module BigSimon # @todo These don't have unit tests yet. # @note Skips any duplicate IDs. Only keeps the first one. class Utils def self.check_file! fname Rya::AbortIf.abort_if fname && !File.exist?(fname), "#{fname} doesn't exist! Try big_simon --help for help." end def self.check_opt! opts, arg Rya::AbortIf.abort_unless opts.send(:fetch, "#{arg}_given".to_sym), "You must specify --#{'_', '-')}. Try big_simon --help for help." end def self.rcode fnames functions = %Q| library(reshape2) library(gplots) library(RColorBrewer) file.join <- function(...) { paste(..., sep="/") } draw.heatmap <- function(infname, outfname) { dat <- read.table(infname, header=T, sep="\t") wide.dat <- dcast(dat, host ~ virus, value.var="score") hosts <- wide.dat[, 1] scores <- wide.dat[, 2:ncol(wide.dat)] scores.numeric <- apply(scores, 2, as.numeric) scores.matrix <- as.matrix(scores.numeric) rownames(scores.matrix) <- hosts palette <- "YlOrBr" col <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(n=9, palette))(n = 25) size <- 0.75 pdf(outfname, height=5, width=8) heatmap.2(scores.matrix, trace="none", ## Disable those wonky lines. col=col, ## Set the color. ## Size opts margins=c(11, 11), cexRow=size, cexCol=size, ## Key labeling key.xlab="Score") invisible( } | drawing = do |in_fname, out_fname| %Q{ draw.heatmap("#{in_fname}", "#{out_fname}") } end.join [functions, drawing].join "\n" end def self.scale_log_likelihood ll 1 - Math.exp(ll) end # @note I also rename all the sequences in the tmp fasta files with the new ID. def self.set_up_tmp_dirs fastas, tmpdir, which Object::FileUtils.mkdir_p tmpdir name_map = {} all_ids = seq_num = -1 fastas.each do |fname| do |rec| if all_ids.include? Rya::AbortIf.logger.warn { "#{} was seen more than one time! Duplicate organism IDs are not allowed, so we will only keep the first one." } else all_ids << seq_num += 1 new_id = "#{which}_#{seq_num}" name_map[new_id] = outfname = File.join tmpdir, "#{new_id}.fa", "w") do |f| f.puts ">#{new_id}\n#{rec.seq}" # TODO HERE end end end end [name_map, all_ids] end def self.strip_suffix fname fname.sub /.fasta$|.fa$/, "" end end end