require 'attachable' require 'parted' require 'state_machine' require 'safe_html' class TravelAdviceEdition include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps include Parted include Attachable field :country_slug, type: String field :title, type: String field :overview, type: String field :version_number, type: Integer field :state, type: String, default: "draft" field :alert_status, type: Array, default: [ ] field :summary, type: String field :change_description, type: String field :minor_update, type: Boolean, default: false field :synonyms, type: Array, default: [ ] # This is the publicly presented publish time. For minor updates, this will be the publish time of the previous version field :published_at, type: Time field :reviewed_at, type: Time embeds_many :actions index [[:country_slug, Mongo::ASCENDING], [:version_number, Mongo::DESCENDING]], :unique => true attaches :image, :document GOVSPEAK_FIELDS = [:summary] ALERT_STATUSES = [ "avoid_all_but_essential_travel_to_parts", "avoid_all_but_essential_travel_to_whole_country", "avoid_all_travel_to_parts", "avoid_all_travel_to_whole_country", ] before_validation :populate_version_number, :on => :create validates_presence_of :country_slug, :title validate :state_for_slug_unique validates :version_number, :presence => true, :uniqueness => { :scope => :country_slug } validate :alert_status_contains_valid_values validate :first_version_cant_be_minor_update validates_with SafeHtml validates_with LinkValidator scope :published, where(:state => "published") class << self; attr_accessor :fields_to_clone end @fields_to_clone = [:title, :country_slug, :overview, :alert_status, :summary, :image_id, :document_id, :synonyms] state_machine initial: :draft do before_transition :draft => :published do |edition, transition| if edition.minor_update previous = edition.previous_version edition.published_at = previous.published_at edition.reviewed_at = previous.reviewed_at edition.change_description = previous.change_description else edition.published_at = edition.reviewed_at = edition.published_at end edition.class.where(country_slug: edition.country_slug, state: 'published').each do |ed| ed.archive end end event :publish do transition draft: :published end event :archive do transition all => :archived, :unless => :archived? end state :published do validate :cannot_edit_published validates_presence_of :change_description, :unless => :minor_update, :message => "can't be blank on publish" end state :archived do validate :cannot_edit_archived end end def indexable_content strings = [] parts.each do |part| strings << part.title << end strings.join(" ").strip end def build_clone new_edition = self.class.fields_to_clone.each do |attr| new_edition[attr] = self.read_attribute(attr) end = new_edition end def build_action_as(user, action_type, comment = nil) => user, :request_type => action_type, :comment => comment) end def publish_as(user) comment = self.minor_update ? 'Minor update' : build_action_as(user, Action::PUBLISH, comment) && publish end def previous_version self.class.where(:country_slug => self.country_slug, => self.version_number).order_by([:version_number, :desc]).first end private def state_for_slug_unique if %w(published draft).include?(self.state) and self.class.where( => id, :country_slug => country_slug, :state => state).any? errors.add(:state, :taken) end end def populate_version_number if self.version_number.nil? and ! self.country_slug.nil? and ! self.country_slug.empty? if latest_edition = self.class.where(:country_slug => self.country_slug).order_by([:version_number, :desc]).first self.version_number = latest_edition.version_number + 1 else self.version_number = 1 end end end def cannot_edit_published if anything_other_than_state_changed?('reviewed_at') and self.state_was != 'draft' errors.add(:state, "must be draft to modify") end end def cannot_edit_archived if anything_other_than_state_changed? errors.add(:state, "must be draft to modify") end end def anything_other_than_state_changed?(*additional_allowed_fields) self.changed? and ((changes.keys - ['state'] - additional_allowed_fields) != [] or end def alert_status_contains_valid_values self.alert_status.each do |status| errors.add(:alert_status, "is not in the list") unless ALERT_STATUSES.include?(status) end end def first_version_cant_be_minor_update if self.minor_update and self.version_number == 1 errors.add(:minor_update, "can't be set for first version") end end end