require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../test_helper') describe HammerCLI::Output::Adapter::CSValues do let(:adapter) { } it "forbids default pagination" do adapter.paginate_by_default?.must_equal false end context "print_collection" do let(:field_name) { => [:name], :label => "Name") } let(:field_started_at) { => [:started_at], :label => "Started At") } let(:fields) { [field_name, field_started_at] } let(:data) { [{ :name => "John Doe", :started_at => "2000" }]} it "should print column name" do out, err = capture_io { adapter.print_collection(fields, data) } out.must_match /.*Name,Started At.*/ err.must_match // end it "should print field value" do out, err = capture_io { adapter.print_collection(fields, data) } out.must_match /.*John Doe.*/ err.must_match // end context "handle ids" do let(:field_id) { => [:some_id], :label => "Id") } let(:fields) { [field_name, field_id] } let(:data) { [{ :name => "John Doe", :some_id => "2000" }]} it "should ommit column of type Id by default" do out, err = capture_io { adapter.print_collection(fields, data) } out.wont_match(/.*Id.*/) out.wont_match(/.*2000,.*/) end it "should print column of type Id when --show-ids is set" do adapter = { :show_ids => true } ) out, err = capture_io { adapter.print_collection(fields, data) } out.must_match(/.*Id.*/) end end context "handle fields with containers" do let(:demographics) { => [], :label => "Demographics") do from :demographics do field :age, "Age" field :gender, "Gender" label _("Biometrics") do from :biometrics do field :weight, "Weight" field :height, "Height" end end end end } let(:fields) { [field_name, field_started_at, demographics] } let(:data) { [{ :name => "John Doe", :started_at => "2000", :demographics=> { :age => '22', :gender => 'm', :biometrics => { :weight => '123', :height => '155' } } }]} it "should print column names" do out, err = capture_io { adapter.print_collection(fields, data) } out.must_match /.*Demographics::Age,Demographics::Gender,Biometrics::Weight,Biometrics::Height*/ err.must_match // end it "should print data" do out, err = capture_io { adapter.print_collection(fields, data) } out.must_match /.*2000,22,m,123,155*/ err.must_match // end end context "handle fields with collections" do let(:items) { => [:items], :label => "Items") do from :item do field :name, "Item Name" field :quantity, "Item Quantity" end end } let(:fields) { [field_name, field_started_at, items] } let(:data) { [ { :name => "John Doe", :started_at => "2000", :items => [{:item => { :name => 'hammer', :quantity => '100'}}] }, { :name => "Jane Roe", :started_at => "2001", :items => [{:item => { :name => 'cleaver', :quantity => '1'}}, {:item => { :name => 'sledge', :quantity => '50'}}] } ]} it "should print collection column name" do out, err = capture_io { adapter.print_collection(fields, data) } lines = out.split("\n") lines[0].must_equal 'Name,Started At,Items::Item Name::1,Items::Item Quantity::1,Items::Item Name::2,Items::Item Quantity::2' err.must_match // end it "should print collection data" do out, err = capture_io { adapter.print_collection(fields, data) } lines = out.split("\n") lines[1].must_equal 'John Doe,2000,hammer,100,"",""' lines[2].must_equal 'Jane Roe,2001,cleaver,1,sledge,50' err.must_match // end it "should handle empty collection" do out, err = capture_io { adapter.print_collection(fields, []) } lines = out.split("\n") lines[0].must_equal 'Name,Started At,Items' err.must_match // end end context "formatters" do it "should apply formatters" do class DotFormatter < HammerCLI::Output::Formatters::FieldFormatter def format(data, field_params={}) '-DOT-' end end adapter ={}, { :Field => [ ]}) out, err = capture_io { adapter.print_collection(fields, data) } out.must_match(/.*-DOT-.*/) end it "should not replace nil with empty string before it applies formatters" do class NilFormatter < HammerCLI::Output::Formatters::FieldFormatter def format(data, field_params={}) 'NIL' if data.nil? end end adapter ={}, { :Field => [ ]}) nil_data = [{ :name => nil }] out, err = capture_io { adapter.print_collection([field_name], nil_data) } out.must_match(/.*NIL.*/) end end end context "print message" do it "shoud print a message" do proc { adapter.print_message("SOME MESSAGE") }.must_output("Message\nSOME MESSAGE\n", "") end it "should print message, id and name of created/updated record" do proc { adapter.print_message("SOME MESSAGE", "id" => 83, "name" => "new_record") }.must_output("Message,Id,Name\nSOME MESSAGE,83,new_record\n", "") end end end