rb_str_new( NULL, 0 ), \ (curr_ptr) = (end_ptr) = RSTRING_PTR(str) \ ) VALUE pg_typemap_fit_to_result _(( VALUE, VALUE )); VALUE pg_typemap_fit_to_query _(( VALUE, VALUE )); int pg_typemap_fit_to_copy_get _(( VALUE )); VALUE pg_typemap_result_value _(( t_typemap *, VALUE, int, int )); t_pg_coder *pg_typemap_typecast_query_param _(( t_typemap *, VALUE, int )); VALUE pg_typemap_typecast_copy_get _(( t_typemap *, VALUE, int, int, int )); void pg_typemap_mark _(( void * )); size_t pg_typemap_memsize _(( const void * )); void pg_typemap_compact _(( void * )); PGconn *pg_get_pgconn _(( VALUE )); t_pg_connection *pg_get_connection _(( VALUE )); VALUE pgconn_block _(( int, VALUE *, VALUE )); VALUE pg_new_result _(( PGresult *, VALUE )); VALUE pg_new_result_autoclear _(( PGresult *, VALUE )); PGresult* pgresult_get _(( VALUE )); VALUE pg_result_check _(( VALUE )); VALUE pg_result_clear _(( VALUE )); VALUE pg_tuple_new _(( VALUE, int )); /* * Fetch the data pointer for the result object */ static inline t_pg_result * pgresult_get_this( VALUE self ) { return RTYPEDDATA_DATA(self); } rb_encoding * pg_get_pg_encoding_as_rb_encoding _(( int )); rb_encoding * pg_get_pg_encname_as_rb_encoding _(( const char * )); const char * pg_get_rb_encoding_as_pg_encoding _(( rb_encoding * )); rb_encoding *pg_conn_enc_get _(( PGconn * )); void notice_receiver_proxy(void *arg, const PGresult *result); void notice_processor_proxy(void *arg, const char *message); /* reports if `-W' specified and PG_SKIP_DEPRECATION_WARNING environment variable isn't set * * message_id identifies the warning, so that it's reported only once. */ #define pg_deprecated(message_id, format_args) \ do { \ if( !(pg_skip_deprecation_warning & (1 << message_id)) ){ \ pg_skip_deprecation_warning |= 1 << message_id; \ rb_warning format_args; \ } \ } while(0); #endif /* end __pg_h */