class NativeDebugger attr_reader :pid, :main_thread, :process_threads, :pipe # @param executable -- path to ruby interpreter # @param pid -- pid of process you want to debug # @param flags -- flags you want to specify to your debugger as a string (e.g. "-nx -nh" for gdb to disable .gdbinit) def initialize(executable, pid, flags, gems_to_include, debugger_loader_path, argv) @pid = pid @delimiter = '__OUTPUT_FINISHED__' # for getting response @tbreak = '__func_to_set_breakpoint_at' @main_thread = nil @process_threads = nil debase_path = {|gem_path| gem_path =~ /debase/} if debase_path.size == 0 raise 'No debase gem found.' end @path_to_attach = find_attach_lib(debase_path[0]) @gems_to_include = '["' + gems_to_include * '", "' + '"]' @debugger_loader_path = debugger_loader_path @argv = argv @eval_string = "debase_rb_eval(\"require '#{@debugger_loader_path}'; load_debugger(#{@gems_to_include.gsub("\"", "'")}, #{@argv.gsub("\"", "'")})\")" launch_string = "#{self} #{executable} #{flags}" @pipe = IO.popen(launch_string, 'r+') $stdout.puts "executed '#{launch_string}'" end def find_attach_lib(debase_path) attach_lib = debase_path + '/attach' known_extensions = %w(.so .bundle .dll .dylib) known_extensions.each do |ext| if File.file?(attach_lib + ext) return attach_lib + ext end end raise 'Could not find attach library' end def attach_to_process execute "attach #{@pid}" end def execute(command) @pipe.puts command $stdout.puts "executed `#{command}` command inside #{self}." if command == 'q' return '' end get_response end def get_response # we need this hack to understand that debugger gave us all output from last executed command print_delimiter content = '' loop do line = @pipe.readline DebugPrinter.print_debug('respond line: ' + line) break if check_delimiter(line) next if line =~ /\(lldb\)/ # lldb repeats your input to its output content += line end content end def update_threads end def check_already_under_debug end def print_delimiter end def check_delimiter(line) end def switch_to_thread end def set_break(str) end def continue $stdout.puts 'continuing' @pipe.puts 'c' loop do line = @pipe.readline DebugPrinter.print_debug('respond line: ' + line) break if line =~ /#{Regexp.escape(@tbreak)}/ end get_response end def call_start_attach raise 'No main thread found. Did you forget to call `update_threads`?' if @main_thread == nil @main_thread.switch end def wait_line_event call_start_attach continue end def load_debugger end def exited? @pipe.closed? end def exit @pipe.close end def to_s 'native_debugger' end end