#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'net/http' require 'uri' require 'yajl' require 'date' module Aws class RiKanjoo attr_reader :region, :instance_type def initialize(region="us-west", instance_type="t1.micro", ri_util="medium") @region = region @instance_type = instance_type @ri_util = ri_util @om_info = Hash.new @ri_info = Hash.new end def om_get_hr_price region = @region instance_type = @instance_type json = nil ondemandjson_data = nil # not same ri region case region when "us-west-1" region = "us-west" when "eu-west-1" region = "eu-ireland" when "ap-southeast-1" region = "apac-sin" when "ap-northeast-1" region = "apac-tokyo" when "ap-southeast-2" region = "apac-syd" when "sa-east-1" region = "sa-east-1" end # TODO: merge om and ri uri = URI.parse('http://a0.awsstatic.com/pricing/1/ec2/linux-od.min.js') Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port) do |http| response = http.get(uri.request_uri) json = response.body end # parse json = json.gsub("/*\n * This file is intended for use only on aws.amazon.com. We do not guarantee its availability or accuracy.\n *\n * Copyright 2014 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.\n */\ncallback({vers:0.01,",'{').gsub("\);", '').gsub(/([a-zA-Z]+):/, '"\1":') ondemand_json_data = Yajl::Parser.parse(json) # select 'region' and 'instance_type' ondemand_json_data["config"]["regions"].each do |r| # r = {"region"=>"us-east", "instanceTypes"=>[{"type"=>"generalCurrentGen", ... next unless r["region"] == region r["instanceTypes"].each do |type| # type = {"type"=>"generalCurrentGen", "sizes"=>[{"size"=>"m3.medium", "vCPU"=>"1" ... type["sizes"].each do |i| next unless i["size"] == instance_type @om_info = {:hr_price => i["valueColumns"][0]["prices"]["USD"]} end end end # :hr_price => price return @om_info end def ri_get_hr_price_and_upfront region = @region # not same om region case region when "us-west" region = "us-west-1" when "eu-ireland" region = "eu-west-1" when "apac-sin" region = "ap-southeast-1" when "apac-tokyo" region = "ap-northeast-1" when "apac-syd" region = "ap-southeast-2" when "sa-east-1" region = "sa-east-1" end get_ri_price end def get_ri_price ri_util = @ri_util region = @region instance_type = @instance_type json = nil reservedjson_data = nil uri = URI.parse("http://a0.awsstatic.com/pricing/1/ec2/linux-ri-#{ri_util}.min.js") Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port) do |http| response = http.get(uri.request_uri) json = response.body end json = json.gsub("/*\n * This file is intended for use only on aws.amazon.com. We do not guarantee its availability or accuracy.\n *\n * Copyright 2014 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.\n */\ncallback({vers:0.01,",'{').gsub("\);", '').gsub(/([a-zA-Z]+):/, '"\1":') reservedjson_data = Yajl::Parser.parse(json) reservedjson_data["config"]["regions"].each do |r| next unless r["region"] == region r["instanceTypes"].each do |type| type["sizes"].each do |i| next unless i["size"] == instance_type i["valueColumns"].each do |y| case y["name"] when "yrTerm1" @ri_info[ri_util] = {:upfront => y["prices"]["USD"]} when "yrTerm1Hourly" @ri_info[ri_util].store(:hr_price, y["prices"]["USD"]) end end end end end # exp. {"light"=>{:upfront=>"270", :hr_price=>"0.206"}} return @ri_info end def calc_year_cost om_hr_price = @om_info[:hr_price].to_f ri_hr_price = @ri_info[@ri_util][:hr_price].to_f upfront = @ri_info[@ri_util][:upfront].to_f om_day_paid = (om_hr_price * 24).to_f ri_day_paid = (ri_hr_price * 24).to_f sum_om_price = om_day_paid sum_ri_price = ri_day_paid + upfront 365.times.each do |d| d = d + 1 sum_om_price = sum_om_price + om_day_paid sum_ri_price = sum_ri_price + ri_day_paid if sum_ri_price < sum_om_price @ri_info[@ri_util].store(:sweet_spot_price, sum_ri_price.round(2)) @ri_info[@ri_util].store(:sweet_spot_start_day, d) break end end total_om_price = (om_day_paid * 365).round(2) @om_info.store(:yr_price, total_om_price) total_ri_price = ((ri_day_paid * 365) + upfront).round(2) @ri_info[@ri_util].store(:yr_price, total_ri_price) # exp. @om_info = {:hr_price=>"0.350", :yr_price=>3066.0} # exp. @ri_info = {"ri_util"=>{:upfront=>"NNN", :hr_price=>"NNN", # :sweet_spot_price=>NNN, :sweet_spot_start_day=>78, :yr_price=>2074.56}} return @om_info, @ri_info end def total_cost_year om_get_hr_price ri_get_hr_price_and_upfront calc_year_cost discount_per = (100 - ((@ri_info[@ri_util][:yr_price] / @om_info[:yr_price]) * 100)).round(2) sweet_spot_date = Date.today + @ri_info[@ri_util][:sweet_spot_start_day] puts "\"region\" : #{@region}" puts "\"instance_type\" : #{@instance_type}" puts "\"ri_util\" : #{@ri_util}" puts "\"discont percent (percent)\" : #{discount_per}" puts "\"ondemand hour price (doller)\" : #{@om_info[:hr_price]}" puts "\"reserved hour price (doller)\" : #{@ri_info[@ri_util][:hr_price]}" puts "\"ondemand year price (doller)\" : #{@om_info[:yr_price]}" puts "\"reserved year price (doller)\" : #{@ri_info[@ri_util][:yr_price]}" puts "\"reserved upfront (doller)\" : #{@ri_info[@ri_util][:upfront]}" puts "\"sweet spot day (day)\" : #{@ri_info[@ri_util][:sweet_spot_start_day]}" puts "\"sweet spot date (date)\" : #{sweet_spot_date}" puts "\"sweet spot price (doller)\" : #{@ri_info[@ri_util][:sweet_spot_price]}" end end end # m = Aws::RiKanjoo.new(region = "ap-northeast-1", instance_type = "m3.large", ri_util = "medium") # m.total_cost_year # "region" : ap-northeast-1 # "instance_type" : m1.large # "ri_util" : light # "discont percent (percent)" : 32.34 # "ondemand hour price (doller)" : 0.350 # "reserved hour price (doller)" : 0.206 # "ondemand year price (doller)" : 3066.0 # "reserved year price (doller)" : 2074.56 # "reserved upfront (doller)" : 270 # "sweet spot day (day)" : 78 # "sweet spot date (date)" : 2014-07-17 # "sweet spot price (doller)" : 660.58