module Merb module PartsMixin # Dispatches a PartController. # ==== Parameters # opts:: A Hash of Options. (see below) # # ==== Options # An option hash has two parts. # 1. keys that are Merb::PartControllers with values that are action names (as symbols) # 2. key value pairs that will become available in the PartController as params merged # with the web controllers params # # ==== Example # Calling a part controller # {{{ # part TodoPart => :list # }}} # # Calling a part with additional options # {{{ # part TodoPart => :list, :limit => 20, :user => current_user # }}} # # ==== Returns # Returns the result of the PartControllers action, which is a string. def part(opts = {}) # Extract any params out that may have been specified klasses, opts = opts.partition do |k,v| k.respond_to?(:ancestors) && k.ancestors.include?(Merb::PartController) end opts = opts.inject({}) {|h,v| h[v.first] = v.last; h} res = klasses.inject([]) do |memo,(klass,action)| memo <<, opts)._dispatch(action) end res.size == 1 ? res[0] : res end end end