require "spec_helper" MetricFu.metrics_require { "rails_best_practices/generator" } describe RailsBestPracticesGenerator do break if metric_not_activated?(:rails_best_practices) describe "emit method" do let(:analyzer) {".", "silent" => true) } context "RailsBestPractices provides the expected API" do it { expect(analyzer).to respond_to :analyze } it { expect(analyzer).to respond_to :errors } end end describe "analyze method" do let(:error) { } context "RailsBestPractices provdies the expected API" do it { expect(error).to respond_to :filename } it { expect(error).to respond_to :line_number } it { expect(error).to respond_to :message } it { expect(error).to respond_to :url } end end describe "to_h method" do it "should put things into a hash" do {} practices = practices.instance_variable_set(:@rails_best_practices_results, "the_practices") expect(practices.to_h[:rails_best_practices]).to eq("the_practices") end end end