require 'spec_helper' describe Spree::Order, :vcr do let(:gateway) { create(:vzero_gateway, auto_capture: true) } let(:payment) { create(:braintree_vzero_payment, payment_method: gateway) } let(:payment_source) { payment.payment_source } let(:order) { OrderWalkthrough.up_to(:payment) } let(:add_payment_to_order!) { order.payments << payment } describe 'complete with braintree vzero standard payment' do let!(:complete_order!) do add_payment_to_order! 2.times {! } end context 'with auto_capture' do it 'should complete payment' do expect(payment.reload.state).to eq 'completed' end it "should update payment's response_code" do expect(payment.reload.response_code).not_to be_blank end it "should update payment's source state and transaction_id" do expect(payment.reload.source.state).to eq 'submitted_for_settlement' expect(payment.reload.source.transaction_id).not_to be_blank end end context 'without auto_capture' do let(:gateway) { create(:vzero_gateway, auto_capture: false) } it 'should pend payment' do expect(payment.reload.state).to eq 'pending' end it "should update payment's response_code" do expect(payment.reload.response_code).not_to be_blank end it "should update payment's source state and transaction_id" do expect(payment.reload.source.state).to eq 'authorized' expect(payment.reload.source.transaction_id).not_to be_blank end end end describe 'checkout steps' do it 'should not include confirmation step by default' do expect(order.checkout_steps).not_to include 'confirm' end it 'should include payment step by default' do expect(order.checkout_steps).to include 'payment' end context 'with braintree dropin payment' do before { add_payment_to_order! } it 'should include confirmation step' do order.update(state: 'payment') expect(order.confirmation_required?).to be true end it 'should include payment step' do expect(order.checkout_steps).to include 'payment' end end context 'with braintree paypal express payment' do let(:order) { OrderWalkthrough.up_to(:delivery) } let(:gateway) { create(:vzero_paypal_gateway, auto_capture: true) } before { add_payment_to_order! } it 'should not include confirmation step when payed by paypal express from cart' do order.update(state: 'delivery') expect(order.confirmation_required?).to be false end it 'should include confirmation step when payed by paypal express from payment step' do order.update(state: 'payment') expect(order.confirmation_required?).to be true end it 'should not include payment step' do expect(order.checkout_steps).not_to include 'payment' end end end describe 'addresses managment' do let(:country) { create(:country, name: 'Poland', iso: 'PL') } let(:state) { create(:state, name: 'Mazowieckie', abbr: 'MZ', country: country) } context 'paypal addresses' do let(:type) { 'ship_address' } let(:attr) { address_hash.except(:full_name, :country, :state) } let(:address_hash) do { zipcode: '02-796', city: 'Warsaw', address1: 'gder 1/7', address2: '13b', phone: '408-391-8922', full_name: 'Test ree ree Acd', country: 'PL', state: 'MZ' }.with_indifferent_access end let(:prepare_data) do order state end let(:save_paypal_address!) do prepare_data expect(order.ship_address.attributes.slice(*attr)).not_to match address_hash.slice(*attr) order.save_paypal_address(type, address_hash.dup) end shared_examples 'comparable' do it 'should save basic address data without changes' do expect(order.reload.ship_address.attributes.slice(*attr)).to match address_hash.slice(*attr) end it 'should find and set proper country' do expect( eq address_hash[:country] end it 'should split name in proper way' do name_array = address_hash[:full_name].split(' ') last = name_array.slice!(-1) first = name_array.join(' ') expect(order.reload.ship_address.firstname).to eq first expect(order.reload.ship_address.lastname).to eq last end end context 'with state as abbreviation' do before do save_paypal_address! end include_examples 'comparable' it 'should find and set proper state' do expect(order.reload.ship_address.state.abbr).to eq address_hash[:state] end end context 'with state as name' do before do address_hash[:state] = 'MAZOWIECKIE' save_paypal_address! end include_examples 'comparable' it 'should find and set proper state' do expect( eq address_hash[:state].capitalize end end it 'should not include fields with text "undefined"' do address_hash[:address2] = 'undefined' save_paypal_address! expect(order.reload.ship_address.address2).to eq nil end context 'billing address from shipping_address' do it 'should be set when empty' do order.update_column(:bill_address_id, nil) order.set_billing_address expect(order.reload.bill_address.attributes.slice(*attr)).to match order.ship_address.attributes.slice(*attr) end it 'should not be set when exists' do order.set_billing_address expect(order.reload.bill_address.attributes.slice(*attr)).not_to match address_hash.slice(*attr) end end end end end