require 'plist4r/backend_base' module Plist4r::Backend::RubyCocoa class << self def ruby_cocoa_wrapper_rb @ruby_cocoa_wrapper_rb ||= <<-'EOC' #!/usr/bin/ruby include_endpath = "plist4r/mixin/ordered_hash.rb" raise "No path given to include #{include_endpath}" unless ARGV[0] && ARGV[0] =~ /#{include_endpath}$/ ordered_hash_rb = ARGV[0] require ordered_hash_rb class OSX::NSObject def to_ruby case self when OSX::NSDate self.to_time when OSX::NSCFBoolean self.boolValue when OSX::NSNumber self.integer? ? self.to_i : self.to_f when OSX::NSString self.to_s when OSX::NSAttributedString self.string.to_s when OSX::NSArray { |x| x.is_a?(OSX::NSObject) ? x.to_ruby : x } when OSX::NSDictionary h = self.each do |x, y| x = x.to_ruby if x.is_a?(OSX::NSObject) y = y.to_ruby if y.is_a?(OSX::NSObject) h[x] = y end h else self end end end module Plist def to_xml hash # to_plist defaults to NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0 x = hash.to_ruby.to_plist puts "#{x}" end def to_binary hash # Here 200 == NSPropertyListBinaryFormat_v1_0 x = hash.to_ruby.to_plist 200 puts "#{x}" end def open filename plist_dict = ::OSX::NSDictionary.dictionaryWithContentsOfFile(filename) puts "#{plist_dict.to_ruby.inspect}" end def save hash, filename, file_format case file_format.to_sym when :xml x = hash.to_plist # NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0 when :binary x = hash.to_plist 200 # NSPropertyListBinaryFormat_v1_0 when :next_step raise "File format #{file_format.inspect} is not supported by RubyCocoa" else raise "File format #{file_format.inspect} not recognised" end,'w'){ |o| o << x } end end class RubyCocoaWrapper include Plist def exec stdin begin require 'osx/cocoa' instance_eval stdin exit 0 rescue LoadError raise $! rescue raise $! end end end stdin = $ wrapper = wrapper.exec stdin EOC end def ruby_cocoa_exec stdin_str rubycocoa_framework = "/System/Library/Frameworks/RubyCocoa.framework" raise "RubyCocoa Framework not found. Searched in: #{rubycocoa_framework}" unless File.exists? rubycocoa_framework require 'tempfile' require 'plist4r/mixin/popen4' unless @rb_script && File.exists?(@rb_script.path) @rb_script ||="ruby_cocoa_wrapper.rb") do |o| o << ruby_cocoa_rb end File.chmod 0755, @rb_script.path end cmd = @rb_script.path ordered_hash_rb = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "mixin", "ordered_hash.rb") pid, stdin, stdout, stderr = ::Plist4r::Popen4::popen4 cmd, ordered_hash_rb stdin.puts stdin_str stdin.close ignored, status = Process::waitpid2 pid stdout_result = stderr_result = return [cmd, status, stdout_result, stderr_result] end def from_string plist, string raise "method not implemented yet (unfinished)" end def to_xml plist hash = plist.to_hash result = ruby_cocoa_exec "to_xml(\"#{hash}\")" case result[1].exitstatus when 0 xml_string = eval result[2] return xml_string else $stderr.puts result[3] raise "Error executing #{result[0]}. See stderr for more information" end end def to_binary plist hash = plist.to_hash result = ruby_cocoa_exec "to_binary(\"#{hash}\")" case result[1].exitstatus when 0 binary_string = eval result[2] return binary_string else $stderr.puts result[3] raise "Error executing #{result[0]}. See stderr for more information" end end def open plist filename = plist.filename result = ruby_cocoa_exec "open(\"#{filename}\")" case result[1].exitstatus when 0 hash = eval result[2] plist.import_hash hash else $stderr.puts result[3] raise "Error executing #{result[0]}. See stderr for more information" end file_format = Plist4r.file_detect_format filename plist.file_format = file_format return plist end def save hash, filename, file_format filename = plist.filename_path file_format = plist.file_format || Config[:default_format] raise "#{self} - cant save file of format #{file_format}" unless [:xml,:binary].include? file_format hash = plist.to_hash result = ruby_cocoa_exec "save(\"#{hash}\",#{filename},#{file_format})" case result[1].exitstatus when 0 return true else raise "Error executing #{result[0]}. See stderr for more information" end end end end