describe Appsignal::Hooks::SidekiqPlugin do let(:worker) { double } let(:queue) { double } let(:current_transaction) { background_job_transaction } let(:args) { ["Model", 1] } let(:item) do { "class" => "TestClass", "retry_count" => 0, "queue" => "default", "enqueued_at" => Time.parse("01-01-2001 10:00:00UTC"), "args" => args, "extra" => "data" } end let(:plugin) { } before do allow(Appsignal::Transaction).to receive(:current).and_return(current_transaction) start_agent end context "with a performance call" do after do Timecop.freeze(Time.parse("01-01-2001 10:01:00UTC")) do, item, queue) do # nothing end end end it "wraps it in a transaction with the correct params" do expect(Appsignal).to receive(:monitor_transaction).with( "perform_job.sidekiq", :class => "TestClass", :method => "perform", :metadata => { "retry_count" => "0", "queue" => "default", "extra" => "data" }, :params => ["Model", 1], :queue_start => Time.parse("01-01-2001 10:00:00UTC"), :queue_time => 60_000.to_f ) end context "with more complex arguments" do let(:default_params) do { :class => "TestClass", :method => "perform", :metadata => { "retry_count" => "0", "queue" => "default", "extra" => "data" }, :params => { :foo => "Foo", :bar => "Bar" }, :queue_start => Time.parse("01-01-2001 10:00:00UTC"), :queue_time => 60_000.to_f } end let(:args) do { :foo => "Foo", :bar => "Bar" } end it "adds the more complex arguments" do expect(Appsignal).to receive(:monitor_transaction).with( "perform_job.sidekiq", default_params.merge( :params => { :foo => "Foo", :bar => "Bar" } ) ) end context "with parameter filtering" do before do Appsignal.config = project_fixture_config("production") Appsignal.config[:filter_parameters] = ["foo"] end it "filters selected arguments" do expect(Appsignal).to receive(:monitor_transaction).with( "perform_job.sidekiq", default_params.merge( :params => { :foo => "[FILTERED]", :bar => "Bar" } ) ) end end end context "when wrapped by ActiveJob" do let(:item) do { "class" => "ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::SidekiqAdapter::JobWrapper", "wrapped" => "TestClass", "queue" => "default", "args" => [{ "job_class" => "TestJob", "job_id" => "23e79d48-6966-40d0-b2d4-f7938463a263", "queue_name" => "default", "arguments" => args }], "retry" => true, "jid" => "efb140489485999d32b5504c", "created_at" => Time.parse("01-01-2001 10:00:00UTC").to_f, "enqueued_at" => Time.parse("01-01-2001 10:00:00UTC").to_f } end let(:default_params) do { :class => "TestClass", :method => "perform", :metadata => { "queue" => "default" }, :queue_start => Time.parse("01-01-2001 10:00:00UTC").to_f, :queue_time => 60_000.to_f } end it "wraps it in a transaction with the correct params" do expect(Appsignal).to receive(:monitor_transaction).with( "perform_job.sidekiq", default_params.merge(:params => ["Model", 1]) ) end context "with more complex arguments" do let(:args) do { :foo => "Foo", :bar => "Bar" } end it "adds the more complex arguments" do expect(Appsignal).to receive(:monitor_transaction).with( "perform_job.sidekiq", default_params.merge( :params => { :foo => "Foo", :bar => "Bar" } ) ) end context "with parameter filtering" do before do Appsignal.config = project_fixture_config("production") Appsignal.config[:filter_parameters] = ["foo"] end it "filters selected arguments" do expect(Appsignal).to receive(:monitor_transaction).with( "perform_job.sidekiq", default_params.merge( :params => { :foo => "[FILTERED]", :bar => "Bar" } ) ) end end end end end context "with an erroring call" do let(:error) { ExampleException } let(:transaction) do SecureRandom.uuid, Appsignal::Transaction::BACKGROUND_JOB,{}) ) end before do allow(Appsignal::Transaction).to receive(:current).and_return(transaction) expect(Appsignal::Transaction).to receive(:create) .with( kind_of(String), Appsignal::Transaction::BACKGROUND_JOB, kind_of(Appsignal::Transaction::GenericRequest) ).and_return(transaction) end it "adds the error to the transaction" do expect(transaction).to receive(:set_error).with(error) expect(transaction).to receive(:complete) end after do expect do Timecop.freeze(Time.parse("01-01-2001 10:01:00UTC")) do, item, queue) do raise error end end raise_error(error) end end # TODO: Don't test (what are basically) private methods describe "#formatted_data" do let(:item) do { "foo" => "bar", "class" => "TestClass" } end it "only adds items to the hash that do not appear in JOB_KEYS" do expect(plugin.formatted_metadata(item)).to eq("foo" => "bar") end end end describe Appsignal::Hooks::SidekiqHook do context "with sidekiq" do before :context do module Sidekiq def self.configure_server end end end after(:context) { Object.send(:remove_const, :Sidekiq) } describe "#dependencies_present?" do subject { } it { be_truthy } end end context "without sidekiq" do describe "#dependencies_present?" do subject { } it { be_falsy } end end end