Feature: run @sudo Scenario: run controller_file Given a file named "hello.rb" with: """ruby class Hello < Trema::Controller def start(_args) logger.info 'Hello' end end """ When I run `trema run hello.rb` interactively Then I stop the command if stdout contains: """ Hello """ @sudo Scenario: "No controller class is defined" error Given a file named "empty.rb" with: """ """ When I trema run "empty.rb" Then the exit status should not be 0 And the stderr should contain: """ No controller class is defined. """ @sudo Scenario: SyntaxError Given a file named "invalid_ruby.rb" with: """ Today is 13 March 2015 """ When I run `trema run invalid_ruby.rb` And the exit status should not be 0 Then the output should contain "(SyntaxError)" @sudo Scenario: NameError Given a file named "invalid_ruby.rb" with: """ruby class InvalidRuby < Trema::Controller Foo Bar Baz end """ When I run `trema run invalid_ruby.rb` Then the exit status should not be 0 And the output should contain "uninitialized constant InvalidRuby::Foo (NameError)" @sudo Scenario: RuntimeError Given a file named "start_fail.rb" with: """ruby class StartFail < Trema::Controller def start(_args) fail 'bang!' end end """ When I run `trema run start_fail.rb` Then the exit status should not be 0 And the output should contain "bang! (RuntimeError)" @sudo Scenario: cleanup on failure Given a file named "switch_ready_fail.rb" with: """ruby class SwitchReadyFail < Trema::Controller def switch_ready(_dpid) fail 'bang!' end end """ When I run `trema -v run switch_ready_fail.rb -c trema.conf` Then virtual links should not exist And the following files should not exist: | SwitchReadyFail.pid | | vhost.host1.pid | | vhost.host2.pid |